@@ -1,137 +1,134 @@
import * as Types from './baseTypes.generated'
import * as Types from './baseTypes.generated'
+import { DataObjectFieldsFragment, DataObjectFieldsFragmentDoc } from './shared.generated'
import { BasicChannelFieldsFragment, BasicChannelFieldsFragmentDoc } from './channels.generated'
import { BasicChannelFieldsFragment, BasicChannelFieldsFragmentDoc } from './channels.generated'
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'
import { gql } from '@apollo/client'
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'
-export type VideoMediaFieldsFragment = {
- __typename: 'VideoMedia'
+export type VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragment = {
+ __typename?: 'VideoMediaMetadata'
id: string
id: string
- pixelHeight: number
- pixelWidth: number
- location:
- | { __typename: 'JoystreamMediaLocation'; dataObjectId: string }
- | { __typename: 'HttpMediaLocation'; url: string }
+ pixelHeight?: Types.Maybe<number>
+ pixelWidth?: Types.Maybe<number>
export type LicenseFieldsFragment = {
export type LicenseFieldsFragment = {
- __typename: 'LicenseEntity'
+ __typename?: 'License'
id: string
id: string
+ code?: Types.Maybe<number>
attribution?: Types.Maybe<string>
attribution?: Types.Maybe<string>
- type:
- | { __typename: 'UserDefinedLicense'; content: string }
- | { __typename: 'KnownLicense'; code: string; url?: Types.Maybe<string> }
+ customText?: Types.Maybe<string>
export type VideoFieldsFragment = {
export type VideoFieldsFragment = {
- __typename: 'Video'
+ __typename?: 'Video'
id: string
id: string
- title: string
- description: string
+ title?: Types.Maybe<string>
+ description?: Types.Maybe<string>
views?: Types.Maybe<number>
views?: Types.Maybe<number>
- duration: number
- thumbnailUrl: string
+ duration?: Types.Maybe<number>
createdAt: Date
createdAt: Date
- category: { __typename: 'Category'; id: string }
- media: { __typename: 'VideoMedia' } & VideoMediaFieldsFragment
- channel: { __typename: 'Channel'; id: string; avatarPhotoUrl?: Types.Maybe<string>; handle: string }
- license: { __typename: 'LicenseEntity' } & LicenseFieldsFragment
+ isPublic?: Types.Maybe<boolean>
+ isExplicit?: Types.Maybe<boolean>
+ isFeatured: boolean
+ hasMarketing?: Types.Maybe<boolean>
+ isCensored: boolean
+ publishedBeforeJoystream?: Types.Maybe<Date>
+ mediaUrls: Array<string>
+ mediaAvailability: Types.AssetAvailability
+ thumbnailPhotoUrls: Array<string>
+ thumbnailPhotoAvailability: Types.AssetAvailability
+ category?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'VideoCategory'; id: string }>
+ language?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'Language'; iso: string }>
+ mediaMetadata: { __typename?: 'VideoMediaMetadata' } & VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragment
+ mediaDataObject?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'DataObject' } & DataObjectFieldsFragment>
+ thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'DataObject' } & DataObjectFieldsFragment>
+ channel: { __typename?: 'Channel' } & BasicChannelFieldsFragment
+ license?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'License' } & LicenseFieldsFragment>
export type GetVideoQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type GetVideoQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
- id: Types.Scalars['ID']
+ where: Types.VideoWhereUniqueInput
export type GetVideoQuery = {
export type GetVideoQuery = {
- __typename: 'Query'
- video?: Types.Maybe<
- { __typename: 'Video'; channel: { __typename: 'Channel' } & BasicChannelFieldsFragment } & VideoFieldsFragment
- >
+ __typename?: 'Query'
+ videoByUniqueInput?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment>
export type GetVideosConnectionQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type GetVideosConnectionQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
first?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['Int']>
first?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['Int']>
after?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>
after?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>
- categoryId?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['ID']>
- channelId?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['ID']>
- channelIdIn?: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['ID']>> | Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['ID']>>
- createdAtGte?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['Date']>
orderBy?: Types.Maybe<Types.VideoOrderByInput>
orderBy?: Types.Maybe<Types.VideoOrderByInput>
+ where?: Types.Maybe<Types.VideoWhereInput>
export type GetVideosConnectionQuery = {
export type GetVideosConnectionQuery = {
- __typename: 'Query'
+ __typename?: 'Query'
