@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+export default {
+ channels: {
+ "Kek-Mex's video channel": {
+ name: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ isPublic: true,
+ isVerified: true,
+ description: "I uploade public domain films every now and then :)",
+ img:
+ "https://s3.amazonaws.com/keybase_processed_uploads/9003a57620356bd89d62bd34c7c0c305_360_360.jpg",
+ },
+ "How to Draw": {
+ name: "How to Draw",
+ description: "Learn the techniques I use to make my drawings",
+ isPublic: true,
+ },
+ "Staked Podcast": {
+ name: "Staked Podcast",
+ isPublic: true,
+ isVerified: true,
+ img:
+ "https://ssl-static.libsyn.com/p/assets/c/1/f/f/c1fff8ce376f9eb9/height_90_width_90_iTunes_Cover.png",
+ banner:
+ "http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/2/c/2/5/2c25acab892a768e/Twitter_Cover.png",
+ },
+ },
+ videos: {
+ "Kek-Mex's video channel": [
+ {
+ title: "Reefer Madness (1936)",
+ channel: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ description:
+ 'A trio of drug dealers lead innocent teenagers to become addicted to "reefer" cigarettes by holding wild parties with jazz music.',
+ poster:
+ "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Reefer_Madness_%281936%29.jpg",
+ src:
+ "https://joystreamnode1.cloudstorey.in/asset/v0/5Ee2hm9KR2r1r5gjxYxZZG4wwyC4UN1VkbQsK9pbNKE2DphZ",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "no",
+ "first released": "1936-01-01",
+ language: "english",
+ category: "comedy",
+ license: "public domain",
+ attribution: "George A. Hirliman Productions",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "The Charlie Chaplin Festival (1941)",
+ channel: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ description:
+ "Four Chaplin shorts from 1917: The Adventurer, The Cure, Easy Street and The Immigrant, presented with music and sound effects.",
+ src:
+ "https://joystream.proxy.web.id/asset/v0/5HKEjuDTh5gS2MY2j58UVvrLSwdapxxHMJ9TWuPqCVS6DvKr",
+ poster:
+ "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w600_and_h900_bestv2/kZqVmoHksjX1FANINggnaoCmwIn.jpg",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "No",
+ "first released": "1941-04-01",
+ language: "english",
+ category: "comedy",
+ license: "public Domain",
+ Attribution: "Charles Chaplin",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Frankenstein (1910)",
+ channel: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ description:
+ "This 14-minute short film, was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.",
+ poster:
+ "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Frankenstein_%281910%29_poster.jpg/800px-Frankenstein_%281910%29_poster.jpg",
+ src:
+ "https://www.computt.com/asset/v0/5GdAwDFSDQaWobZV2iiwTyGeX1zLKWri7ddC2WY9Ri2sTgoB",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "no",
+ "first released": "1910-03-17",
+ language: "english",
+ category: "Film & Animation",
+ license: "Public Domain",
+ attribution: "Edison Studios",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "Doomsday Machine (1972)",
+ channel: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ poster:
+ "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDRiNzUxNGUtNzVmYS00NmJkLWIxYzYtMGUwMzJlZmU1MWZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzUzNTU3Mw@@._V1_.jpg",
+ src:
+ "https://rome-node-6.joystream.org/asset/v0/5EVT9ujAzG3yYzd6GsJhZ1tAJZPCVnveYLhk3sPYJesafcpC",
+ description:
+ "The Chinese have developed a doomsday device and the U.S. fears the will use it. A manned mission to Venus is stepped up. At the last minute three of the male crew are replaced with three female crew members. Once they are on there way to Venus the reason becomes apparent.",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "no",
+ "first released": "1971-12-31",
+ language: "english",
+ category: "Film & Animation",
+ license: "public Domain",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: "House on Haunted Hill (1959)",
+ channel: "Kek-Mex's video channel",
+ description:
+ "Frederick Loren has invited five strangers to a party of a lifetime. He is offering each of them $10,000 if they can stay the night in a house.",
+ poster:
+ "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/House_on_Haunted_Hill.jpg/800px-House_on_Haunted_Hill.jpg",
+ src:
+ "https://rome-node-6.joystream.org/asset/v0/5GJdg38g5PNC1QhRV6ETJf8BhpFP8jChdrHoXc6Dyk68EUc5",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "no",
+ "first released": "1959-02-16",
+ language: "english",
+ category: "film & animation",
+ license: "public domain",
+ attribution: "William castle Production",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ "How to Draw": [
+ {
+ title: "How to Draw bitcoin coming out of the ground",
+ channel: "How To Draw",
+ description:
+ "Learn how to draw a hand coming out of the ground holding a bitcoin",
+ poster: "test",
+ src:
+ "https://joystream.proxy.web.id/asset/v0/5GbZj1ENkRNVqs7kZ4mZwQNZc4ujpm3qGnEw4QoDepAcYXeY",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "no",
+ "first released": " 2020-02-29",
+ language: "english",
+ license: "original content",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ "Staked Podcast": [
+ {
+ title: "Staked ep1 - Introduced",
+ description: "Still WIP - 2",
+ channel: "Staked Podcast",
+ poster:
+ "https://ssl-static.libsyn.com/p/assets/a/4/8/f/a48f1a0697e958ce/Cover_2.png",
+ src:
+ "https://www.computt.com/asset/v0/5EjgEKNpyDbNdjcJoZ8izWuzeDUtAcaUvwG8vUWZQZ256NLb",
+ details: {
+ explicit: "yes",
+ "first released": "2019-02-27",
+ language: "English",
+ category: "Science & Technology",
+ license: "Original content",
+ attribution: "",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },