import { load as loadYaml } from 'js-yaml' import fs from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import { PluginOption, loadEnv } from 'vite' // we need to use relative import from atlas-meta-server because of an issue in Vite: import { generateCommonMetaTags } from '../../atlas-meta-server/src/tags' import { generateMetaHtml } from '../../atlas-meta-server/src/utils' import { configSchema } from '../src/config/configSchema' // read config file - we cannot use `@/config` since it relies on YAML plugin being already loaded and that's not done in this context const rawConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'atlas.config.yml') const rawConfigText = fs.readFileSync(rawConfigPath, 'utf-8') const rawConfig = loadYaml(rawConfigText) const parsedConfig = configSchema.parse(rawConfig) // This plugin fixes // By default vite was transpiling `import.meta.url` (that you can find in `node_modules/@polkadot/api/packageInfo.js`) // to the code which uses `document.baseURI`. `Document` is not available in workers and in the result we got reference errors. // This plugin replace `document.baseURI` with `self.location.href` which should be available in the worker export const PolkadotWorkerMetaFixPlugin: PluginOption = { name: 'resolve-import-meta-polkadot', resolveImportMeta(_, { chunkId }) { if (chunkId.includes('polkadot-worker')) { return 'self.location.href' } }, } // This plugin overrides the name property in manifest.webmanifest file export const AtlasWebmanifestPlugin: PluginOption = { name: 'atlas-webmanifest', buildStart() { const inputManifestPath = path.resolve('src/public/manifest.webmanifest') const manifestData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(inputManifestPath, `utf-8`)) Object.assign(manifestData, { name: parsedConfig.general.appName, }) try { this.emitFile({ type: 'asset', source: JSON.stringify(manifestData, null, 2), fileName: path.normalize('manifest.webmanifest'), }) } catch (err) { throw new Error('Failed to emit asset file, possibly a naming conflict?') } }, } // This plugin replaces in index.html with the actual meta tags export const AtlasHtmlMetaTagsPlugin: PluginOption = { name: 'atlas-html-meta-tags', transformIndexHtml: { enforce: 'pre', transform: (html: string) => { const metaTags = generateCommonMetaTags( parsedConfig.general.appName, parsedConfig.general.appUrl, parsedConfig.general.appName, parsedConfig.general.appDescription, parsedConfig.general.appOgImgPath, parsedConfig.general.appTwitterId ) const titleHtml = `${parsedConfig.general.appName}` const metaHtml = generateMetaHtml(metaTags, true) // include link to Orion GraphQL API so that atlas-meta-server can use it to fetch data for content previews const orionUrlEnvKey = 'VITE_PRODUCTION_ORION_URL' const orionUrl = process.env[orionUrlEnvKey] || loadEnv('production', path.join(process.cwd(), 'src'))[orionUrlEnvKey] const generateMetaTagHtml = (name: string, content: string) => `` const orionMetaHtml = generateMetaTagHtml('atlas:orion_url', orionUrl) const yppOgTitleMetaHtml = parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgTitle && generateMetaTagHtml('atlas:ypp_og_title', parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgTitle) const yppOgDescriptionMetaHtml = parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgDescription && generateMetaTagHtml('atlas:ypp_og_description', parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgDescription) const yppOgImageMetaHtml = parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgImgPath && generateMetaTagHtml('atlas:ypp_og_image', parsedConfig.features.ypp.landingPageOgImgPath) const finalMetaHtml = [ titleHtml, metaHtml, orionMetaHtml, yppOgTitleMetaHtml, yppOgDescriptionMetaHtml, yppOgImageMetaHtml, ] .filter((v) => v) .join('\n') return html.replace('', finalMetaHtml) }, }, } // This plugin enables /embedded path in development mode. // Without this, dev server will always try to serve main index.html file export const EmbeddedFallbackPlugin: PluginOption = { name: 'embedded-fallback', configureServer(server) { server.middlewares.use('/embedded', (req, res, next) => { if (req.url?.includes('.')) { next() return } req.url = '/index.html' req.originalUrl = '/embedded/index.html' next() }) }, } export const OptimizePlugin: PluginOption = { name: 'optimize-init-plugin', transformIndexHtml: { enforce: 'pre', transform: (html) => { const optimizeEnv = 'VITE_OPTIMIZE_ID' const optimizeId = process.env[optimizeEnv] || loadEnv('production', path.join(process.cwd(), 'src'))[optimizeEnv] const optimizeScript = optimizeId ? `` : '' return html.replace('', optimizeScript) }, }, }