videosConnection: {
videosConnection: {
- __typename: 'VideoConnection'
+ __typename?: 'VideoConnection'
totalCount: number
totalCount: number
- edges: Array<{ __typename: 'VideoEdge'; cursor: string; node: { __typename: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment }>
- pageInfo: { __typename: 'PageInfo'; hasNextPage: boolean; endCursor?: Types.Maybe<string> }
+ edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'VideoEdge'; cursor: string; node: { __typename?: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment }>
+ pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo'; hasNextPage: boolean; endCursor?: Types.Maybe<string> }
export type GetVideosQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type GetVideosQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
- id_in: Array<Types.Scalars['ID']> | Types.Scalars['ID']
+ offset?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['Int']>
+ limit?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['Int']>
+ where?: Types.Maybe<Types.VideoWhereInput>
+ orderBy?: Types.Maybe<Types.VideoOrderByInput>
-export type GetVideosQuery = { __typename: 'Query'; videos: Array<{ __typename: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment> }
-export type GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>
-export type GetFeaturedVideosQuery = {
- __typename: 'Query'
- featuredVideos: Array<{ __typename: 'FeaturedVideo'; video: { __typename: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment }>
+export type GetVideosQuery = {
+ __typename?: 'Query'
+ videos?: Types.Maybe<Array<{ __typename?: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment>>
export type GetCoverVideoQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>
export type GetCoverVideoQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>
export type GetCoverVideoQuery = {
export type GetCoverVideoQuery = {
- __typename: 'Query'
+ __typename?: 'Query'
coverVideo: {
coverVideo: {
- __typename: 'CoverVideo'
+ __typename?: 'CoverVideo'
coverDescription: string
coverDescription: string
- video: { __typename: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment
- coverCutMedia: { __typename: 'VideoMedia' } & VideoMediaFieldsFragment
+ video: { __typename?: 'Video' } & VideoFieldsFragment
+ coverCutMediaMetadata: { __typename?: 'VideoMediaMetadata' } & VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragment
+export type GetVideoViewsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
+ videoId: Types.Scalars['ID']
+export type GetVideoViewsQuery = {
+ __typename?: 'Query'
+ videoViews?: Types.Maybe<{ __typename?: 'EntityViewsInfo'; id: string; views: number }>
export type AddVideoViewMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type AddVideoViewMutationVariables = Types.Exact<{
videoId: Types.Scalars['ID']
videoId: Types.Scalars['ID']
channelId: Types.Scalars['ID']
channelId: Types.Scalars['ID']
export type AddVideoViewMutation = {
export type AddVideoViewMutation = {
- __typename: 'Mutation'
- addVideoView: { __typename: 'EntityViewsInfo'; id: string; views: number }
+ __typename?: 'Mutation'
+ addVideoView: { __typename?: 'EntityViewsInfo'; id: string; views: number }
-export const VideoMediaFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
- fragment VideoMediaFields on VideoMedia {
+export const VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
+ fragment VideoMediaMetadataFields on VideoMediaMetadata {
- location {
- ... on HttpMediaLocation {
- url
- }
- ... on JoystreamMediaLocation {
- dataObjectId
- }
- }
export const LicenseFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
export const LicenseFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
- fragment LicenseFields on LicenseEntity {
+ fragment LicenseFields on License {
+ code
- type {
- ... on KnownLicense {
- code
- url
- }
- ... on UserDefinedLicense {
- content
- }
- }
+ customText
export const VideoFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
export const VideoFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
@@ -144,34 +141,48 @@ export const VideoFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
- thumbnailUrl
- media {
- ...VideoMediaFields
+ isPublic
+ isExplicit
+ isFeatured
+ hasMarketing
+ isCensored
+ language {
+ iso
+ }
+ publishedBeforeJoystream
+ mediaMetadata {
+ ...VideoMediaMetadataFields
+ }
+ mediaUrls
+ mediaAvailability
+ mediaDataObject {
+ ...DataObjectFields
+ }
+ thumbnailPhotoUrls
+ thumbnailPhotoAvailability
+ thumbnailPhotoDataObject {
+ ...DataObjectFields
channel {
channel {
- id
- avatarPhotoUrl
- handle
+ ...BasicChannelFields
license {
license {
- ${VideoMediaFieldsFragmentDoc}
+ ${VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragmentDoc}
+ ${DataObjectFieldsFragmentDoc}
+ ${BasicChannelFieldsFragmentDoc}
export const GetVideoDocument = gql`
export const GetVideoDocument = gql`
- query GetVideo($id: ID!) {
- video(where: { id: $id }) {
+ query GetVideo($where: VideoWhereUniqueInput!) {
+ videoByUniqueInput(where: $where) {
- channel {
- ...BasicChannelFields
- }
- ${BasicChannelFieldsFragmentDoc}
@@ -186,7 +197,7 @@ export const GetVideoDocument = gql`
* @example
* @example
* const { data, loading, error } = useGetVideoQuery({
* const { data, loading, error } = useGetVideoQuery({
* variables: {
* variables: {
- * id: // value for 'id'
+ * where: // value for 'where'
* },
* },
* });
* });
@@ -203,24 +214,10 @@ export const GetVideosConnectionDocument = gql`
query GetVideosConnection(
query GetVideosConnection(
$first: Int
$first: Int
$after: String
$after: String
- $categoryId: ID
- $channelId: ID
- $channelIdIn: [ID]
- $createdAtGte: Date
$orderBy: VideoOrderByInput = createdAt_DESC
$orderBy: VideoOrderByInput = createdAt_DESC
+ $where: VideoWhereInput
) {
) {
- videosConnection(
- first: $first
- after: $after
- where: {
- categoryId_eq: $categoryId
- channelId_eq: $channelId
- isCurated_eq: false
- channelId_in: $channelIdIn
- createdAt_gte: $createdAtGte
- }
- orderBy: $orderBy
- ) {
+ videosConnection(first: $first, after: $after, where: $where, orderBy: $orderBy) {
edges {
edges {
node {
node {
@@ -251,11 +248,8 @@ export const GetVideosConnectionDocument = gql`
* variables: {
* variables: {
* first: // value for 'first'
* first: // value for 'first'
* after: // value for 'after'
* after: // value for 'after'
- * categoryId: // value for 'categoryId'
- * channelId: // value for 'channelId'
- * channelIdIn: // value for 'channelIdIn'
- * createdAtGte: // value for 'createdAtGte'
* orderBy: // value for 'orderBy'
* orderBy: // value for 'orderBy'
+ * where: // value for 'where'
* },
* },
* });
* });
@@ -282,8 +276,8 @@ export type GetVideosConnectionQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<
export const GetVideosDocument = gql`
export const GetVideosDocument = gql`
- query GetVideos($id_in: [ID!]!) {
- videos(where: { id_in: $id_in }) {
+ query GetVideos($offset: Int, $limit: Int, $where: VideoWhereInput, $orderBy: VideoOrderByInput = createdAt_DESC) {
+ videos(offset: $offset, limit: $limit, where: $where, orderBy: $orderBy) {
@@ -302,11 +296,14 @@ export const GetVideosDocument = gql`
* @example
* @example
* const { data, loading, error } = useGetVideosQuery({
* const { data, loading, error } = useGetVideosQuery({
* variables: {
* variables: {
- * id_in: // value for 'id_in'
+ * offset: // value for 'offset'
+ * limit: // value for 'limit'
+ * where: // value for 'where'
+ * orderBy: // value for 'orderBy'
* },
* },
* });
* });
-export function useGetVideosQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>) {
+export function useGetVideosQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>) {
return Apollo.useQuery<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>(GetVideosDocument, baseOptions)
return Apollo.useQuery<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>(GetVideosDocument, baseOptions)
export function useGetVideosLazyQuery(
export function useGetVideosLazyQuery(
@@ -317,95 +314,88 @@ export function useGetVideosLazyQuery(
export type GetVideosQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideosQuery>
export type GetVideosQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideosQuery>
export type GetVideosLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideosLazyQuery>
export type GetVideosLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideosLazyQuery>
export type GetVideosQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>
export type GetVideosQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetVideosQuery, GetVideosQueryVariables>
-export const GetFeaturedVideosDocument = gql`
- query GetFeaturedVideos {
- featuredVideos(orderBy: createdAt_DESC) {
+export const GetCoverVideoDocument = gql`
+ query GetCoverVideo {
+ coverVideo {
video {
video {
+ coverDescription
+ coverCutMediaMetadata {
+ ...VideoMediaMetadataFields
+ }
+ ${VideoMediaMetadataFieldsFragmentDoc}
- * __useGetFeaturedVideosQuery__
+ * __useGetCoverVideoQuery__
- * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetFeaturedVideosQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
- * When your component renders, `useGetFeaturedVideosQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties
+ * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetCoverVideoQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
+ * When your component renders, `useGetCoverVideoQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties
* you can use to render your UI.
* you can use to render your UI.
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* @example
- * const { data, loading, error } = useGetFeaturedVideosQuery({
+ * const { data, loading, error } = useGetCoverVideoQuery({
* variables: {
* variables: {
* },
* },
* });
* });
-export function useGetFeaturedVideosQuery(
- baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetFeaturedVideosQuery, GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables>
+export function useGetCoverVideoQuery(
+ baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
) {
) {
- return Apollo.useQuery<GetFeaturedVideosQuery, GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables>(
- GetFeaturedVideosDocument,
- baseOptions
- )
+ return Apollo.useQuery<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>(GetCoverVideoDocument, baseOptions)
-export function useGetFeaturedVideosLazyQuery(
- baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetFeaturedVideosQuery, GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables>
+export function useGetCoverVideoLazyQuery(
+ baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
) {
) {
- return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetFeaturedVideosQuery, GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables>(
- GetFeaturedVideosDocument,
- baseOptions
- )
+ return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>(GetCoverVideoDocument, baseOptions)
-export type GetFeaturedVideosQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetFeaturedVideosQuery>
-export type GetFeaturedVideosLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetFeaturedVideosLazyQuery>
-export type GetFeaturedVideosQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetFeaturedVideosQuery, GetFeaturedVideosQueryVariables>
-export const GetCoverVideoDocument = gql`
- query GetCoverVideo {
- coverVideo {
- video {
- ...VideoFields
- }
- coverDescription
- coverCutMedia {
- ...VideoMediaFields
- }
+export type GetCoverVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetCoverVideoQuery>
+export type GetCoverVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetCoverVideoLazyQuery>
+export type GetCoverVideoQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
+export const GetVideoViewsDocument = gql`
+ query GetVideoViews($videoId: ID!) {
+ videoViews(videoId: $videoId) {
+ id
+ views
- ${VideoFieldsFragmentDoc}
- ${VideoMediaFieldsFragmentDoc}
- * __useGetCoverVideoQuery__
+ * __useGetVideoViewsQuery__
- * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetCoverVideoQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
- * When your component renders, `useGetCoverVideoQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties
+ * To run a query within a React component, call `useGetVideoViewsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
+ * When your component renders, `useGetVideoViewsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties
* you can use to render your UI.
* you can use to render your UI.
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* @example
- * const { data, loading, error } = useGetCoverVideoQuery({
+ * const { data, loading, error } = useGetVideoViewsQuery({
* variables: {
* variables: {
+ * videoId: // value for 'videoId'
* },
* },
* });
* });
-export function useGetCoverVideoQuery(
- baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
+export function useGetVideoViewsQuery(
+ baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetVideoViewsQuery, GetVideoViewsQueryVariables>
) {
) {
- return Apollo.useQuery<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>(GetCoverVideoDocument, baseOptions)
+ return Apollo.useQuery<GetVideoViewsQuery, GetVideoViewsQueryVariables>(GetVideoViewsDocument, baseOptions)
-export function useGetCoverVideoLazyQuery(
- baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
+export function useGetVideoViewsLazyQuery(
+ baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetVideoViewsQuery, GetVideoViewsQueryVariables>
) {
) {
- return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>(GetCoverVideoDocument, baseOptions)
+ return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetVideoViewsQuery, GetVideoViewsQueryVariables>(GetVideoViewsDocument, baseOptions)
-export type GetCoverVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetCoverVideoQuery>
-export type GetCoverVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetCoverVideoLazyQuery>
-export type GetCoverVideoQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetCoverVideoQuery, GetCoverVideoQueryVariables>
+export type GetVideoViewsQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideoViewsQuery>
+export type GetVideoViewsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetVideoViewsLazyQuery>
+export type GetVideoViewsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetVideoViewsQuery, GetVideoViewsQueryVariables>
export const AddVideoViewDocument = gql`
export const AddVideoViewDocument = gql`
mutation AddVideoView($videoId: ID!, $channelId: ID!) {
mutation AddVideoView($videoId: ID!, $channelId: ID!) {
addVideoView(videoId: $videoId, channelId: $channelId) {
addVideoView(videoId: $videoId, channelId: $channelId) {