@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
+import styled from '@emotion/styled'
+import { VideoFields } from '@/api/queries/__generated__/VideoFields'
+import { spacing, typography } from '../../theme'
+import { VideoPreview, VideoPreviewBase } from '..'
+import sizes from '@/shared/theme/sizes'
+import { debounce } from 'lodash'
+type InfiniteVideoGridProps = {
+ title?: string
+ videos?: VideoFields[]
+ loadVideos: (offset: number, limit: number) => void
+ className?: string
+const INITIAL_ROWS = 2
+const VIDEOS_PER_ROW = 4
+const InfiniteVideoGrid: React.FC<InfiniteVideoGridProps> = ({ title, videos, loadVideos, className }) => {
+ // TODO: base this on the container width and some responsive items/row
+ const videosPerRow = VIDEOS_PER_ROW
+ const [currentRowsCount, setCurrentRowsCount] = useState(INITIAL_ROWS)
+ const targetVideosCount = currentRowsCount * videosPerRow
+ const loadedVideosCount = videos?.length || 0
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (targetVideosCount > loadedVideosCount) {
+ const missingVideosCount = targetVideosCount - loadedVideosCount
+ loadVideos(loadedVideosCount, missingVideosCount)
+ // TODO: handle a situation when there are no more videos to fetch
+ // this will require query node to provide some pagination metadata (total items count at minimum)
+ }
+ }, [loadedVideosCount, targetVideosCount, loadVideos])
+ const videoRowsCount = Math.floor(loadedVideosCount / videosPerRow)
+ const displayedVideos = videos?.slice(0, videoRowsCount * videosPerRow) || []
+ const placeholderRowsCount = currentRowsCount - videoRowsCount
+ const placeholdersCount = placeholderRowsCount * videosPerRow
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const scrollHandler = debounce(() => {
+ const scrolledToBottom =
+ window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop === document.documentElement.offsetHeight
+ if (scrolledToBottom && placeholdersCount === 0) {
+ setCurrentRowsCount(currentRowsCount + 2)
+ }
+ }, 100)
+ window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
+ return () => {
+ window.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
+ }
+ }, [currentRowsCount, placeholdersCount])
+ const gridContent = (
+ <>
+ {displayedVideos.map((v, idx) => (
+ <StyledVideoPreview
+ title={v.title}
+ channelName={v.channel.handle}
+ createdAt={v.publishedOnJoystreamAt}
+ views={v.views}
+ posterURL={v.thumbnailURL}
+ key={`${v.id}-${idx}`} // TODO: remove idx from key once we get the real data without duplicated IDs
+ />
+ ))}
+ {Array.from({ length: placeholdersCount }, (_, idx) => (
+ <StyledVideoPreviewBase key={idx} />
+ ))}
+ </>
+ )
+ return (
+ <section className={className}>
+ {title && <Title>{title}</Title>}
+ <Grid videosPerRow={videosPerRow}>{gridContent}</Grid>
+ </section>
+ )
+const Title = styled.h4`
+ margin: 0 0 ${sizes.b4};
+ font-size: ${typography.sizes.h5};
+const StyledVideoPreview = styled(VideoPreview)`
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ width: 100%;
+const StyledVideoPreviewBase = styled(VideoPreviewBase)`
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ width: 100%;
+const Grid = styled.div<{ videosPerRow: number }>`
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: repeat(${({ videosPerRow }) => videosPerRow}, 1fr);
+ grid-gap: ${spacing.xl};
+export default InfiniteVideoGrid