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Merge pull request #491 from Gamaranto/style-reducers

Style reducers and Buttons.
Bedeho Mender 4 years ago

+ 0 - 0
packages/components/.eslintrc.js → .eslintrc.js

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	"semi": false,
-	"trailingComma": "none"
+	"semi": true,
+	"trailingComma": "es5"

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./bars-play.svg";
+export * from "./bars-plus.svg";

+ 68 - 67

@@ -1,69 +1,70 @@
-  "name": "components",
-  "version": "1.0.0",
-  "description": "React Components for the Atlas Project",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "license": "ISC",
-  "main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
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+	"name": "components",
+	"version": "1.0.0",
+	"description": "React Components for the Atlas Project",
+	"homepage": "",
+	"license": "ISC",
+	"main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
+	"module": "dist/",
+	"types": "dist/types",
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+		"build-storybook": "build-storybook",
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+		"test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1"
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+	}

+ 251 - 155

@@ -1,157 +1,253 @@
-import { css } from "@emotion/core"
-import { typography, colors } from "../../theme"
+import { typography, colors } from "../../theme";
+import { makeStyles, StyleFn, StyleObj } from "../../utils";
+import { disabled, dimensionsFromProps, log } from "../../theme/fragments";
 export type ButtonStyleProps = {
-  text?: string
-  type?: "primary" | "secondary"
-  width?: "normal" | "full"
-  size?: "regular" | "small" | "smaller"
-  disabled?: boolean
-export let makeStyles = ({
-  text,
-  type = "primary",
-  width = "normal",
-  size = "regular",
-  disabled = false
-}: ButtonStyleProps) => {
-  const buttonHeight = size === "regular" ? "20px" : size === "small" ? "15px" : "10px";
-  const primaryButton = {
-    container: css`
-      border: 1px solid ${[500]};
-      color: ${colors.white};
-      background-color: ${[500]};
-      justify-content:center;
-      padding: ${size === "regular" ? (!!text ? "14px 17px" : "14px") :
-        size === "small" ? (!!text ? "12px 14px" : "12px") : "10px"
-      };
-      display: ${width === "normal" ? "inline-flex" : "flex"};
-      align-items: center;
-      cursor: default;
-      font-family: ${typography.fonts.base};
-      font-weight: ${typography.weights.medium};
-      font-size: ${size === "regular" ? typography.sizes.button.large :
-        size === "small" ? typography.sizes.button.medium : 
-        typography.sizes.button.small
-      };
-      margin: 0 ${width === "normal" ? "15px" : "0"} 0 0;
-      height: ${buttonHeight};
-      max-height: ${buttonHeight};
-      &:hover {
-        background-color: ${[700]};
-        border-color: ${[700]};
-        color: ${colors.white};
-      }
-      &:active {
-        background-color: ${[900]};
-        border-color: ${[900]};
-        color: ${colors.white};
-      }
-      &::selection {
-        background: transparent;
-      }
-    `
-  }
-  const secondaryButton = {
-    container: css`
-      border: 1px solid ${[500]};
-      color: ${colors.white};
-      background-color: ${};
-      justify-content:center;
-      padding: ${size === "regular" ? (!!text ? "14px 17px" : "14px") :
-        size === "small" ? (!!text ? "12px 14px" : "12px") : "10px"
-      };
-      display: ${width === "normal" ? "inline-flex" : "flex"};
-      align-items: center;
-      cursor: default;
-      font-family: ${typography.fonts.base};
-      font-weight: ${typography.weights.medium};
-      font-size: ${size === "regular" ? typography.sizes.button.large :
-        size === "small" ? typography.sizes.button.medium : 
-        typography.sizes.button.small
-      };
-      margin: 0 ${width === "normal" ? "15px" : "0"} 0 0;
-      height: ${buttonHeight};
-      max-height: ${buttonHeight};
-      &:hover {
-        background-color: ${};
-        border-color: ${[700]};
-        color: ${[300]};
-      }
-      &:active {
-        background-color: ${};
-        border-color: ${[700]};
-        color: ${[700]};
-      }
-      &::selection {
-        background: transparent;
-      }
-    `
-  }
-  const disabledButton = {
-    container: css`
-      border: 1px solid ${colors.white};
-      color: ${colors.white};
-      background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
-      justify-content:center;
-      padding: ${size === "regular" ? (!!text ? "14px 17px" : "14px") :
-        size === "small" ? (!!text ? "12px 14px" : "12px") : "10px"
-      };
-      display: ${width === "normal" ? "inline-flex" : "flex"};
-      align-items: center;
-      cursor: ${disabled ? "not-allowed" : "default"};
-      font-family: ${typography.fonts.base};
-      font-weight: ${typography.weights.medium};
-      font-size: ${size === "regular" ? typography.sizes.button.large :
-        size === "small" ? typography.sizes.button.medium : 
-        typography.sizes.button.small
-      };
-      margin: 0 ${width === "normal" ? "15px" : "0"} 0 0;
-      height: ${buttonHeight};
-      max-height: ${buttonHeight};
-      &:hover {
-        background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
-        border-color: ${colors.white};
-        color: ${colors.white};
-      }
-      &:active {
-        background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
-        border-color: ${colors.white};
-        color: ${colors.white};
-      }
-      &::selection {
-        background: transparent;
-      }
-    `
-  }
-  const icon = css`
-    margin-right: ${!!text ? "10px" : "0"};
-    font-size: ${size === "regular" ? typography.sizes.icon.large :
-        size === "small" ? typography.sizes.icon.medium : 
-        typography.sizes.icon.small
-      };
-    & > path:nth-of-type(1) {	
-      color: inherit;	
-      flex-shrink: 0;
-    }
-  `
