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-// ====================================================
-// GraphQL query operation: GetFullChannel
-// ====================================================
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location_HTTPVideoMediaLocation {
- __typename: "HTTPVideoMediaLocation";
- host: string;
- port: number | null;
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location_JoystreamVideoMediaLocation {
- __typename: "JoystreamVideoMediaLocation";
- dataObjectID: string;
-export type GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location = GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location_HTTPVideoMediaLocation | GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location_JoystreamVideoMediaLocation;
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media {
- __typename: "VideoMedia";
- pixelHeight: number;
- pixelWidth: number;
- location: GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media_location;
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel_videos_channel {
- __typename: "Channel";
- id: string;
- avatarPhotoURL: string;
- handle: string;
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel_videos {
- __typename: "Video";
- id: string;
- title: string;
- description: string;
- views: number;
- duration: number;
- thumbnailURL: string;
- publishedOnJoystreamAt: GQLDate;
- media: GetFullChannel_channel_videos_media;
- channel: GetFullChannel_channel_videos_channel;
-export interface GetFullChannel_channel {
- __typename: "Channel";
- id: string;
- handle: string;
- avatarPhotoURL: string;
- coverPhotoURL: string;
- totalViews: number;
- videos: GetFullChannel_channel_videos[] | null;
-export interface GetFullChannel {
- channel: GetFullChannel_channel | null;
-export interface GetFullChannelVariables {
- id: string;