GetVideo.ts 2.0 KB

  1. /* tslint:disable */
  2. /* eslint-disable */
  3. // @generated
  4. // This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
  5. // ====================================================
  6. // GraphQL query operation: GetVideo
  7. // ====================================================
  8. export interface GetVideo_video_category {
  9. __typename: "Category";
  10. id: string;
  11. }
  12. export interface GetVideo_video_media_location_HttpMediaLocation {
  13. __typename: "HttpMediaLocation";
  14. url: string;
  15. }
  16. export interface GetVideo_video_media_location_JoystreamMediaLocation {
  17. __typename: "JoystreamMediaLocation";
  18. dataObjectId: string;
  19. }
  20. export type GetVideo_video_media_location = GetVideo_video_media_location_HttpMediaLocation | GetVideo_video_media_location_JoystreamMediaLocation;
  21. export interface GetVideo_video_media {
  22. __typename: "VideoMedia";
  23. id: string;
  24. pixelHeight: number;
  25. pixelWidth: number;
  26. location: GetVideo_video_media_location;
  27. }
  28. export interface GetVideo_video_channel {
  29. __typename: "Channel";
  30. id: string;
  31. avatarPhotoUrl: string | null;
  32. handle: string;
  33. }
  34. export interface GetVideo_video_license_type_KnownLicense {
  35. __typename: "KnownLicense";
  36. code: string;
  37. url: string | null;
  38. }
  39. export interface GetVideo_video_license_type_UserDefinedLicense {
  40. __typename: "UserDefinedLicense";
  41. content: string;
  42. }
  43. export type GetVideo_video_license_type = GetVideo_video_license_type_KnownLicense | GetVideo_video_license_type_UserDefinedLicense;
  44. export interface GetVideo_video_license {
  45. __typename: "LicenseEntity";
  46. id: string;
  47. attribution: string | null;
  48. type: GetVideo_video_license_type;
  49. }
  50. export interface GetVideo_video {
  51. __typename: "Video";
  52. id: string;
  53. title: string;
  54. description: string;
  55. category: GetVideo_video_category;
  56. views: number | null;
  57. duration: number;
  58. thumbnailUrl: string;
  59. createdAt: GQLDate;
  60. media: GetVideo_video_media;
  61. channel: GetVideo_video_channel;
  62. license: GetVideo_video_license;
  63. }
  64. export interface GetVideo {
  65. video: GetVideo_video | null;
  66. }
  67. export interface GetVideoVariables {
  68. id: string;
  69. }