const config = require('./figma-import.config') const path = require('path') const readline = require('readline') const fs = require('fs').promises const { kebabCase } = require('lodash') const { getImageContent, getNodeChildren, getSvgImageUrl } = require('./utils/api') const type = process.argv.slice(2)[0] === '--icons' ? 'icons' : 'illustrations' const filesDir = path.resolve(`src/assets/${type}/svgs`) let counter = 0 const checkIfFileExists = async (path) => { try { await fs.access(path) return true } catch { return false } } const prompt = async (query) => { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }) const question = (query) => new Promise((resolve) => rl.question(query, (answer) => { resolve(answer) rl.close() }) ) return question(query) } /** * removes array of files * */ const deleteFiles = async (files) => { for (const file of files) { try { const path = `${filesDir}/${file}.svg` const fileExists = await checkIfFileExists(path) if (fileExists) { await fs.unlink(path) console.log(`${file}.svg successfully deleted!`) } } catch (err) { console.error(`Error while deleting ${file}.svg`) } } } /** * clear files dir * */ const clearFilesDir = async () => { try { await fs.readdir(filesDir).then((files) => Promise.all( => fs.unlink(`${filesDir}/${file}`)))) console.log(`${filesDir} successfully cleared!`) } catch (err) { console.error(`Error while clearing ${filesDir}`) } } /** * generate icon/illustration content * [fileName].svg files * * @param {object} svgNode * @param {number} total * @return {Promise} */ const generateIconOrIllustration = async (svgNode, total) => { const fileUrl = await getSvgImageUrl( const fileName = kebabCase( try { await fs.access(filesDir) } catch (error) { await fs.mkdir(filesDir) } const { data: fileContent } = await getImageContent(fileUrl) await Promise.all([await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(filesDir, `${fileName}.svg`), fileContent, 'utf-8')]) counter++ process.stdout.write(` ${counter}/${total} files has been saved\r`) if (counter === total) {'All svgs has been saved') } } /** * generate icons/illustrations components * * @param {[Object]} svgNodesArr - array of svgs from frame * @return {Promise} */ const generateIconsOrIllustrations = async (svgNodesArr) => { try { await Promise.all(, index) => { setTimeout(() => generateIconOrIllustration(item, svgNodesArr.length), 1000 * index) }) ) } catch (err) { console.error('Error while generating icons', err) } } const main = async () => { try { const shouldRegenerateAllFiles = await prompt('Do you want to import all files? (y/n) ') let arrayOfFilesToGenerate = [] if (shouldRegenerateAllFiles === 'n') { const filesToGenerate = shouldRegenerateAllFiles && (await prompt('Which files do you want to import? (Provide string-separated string with no .svg extension) ')) arrayOfFilesToGenerate = filesToGenerate.split(' ') await deleteFiles(arrayOfFilesToGenerate) } else { await clearFilesDir() } const filesNodesArr = await getNodeChildren( type === 'icons' ? config.FRAME_WITH_ICONS_ID : config.FRAME_WITH_ILLUSTRATIONS_ID ) const nodesToGenerate = filesNodesArr.filter((node) => arrayOfFilesToGenerate.length ? arrayOfFilesToGenerate.includes( : true ) if (!nodesToGenerate?.length) { console.error('No nodes found') return } await generateIconsOrIllustrations(nodesToGenerate) } catch (e) { console.error('Unhandled error', e) } } module.exports = main