-  const result = disabled ? disabledButton : type === "primary" ? primaryButton : secondaryButton
-  return { icon, ...result }
+	text?: string;
+	type?: "primary" | "secondary";
+	full?: boolean;
+	size?: "regular" | "small" | "smaller";
+	children?: React.ReactNode;
+	disabled?: boolean;
+const baseStyles: StyleFn = () => ({
+	borderWidth: "1px",
+	borderStyle: "solid",
+	fontFamily: typography.fonts.base,
+	fontWeight: typography.weights.medium,
+	display: "inline-flex",
+	justifyContent: "center",
+	alignItems: "center",
+	color: colors.white,
+	"&::selected": {
+		background: "transparent",
+	},
+const colorFromType: StyleFn = (styles, { type }: ButtonStyleProps) => {
+	switch (type) {
+		case "primary":
+			return {
+				...styles,
+				backgroundColor:[500],
+				borderColor:[500],
+				"&:hover": {
+					backgroundColor:[700],
+					borderColor:[700],
+					color: colors.white,
+				},
+				"&:active": {
+					backgroundColor:[900],
+					borderColor:[900],
+					color: colors.white,
+				},
+			};
+		case "secondary":
+			return {
+				...styles,
+				color:[500],
+				backgroundColor:,
+				borderColor:[500],
+				"&:hover": {
+					borderColor:[700],
+					color:[300],
+				},
+				"&:active": {
+					borderColor:[700],
+					color:[700],
+				},
+			};
+	}
+const paddingFromType: StyleFn = (
+	styles,
+	{ size, children, full }: { size: "regular" | "small" | "smaller"; children?: React.ReactNode; full: boolean }
+) => {
+	const buttonHeight = size === "regular" ? "20px" : size === "small" ? "15px" : "10px";
+	return {
+		...styles,
+		margin: `0 ${full ? "0" : "15px"} 0 0`,
+		padding:
+			size === "regular"
+				? !!children
+					? "14px 17px"
+					: "14px"
+				: size === "small"
+				? !!children
+					? "12px 14px"
+					: "12px"
+				: "10px",
+		fontSize:
+			size === "regular"
+				? typography.sizes.button.large
+				: size === "small"
+				? typography.sizes.button.medium
+				: typography.sizes.button.small,
+		height: buttonHeight,
+		maxHeight: buttonHeight,
+	};
+const iconStyles: StyleFn = (styles, { children, size }) => {
+	return {
+		...styles,
+		marginRight: children != null ? "10px" : "0",
+		fontSize:
+			size === "regular"
+				? typography.sizes.icon.large
+				: size === "small"
+				? typography.sizes.icon.medium
+				: typography.sizes.icon.small,
+		flexShrink: 0,
+		"& > *": {
+			stroke: "currentColor",
+		},
+	};
+export const useCSS = (props: ButtonStyleProps) => ({
+	container: makeStyles([baseStyles, colorFromType, dimensionsFromProps, paddingFromType, disabled])(props),
+	icon: makeStyles([iconStyles])(props),
+// 	text,
+// 	type = "primary",
+// 	width = "normal",
+// 	size = "regular",
+// 	disabled = false,
+// }: ButtonStyleProps) => {
+// 	const primaryButton = {
+// 		container: css`
+// 			border: 1px solid ${[500]};
+// 			color: ${colors.white};
+// 			background-color: ${[500]};
+// 			padding: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "14px 17px"
+// 					: "14px"
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "12px 14px"
+// 					: "12px"
+// 				: "10px"};
+// 			font-size: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.large
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.medium
+// 				: typography.sizes.button.small};
+// 		`,
+// 	};
+// 	const secondaryButton = {
+// 		container: css`
+// 			border: 1px solid ${[500]};
+// 			background-color: ${};
+// 			justify-content: center;
+// 			padding: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "14px 17px"
+// 					: "14px"
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "12px 14px"
+// 					: "12px"
+// 				: "10px"};
+// 			font-size: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.large
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.medium
+// 				: typography.sizes.button.small};
+// 			margin: 0 ${width === "normal" ? "15px" : "0"} 0 0;
+// 			height: ${buttonHeight};
+// 			max-height: ${buttonHeight};
+// 			&:hover {
+// 				background-color: ${};
+// 				border-color: ${[700]};
+// 				color: ${[300]};
+// 			}
+// 			&:active {
+// 				background-color: ${};
+// 				border-color: ${[700]};
+// 				color: ${[700]};
+// 			}
+// 		`,
+// 	};
+// 	const disabledButton = {
+// 		container: css`
+// 			border: 1px solid ${colors.white};
+// 			color: ${colors.white};
+// 			background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
+// 			justify-content: center;
+// 			padding: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "14px 17px"
+// 					: "14px"
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? !!text
+// 					? "12px 14px"
+// 					: "12px"
+// 				: "10px"};
+// 			display: ${width === "normal" ? "inline-flex" : "flex"};
+// 			align-items: center;
+// 			cursor: ${disabled ? "not-allowed" : "default"};
+// 			font-family: ${typography.fonts.base};
+// 			font-weight: ${typography.weights.medium};
+// 			font-size: ${size === "regular"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.large
+// 				: size === "small"
+// 				? typography.sizes.button.medium
+// 				: typography.sizes.button.small};
+// 			margin: 0 ${width === "normal" ? "15px" : "0"} 0 0;
+// 			height: ${buttonHeight};
+// 			max-height: ${buttonHeight};
+// 			&:hover {
+// 				background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
+// 				border-color: ${colors.white};
+// 				color: ${colors.white};
+// 			}
+// 			&:active {
+// 				background-color: ${colors.gray[100]};
+// 				border-color: ${colors.white};
+// 				color: ${colors.white};
+// 			}
+// 			&::selection {
+// 				background: transparent;
+// 			}
+// 		`,
+// 	};
+// 	const icon = css`
+// 		margin-right: ${!!text ? "10px" : "0"};
+// 		font-size: ${size === "regular"
+// 			? typography.sizes.icon.large
+// 			: size === "small"
+// 			? typography.sizes.icon.medium
+// 			: typography.sizes.icon.small};
+// 		& > path:nth-of-type(1) {
+// 			color: inherit;
+// 			flex-shrink: 0;
+// 		}
+// 	`;
+// 	const result = disabled ? disabledButton : type === "primary" ? primaryButton : secondaryButton;
+// 	return { icon, ...result };
+// };

