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crypto content bundle

charlie schwab 1 year ago
1 changed files with 2 additions and 72 deletions
  1. 2 72

+ 2 - 72

@@ -260,82 +260,12 @@ content:
   categories: # List of display categories to be used in the app. Those are local to the application and are related to metaprotocol categories via 'videoCategories' array.
     - id: '1' # Local category ID
-      name: 'Investing' # Display name of the category
+      name: 'Cryptocurrency' # Display name of the category
       color: '#5A7AEE' # Color used in the UI for this category
       iconUrl: '' # URL for category icon SVG
       coverImgUrl: '' # URL for category cover image
-      videoCategories: ['254433-2'] # List of metaprotocol category IDs that should be included in this display category
+      videoCategories: ['254433-2','254434-2','254435-2','254436-2','254437-2','254438-2','254441-2','254445-2','254446-2','254450-2','887567-2'] # List of metaprotocol category IDs that should be included in this display category
       defaultVideoCategory: '254433-2'
-    - id: '2'
-      name: 'Podcasts'
-      color: '#E7BE2D'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254434-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254434-2'
-    - id: '3'
-      name: 'Conferences'
-      color: '#E57827'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254435-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254435-2'
-    - id: '4'
-      name: 'Reviews'
-      color: '#BDE933'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254436-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254436-2'
-    - id: '5'
-      name: 'Tutorials'
-      color: '#54A7F0'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254437-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254437-2'
-    - id: '6'
-      name: 'News'
-      color: '#DD379D'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254438-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254438-2'
-    - id: '7'
-      name: 'Memes'
-      color: '#D92E61'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254441-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254441-2'
-    - id: '8'
-      name: 'Interviews'
-      color: '#41EE5A'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254445-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254445-2'
-    - id: '9'
-      name: 'Analysis'
-      color: '#9455E8'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254446-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254446-2'
-    - id: '10'
-      name: 'Trading'
-      color: '#6E5FEC'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['254450-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '254450-2'
-    - id: '11'
-      name: 'Crypto art'
-      color: '#BD4BE4'
-      iconUrl: ''
-      coverImgUrl: ''
-      videoCategories: ['887567-2']
-      defaultVideoCategory: '887567-2'
     - id: '12'
       name: 'Education'
       color: '#48F0B3'