## Getting Started After cloning the repo, run: ```bash $ cd atlas $ yarn install $ yarn start ``` To start the app on `localhost:1234`, Storybook on `localhost:6006` and the bundler in watch mode. To build both the component package and the app together, run ```bash $ yarn build ``` To run tests (Currently WIP) run ```bash $ yarn test ``` ## Packages This monorepo consists of two packages, `app` and `@joystream/components` (the components package). This repo is managed with [yarn workspaces](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/workspaces/) To run a command in a workspace: ```bash $ yarn workspace YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME YOUR_COMMAND ``` For example, to add `react-spring` to `@joystream/components`: ```bash $ yarn workspace @joystream/components add react-spring ``` ### Components Package The components package is located under `./packages/components` and can is usually referenced by `@joystream/components`. It is, as the name suggests, a component library and everything related to components and atomic parts of the UI belongs here. ### App package The components package is located under `./packages/app` and is where the actual Atlas application lives. Business logic, full pages and data fetching should all reside here. ## Deploy Previews Each PR has deploy previews for both for Storybook and for the App on Chromia and Netlify respectively.