+ 21 - 23

@@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
-import React from "react"
-import { makeStyles, ButtonStyleProps } from "./"
-import { IconProp } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core"
-import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome"
+import React from "react";
+import { ButtonStyleProps, useCSS } from "./";
+import BlockIcon from "../../../assets/block.svg";
 type ButtonProps = {
-  text?: string
-  icon?: IconProp
-  disabled?: boolean
-  onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void
-} & ButtonStyleProps
+	children?: React.ReactNode;
+	icon?: boolean;
+	disabled?: boolean;
+	onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
+} & ButtonStyleProps;
 export default function Button({
-  text = "",
-  icon,
-  disabled = false,
-  onClick,
-  ...styleProps
+	children,
+	icon,
+	type = "primary",
+	disabled = false,
+	onClick,
+	...styleProps
 }: ButtonProps) {
-  let styles = makeStyles({text, disabled, ...styleProps})
-  return (
-    <div css={styles.container} onClick={disabled ? null : onClick}>
-      {!!icon &&
-        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={icon} css={styles.icon} />
-      }
-      {text}
-    </div>
-  )
+	let styles = useCSS({ disabled, type, children, ...styleProps });
+	return (
+		<button css={styles.container} onClick={disabled ? null : onClick}>
+			{icon && <BlockIcon css={styles.icon} />}
+			{children}
+		</button>
+	);

