@@ -1,73 +1,119 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import styled from '@emotion/styled'
import styled from '@emotion/styled'
-import { VideoFields } from '@/api/queries/__generated__/VideoFields'
import { spacing, typography } from '../../theme'
import { spacing, typography } from '../../theme'
import { VideoPreview, VideoPreviewBase, Grid } from '..'
import { VideoPreview, VideoPreviewBase, Grid } from '..'
import sizes from '@/shared/theme/sizes'
import sizes from '@/shared/theme/sizes'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
+import { useLazyQuery } from '@apollo/client'
+import { GET_NEWEST_VIDEOS } from '@/api/queries'
+import { GetNewestVideos, GetNewestVideosVariables } from '@/api/queries/__generated__/GetNewestVideos'
type InfiniteVideoGridProps = {
type InfiniteVideoGridProps = {
title?: string
title?: string
- videos?: VideoFields[]
- loadVideos: (offset: number, limit: number) => void
- initialOffset?: number
- initialLoading?: boolean
+ categoryId?: string
+ skipCount?: number
+ ready?: boolean
className?: string
className?: string
-export const INITIAL_ROWS = 4
-export const INITIAL_VIDEOS_PER_ROW = 4
+const INITIAL_ROWS = 4
const InfiniteVideoGrid: React.FC<InfiniteVideoGridProps> = ({
const InfiniteVideoGrid: React.FC<InfiniteVideoGridProps> = ({
- videos,
- loadVideos,
- initialOffset = 0,
- initialLoading,
+ categoryId = '',
+ skipCount = 0,
+ ready = true,
}) => {
}) => {
const [videosPerRow, setVideosPerRow] = useState(INITIAL_VIDEOS_PER_ROW)
const [videosPerRow, setVideosPerRow] = useState(INITIAL_VIDEOS_PER_ROW)
- const loadedVideosCount = videos?.length || 0
- const videoRowsCount = Math.floor(loadedVideosCount / videosPerRow)
- const initialRows = Math.max(videoRowsCount, INITIAL_ROWS)
+ const [targetRowsCountByCategory, setTargetRowsCountByCategory] = useState<Record<string, number>>({
+ [categoryId]: INITIAL_ROWS,
+ })
+ const [cachedCategoryId, setCachedCategoryId] = useState<string>(categoryId)
- const [currentRowsCount, setCurrentRowsCount] = useState(initialRows)
+ const targetRowsCount = targetRowsCountByCategory[cachedCategoryId]
- const targetVideosCount = currentRowsCount * videosPerRow
+ const targetDisplayedVideosCount = targetRowsCount * videosPerRow
+ const targetLoadedVideosCount = targetDisplayedVideosCount + skipCount
+ const [fetchVideos, { loading, data, fetchMore, called, refetch }] = useLazyQuery<
+ GetNewestVideos,
+ GetNewestVideosVariables
+ notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
+ })
+ const loadedVideosCount = data?.videosConnection.edges.length || 0
+ const allVideosLoaded = data ? !data.videosConnection.pageInfo.hasNextPage : false
+ const endCursor = data?.videosConnection.pageInfo.endCursor
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
- if (initialLoading) {
+ if (ready && !called) {
+ fetchVideos({ variables: { first: targetLoadedVideosCount, categoryId } })
+ }
+ }, [ready, called, categoryId, targetLoadedVideosCount, fetchVideos])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (categoryId === cachedCategoryId) {
- if (targetVideosCount > loadedVideosCount) {
- const offset = initialOffset + loadedVideosCount
- const missingVideosCount = targetVideosCount - loadedVideosCount
- loadVideos(offset, missingVideosCount)
- // TODO: handle a situation when there are no more videos to fetch
- // this will require query node to provide some pagination metadata (total items count at minimum)
+ setCachedCategoryId(categoryId)
+ const categoryRowsSet = !!targetRowsCountByCategory[categoryId]
+ const categoryRowsCount = categoryRowsSet ? targetRowsCountByCategory[categoryId] : INITIAL_ROWS
+ if (!categoryRowsSet) {
+ setTargetRowsCountByCategory((prevState) => ({
+ ...prevState,
+ [categoryId]: categoryRowsCount,
+ }))
+ }
+ if (!called || !refetch) {
+ return
- }, [initialOffset, initialLoading, loadedVideosCount, targetVideosCount, loadVideos])
- const displayedVideos = videos?.slice(0, videoRowsCount * videosPerRow) || []
- const placeholderRowsCount = currentRowsCount - videoRowsCount
- const placeholdersCount = placeholderRowsCount * videosPerRow
+ refetch({ first: categoryRowsCount * videosPerRow + skipCount, categoryId })
+ }, [categoryId, cachedCategoryId, targetRowsCountByCategory, called, refetch, videosPerRow, skipCount])
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (loading || !fetchMore || allVideosLoaded) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (targetLoadedVideosCount > loadedVideosCount) {
+ const videosToLoadCount = targetLoadedVideosCount - loadedVideosCount
+ fetchMore({ variables: { first: videosToLoadCount, after: endCursor, categoryId } })
+ }
+ }, [loading, loadedVideosCount, targetLoadedVideosCount, allVideosLoaded, fetchMore, endCursor, categoryId])
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
const scrollHandler = debounce(() => {
const scrollHandler = debounce(() => {
const scrolledToBottom =
const scrolledToBottom =
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop === document.documentElement.offsetHeight
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop === document.documentElement.offsetHeight
- if (scrolledToBottom && placeholdersCount === 0) {
- setCurrentRowsCount(currentRowsCount + 2)
+ if (scrolledToBottom && ready && !loading && !allVideosLoaded) {
+ setTargetRowsCountByCategory((prevState) => ({
+ ...prevState,
+ [cachedCategoryId]: targetRowsCount + 2,
+ }))
}, 100)
}, 100)
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
return () => {
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
window.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler)
- }, [currentRowsCount, placeholdersCount])
+ }, [targetRowsCount, ready, loading, allVideosLoaded, cachedCategoryId])
+ const displayedEdges = data?.videosConnection.edges.slice(skipCount, targetLoadedVideosCount) || []
+ const displayedVideos = displayedEdges.map((edge) => edge.node)
+ const targetDisplayedItemsCount = data
+ ? Math.min(targetDisplayedVideosCount, data.videosConnection.totalCount - skipCount)
+ : targetDisplayedVideosCount
+ const placeholdersCount = targetDisplayedItemsCount - displayedVideos.length
const gridContent = (
const gridContent = (