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-import { memo } from "react"
-import Button from "./Button"
-export default memo(Button)
+import { memo } from "react";
+import Button from "./Button";
+export default memo(Button);

+ 67 - 15

@@ -1,21 +1,73 @@
+import { StyleFn } from "./../utils/style-reducer";
 import { css } from "@emotion/core";
 import spacing from "./spacing";
 import typography from "./typography";
+import colors from "./colors";
+import { StyleObj, stripInline } from "../utils";
 export function withSize(size: string) {
-  return css`
-    padding: ${size === "large"
-      ? `${spacing.s4} ${spacing.s2}`
-      : size === "normal" || size === "full"
-      ? `${spacing.s3} ${spacing.s2}`
-      : `${spacing.s2} ${spacing.s1}`};
-    font-size: ${size === "large"
-      ? typography.sizes.large
-      : size === "normal" || size === "full"
-      ? typography.sizes.normal
-      : typography.sizes.small};
-    width: ${size === "full" ? "100%" : "auto"};
-  `;
+	return css`
+		padding: ${size === "large"
+			? `${spacing.s4} ${spacing.s2}`
+			: size === "normal" || size === "full"
+			? `${spacing.s3} ${spacing.s2}`
+			: `${spacing.s2} ${spacing.s1}`};
+		font-size: ${size === "large"
+			? typography.sizes.large
+			: size === "normal" || size === "full"
+			? typography.sizes.normal
+			: typography.sizes.small};
+		width: ${size === "full" ? "100%" : "auto"};
+	`;
+export function log(styles: StyleObj, props: any) {
+	console.log("styles", styles);
+	console.log("props", props);
+	return styles;
+export function dimensionsFromProps(styles: StyleObj, { full }: { full: boolean }) {
+	let display: string;
+	if (styles.display == null) {
+		display = "block";
+	}
+	display = styles.display as string;
+	return {
+		...styles,
+		display: full && display.includes("inline") ? stripInline(display) : display,
+		width: full ? "100%" : styles.width || "",
+	};
+export function disabled(styles: StyleObj, { disabled }: { disabled: boolean }): StyleObj {
+	if (!disabled) {
+		return styles;
+	}
+	return {
+		...unsetStyles(styles),
+		backgroundColor: colors.gray[100],
+		color: colors.white,
+	};
+function unsetStyles(styles: StyleObj): StyleObj {
+	// Filter and unset all properties that give color, on all states.
+	// Need to add more?
+	const colorProperties = ["color", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "boxShadow", "fill", "stroke"];
+	const filteredEntries = Object.entries(styles).map(([key, value]) => {
+		// If it has a psuedo selector, we're going to disable color from that as well.
+		if (key.includes("&:hover") || key.includes("&:active") || key.includes("&:focus")) {
+			return unsetStyles(value as StyleObj);
+		} else if (colorProperties.includes(key)) {
+			return [key, "unset"];
+		}
+		return [key, value];
+	});
+	return Object.fromEntries(filteredEntries as any);

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ export { default as typography } from "./typography";
 export { default as colors } from "./colors";
 export { default as spacing } from "./spacing";
 export { default as breakpoints } from "./breakpoints";
+export * from "./fragments";

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export function stripInline(str: string) {
+	return str.replace(/inline-?/gi, "") || "block";

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from "./style-reducer";
+export * from "./helpers";

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import * as CSS from "csstype";
+import { css } from "@emotion/core";
+//FIXME: This is not correctly typed, since it doesn't
+export type StyleObj = { [k in keyof CSS.Properties]: number | string | StyleObj };
+export type StyleFn = (style: StyleObj, x: any) => StyleObj;
+export type Modifiers = { [k: string]: StyleFn };
+// TODO: Properly type this
+type StyleMonad = (
+	run: StyleFn
+) => {
+	run: StyleFn;
+	map: (f: (args: any) => any) => StyleMonad;
+	contramap: (f: (args: any) => any) => StyleMonad;
+	concat: (other: StyleMonad) => StyleMonad;
+export const Reducer = (run: StyleFn) => ({
+	run,
+	concat: (other: any) => Reducer((styles: StyleObj, props: any) =>, props), props)),
+	map: (f: (x: any) => any) => Reducer((styles: StyleObj, props: any) => f(run(styles, props))),
+	contramap: (f: (x: any) => any) => Reducer((styles: StyleObj, props: any) => run(styles, f(props))),
+export function combineReducers(...reducers: StyleFn[]) {
+	return reducers.reduce(
+		(acc, reducer) => acc.concat(Reducer(reducer)),
+		Reducer(() => ({}))
+	);
+export function makeStyles(reducers: StyleFn[]) {
+	const reducer = combineReducers(...reducers);
+	return function(props: any) {
+		const styles: any ={}, props);
+		return css(styles);
+	};

+ 73 - 53

@@ -1,72 +1,92 @@
-import React from "react"
-import { Button } from "../src"
-import { faBan } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"
+import React from "react";
+import { Button } from "../src";
+import { faBan } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
 export default {
-  title: "Button",
-  component: Button,
+	title: "Button",
+	component: Button,
 export const Primary = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button text="Button" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-    <Button text="Button" size="small" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-    <Button text="Button" size="smaller" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")}>Regular</Button>
+		<Button size="small" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")}>
+			Small
+		</Button>
+		<Button size="smaller" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")}>
+			Smaller
+		</Button>
+	</>
 export const Secondary = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" />
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" size="small" />
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" size="smaller" />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button type="secondary">Regular</Button>
+		<Button type="secondary" size="small">
+			Small
+		</Button>
+		<Button type="secondary" size="smaller">
+			Smaller
+		</Button>
+	</>
-export const PrimaryFullSize = () => (
-  <Button text="Button" width="full" />
+export const PrimaryFullSize = () => <Button full>Primary Full Size</Button>;
 export const SecondaryFullSize = () => (
-  <Button text="Button" width="full" type="secondary" />
+	<Button full type="secondary">
+		Secondary Full Size
+	</Button>
 export const PrimaryWithIcon = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button text="Button" icon={faBan} />
-    <Button text="Button" icon={faBan} size="small" />
-    <Button text="Button" icon={faBan} size="smaller" />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button icon>Regular</Button>
+		<Button icon size="small">
+			Small
+		</Button>
+		<Button icon size="smaller">
+			Smaller
+		</Button>
+	</>
 export const SecondaryWithIcon = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" icon={faBan} />
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" icon={faBan} size="small" />
-    <Button text="Button" type="secondary" icon={faBan} size="smaller" />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button type="secondary" icon>
+			Regular
+		</Button>
+		<Button type="secondary" icon size="small">
+			Small
+		</Button>
+		<Button type="secondary" icon size="smaller">
+			Smaller
+		</Button>
+	</>
 export const PrimaryWithoutText = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button icon={faBan} />
-    <Button icon={faBan} size="small" />
-    <Button icon={faBan} size="smaller" />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button icon />
+		<Button icon size="small" />
+		<Button icon size="smaller" />
+	</>
 export const SecondaryWithoutText = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button type="secondary" icon={faBan} />
-    <Button type="secondary" icon={faBan} size="small" />
-    <Button type="secondary" icon={faBan} size="smaller" />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button type="secondary" icon />
+		<Button type="secondary" icon size="small" />
+		<Button type="secondary" icon size="smaller" />
+	</>
 export const Disabled = () => (
-  <>
-    <Button disabled={true} text="Button" onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-    <Button disabled={true} text="Button" icon={faBan} onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-    <Button disabled={true} icon={faBan} onClick={() => console.log("Button clicked!")} />
-  </>
+	<>
+		<Button disabled={true}>Disabled</Button>
+		<Button disabled={true} icon={true}>
+			Disabled with icon
+		</Button>
+		<Button disabled={true} icon />
+	</>

+ 1 - 0

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 	"compilerOptions": {
 		"module": "esnext",
+		"lib": ["ES2019"],
 		"rootDirs": ["src", "stories"],
 		"baseUrl": "src",
 		"jsx": "preserve",

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 266 - 328

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff