@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
import {ApiPromise, WsProvider} from "@polkadot/api";
import {types} from '@joystream/types'
-import {AccountId, Balance, BalanceOf, BlockNumber, EventRecord, Hash, Moment} from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
+import {
+ AccountId,
+ Balance,
+ BalanceOf,
+ BlockNumber,
+ EraIndex,
+ EventRecord,
+ Hash,
+ Moment
+} from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
import {
@@ -32,6 +41,9 @@ import {
IProposalStatus, Approved
} from "@joystream/types/proposals";
import {MemberId} from "@joystream/types/members";
+import {RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId} from "@joystream/types/recurring-rewards";
+import {StorageProviderId, WorkerId, Worker} from "@joystream/types/working-group";
+import workingGroup from "@joystream/types/src/working-group/index";
const fsSync = require('fs');
const fs = fsSync.promises;
@@ -70,6 +82,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
await this.fillMintsInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillCouncilInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillCouncilElectionInfo(startBlock);
+ await this.fillValidatorInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillMembershipInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillForumInfo(startHash, endHash);
@@ -239,7 +252,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.dateEnd = new Date(endDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
- async fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash){
+ async fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
this.statistics.startIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(startHash) as Balance).toNumber();
this.statistics.endIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(endHash) as Balance).toNumber();
this.statistics.newIssuance = this.statistics.endIssuance - this.statistics.startIssuance;
@@ -247,29 +260,35 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
let validatorRewards = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
- return event.section == "staking" && event.method == "Reward";
+ return event.section == "staking" && event.method == "Reward";
- for (let validatorReward of validatorRewards){
+ for (let validatorReward of validatorRewards) {
this.statistics.newValidatorRewards += Number(validatorReward.data[1]);
let transfers = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
return event.section == "balances" && event.method == "Transfer";
- for (let transfer of transfers){
+ for (let transfer of transfers) {
let receiver = transfer.data[1] as AccountId;
let amount = transfer.data[2] as Balance;
- if (receiver.toString() == BURN_ADDRESS){
+ if (receiver.toString() == BURN_ADDRESS) {
this.statistics.newTokensBurn = Number(amount);
- this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = await this.computeCouncilReward(startBlock, endBlock, endHash);
+ let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
+ this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = await this.computeCouncilReward(roundNrBlocks, endHash);
this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = Number(this.statistics.newCouncilRewards.toFixed(2));
+ this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = await this.computeStorageProviderReward(roundNrBlocks, startHash, endHash);
+ this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = Number(this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward.toFixed(2));
+ this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = await this.computeCuratorsReward(roundNrBlocks, startHash, endHash);
+ this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = Number(this.statistics.newCuratorRewards.toFixed(2));
- async computeCouncilReward(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, endHash: Hash): Promise<number>{
+ async computeCouncilReward(roundNrBlocks: number, endHash: Hash): Promise<number> {
const payoutInterval = Number((await this.api.query.council.payoutInterval.at(endHash) as Option<BlockNumber>).unwrapOr(0));
const amountPerPayout = (await this.api.query.council.amountPerPayout.at(endHash) as BalanceOf).toNumber();
@@ -290,8 +309,52 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
const councilTermDurationRatio = termDuration / (termDuration + votingPeriod + revealingPeriod + announcingPeriod);
const avgCouncilRewardPerBlock = councilTermDurationRatio * totalCouncilRewardsPerBlock;
- const nrBlocksBetween = (endBlock - startBlock);
- return avgCouncilRewardPerBlock * nrBlocksBetween;
+ return avgCouncilRewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
+ }
+ async computeStorageProviderReward(roundNrBlocks: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+ let nextWorkerId = (await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(endHash) as WorkerId).toNumber();
+ let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
+ for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
+ let worker = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as Worker;
+ if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
+ rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ return this.computeReward(roundNrBlocks, rewardRelationshipIds, endHash);
+ }
+ async computeCuratorsReward(roundNrBlocks: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+ let nextCuratorId = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorId.at(endHash) as WorkerId).toNumber();
+ let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
+ for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; ++i) {
+ let worker = await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.curatorById(i) as Worker;
+ if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
+ rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ return this.computeReward(roundNrBlocks, rewardRelationshipIds, endHash);
+ }
+ async computeReward(roundNrBlocks: number, rewardRelationshipIds: RewardRelationshipId[], hash: Hash) {
+ let recurringRewards = await Promise.all(rewardRelationshipIds.map(async (rewardRelationshipId) => {
+ return await this.api.query.recurringRewards.rewardRelationships.at(hash, rewardRelationshipId) as RewardRelationship;
+ }));
+ let rewardPerBlock = 0;
+ for (let recurringReward of recurringRewards) {
+ const amount = recurringReward.amount_per_payout.toNumber();
+ const payoutInterval = recurringReward.payout_interval.unwrapOr(null);
+ if (amount && payoutInterval) {
+ rewardPerBlock += amount / payoutInterval;
+ }
+ }
+ return rewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
async fillMintsInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
@@ -302,17 +365,16 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
// statistics.startMinted = 0;
// statistics.endMinted = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < startNrMints; ++i) {
- let startMintResult = ((await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(startHash, i)) as unknown) as [Mint, Linkage<MintId>];
- let startMint = startMintResult[0];
- if (!startMint) {
- continue;
- }
+ let startMint = (await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(startHash, i)) as Mint;
+ // if (!startMint) {
+ // continue;
+ // }
- let endMintResult = ((await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, i)) as unknown) as [Mint, Linkage<MintId>];
- let endMint = endMintResult[0];
- if (!endMint) {
- continue;
- }
+ let endMint = (await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, i)) as Mint;
+ // let = endMintResult[0];
+ // if (!endMint) {
+ // continue;
+ // }
let startMintTotal = parseInt(startMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
let endMintTotal = parseInt(endMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
@@ -340,7 +402,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.endCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.endMinted;
this.statistics.newCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.diffMinted;
this.statistics.percNewCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.percMinted;
let curatorMint = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.mint.at(endHash)) as MintId;
let curatorMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(curatorMint, startHash, endHash);
this.statistics.startCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.startMinted;
@@ -358,20 +420,20 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
async computeMintInfo(mintId: MintId, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash): Promise<MintStatistics> {
- if (mintId.toString() == "0") {
- return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
- }
- let startMintResult = await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(startHash, mintId) as unknown as [Mint, Linkage<MintId>];
- let startMint = startMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
- if (!startMint) {
- return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
- }
+ // if (mintId.toString() == "0") {
+ // return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+ // }
+ let startMint = await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(startHash, mintId) as Mint;
+ // let startMint = startMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
+ // if (!startMint) {
+ // return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+ // }
- let endMintResult = await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, mintId) as unknown as [Mint, Linkage<MintId>];
- let endMint = endMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
- if (!endMint) {
- return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
- }
+ let endMint = await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, mintId) as Mint;
+ // let endMint = endMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
+ // if (!endMint) {
+ // return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+ // }
let mintStatistics = new MintStatistics();
mintStatistics.startMinted = parseInt(startMint.getField('total_minted').toString());
@@ -431,7 +493,23 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.electionVotes = seats.map((seat) => seat.backers.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
- async fillMembershipInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash){
+ async fillValidatorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+ this.statistics.startValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(startHash) as u32).toNumber();
+ this.statistics.endValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(endHash) as u32).toNumber();
+ this.statistics.percValidators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.endValidators - this.statistics.startValidators, this.statistics.endValidators);
+ const startEra = await this.api.query.staking.currentEra.at(startHash) as Option<EraIndex>;
+ this.statistics.startValidatorsStake = (await this.api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(startHash, startEra.unwrap())).toNumber();
+ const endEra = await this.api.query.staking.currentEra.at(endHash) as Option<EraIndex>;
+ this.statistics.endValidatorsStake = (await this.api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(endHash, endEra.unwrap())).toNumber();
+ this.statistics.percNewValidatorsStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.endValidatorsStake - this.statistics.startValidatorsStake, this.statistics.endValidatorsStake);
+ }
+ async fillMembershipInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
this.statistics.startMembers = (await this.api.query.members.nextMemberId.at(startHash) as MemberId).toNumber();
this.statistics.endMembers = (await this.api.query.members.nextMemberId.at(endHash) as MemberId).toNumber() + 1;
this.statistics.newMembers = this.statistics.endMembers - this.statistics.startMembers;
@@ -488,49 +566,52 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
return valRewards;
- static async computeStorageRewards(api: ApiPromise, startBlock: number, endBlock: number): Promise<number> {
- let estimateOfStorageReward = 0;
- for (let blockHeight = startBlock; blockHeight < endBlock; blockHeight += 600) {
- const blockHash: Hash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockHeight);
- const storageProviders = ((await api.query.actors.actorAccountIds.at(blockHash)) as Vec<AccountId>).length;
- const storageParameters = ((await api.query.actors.parameters.at(blockHash, "StorageProvider")) as Option<RoleParameters>).unwrap();
- const reward = storageParameters.reward.toNumber();
- const rewardPeriod = storageParameters.reward_period.toNumber();
- estimateOfStorageReward += (storageProviders * reward * rewardPeriod) / 600;
- }
- return estimateOfStorageReward;
- }
- static extractExchanges(blockNumber: number, events: Vec<EventRecord>): Exchange[] {
- let exchanges = [];
- for (let {event} of events) {
- if (event.section === "balances" && event.method === "Transfer") {
- const recipient = event.data[1] as AccountId;
- if (recipient.toString() === BURN_ADDRESS) {
- // For all events of "Transfer" type with matching recipient...
- const sender = event.data[0] as AccountId;
- const amountJOY = event.data[2] as Balance;
- const feesJOY = event.data[3] as Balance;
- //const memo = await api.query.memo.memo.at(blockHash, sender) as Text;
- let exchange = new Exchange();
- exchange.sender = sender.toString();
- // recipient: recipient.toString(),
- exchange.amount = amountJOY.toNumber();
- exchange.fees = feesJOY.toNumber();
- // date: new Date(timestamp.toNumber()),
- exchange.blockNumber = blockNumber;
- // session: session.toNumber(),
- // era: era.toNumber()
- exchanges.push(exchange);
- }
- }
- }
- return exchanges;
- }
+ // static async computeStorageRewards(api: ApiPromise, startBlock: number, endBlock: number): Promise<number> {
+ // let estimateOfStorageReward = 0;
+ // for (let blockHeight = startBlock; blockHeight < endBlock; blockHeight += 600) {
+ // const blockHash: Hash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockHeight);
+ // const storageProviders = ((await api.query.actors.actorAccountIds.at(blockHash)) as Vec<AccountId>).length;
+ // const storageParameters = ((await api.query.actors.parameters.at(blockHash, "StorageProvider")) as Option<RoleParameters>).unwrap();
+ // const reward = storageParameters.reward.toNumber();
+ // const rewardPeriod = storageParameters.reward_period.toNumber();
+ // estimateOfStorageReward += (storageProviders * reward * rewardPeriod) / 600;
+ // }
+ // return estimateOfStorageReward;
+ // }
+ // static extractExchanges(blockNumber: number, events: Vec<EventRecord>): Exchange[] {
+ // let exchanges = [];
+ // for (let {event} of events) {
+ // if (event.section === "balances" && event.method === "Transfer") {
+ // const recipient = event.data[1] as AccountId;
+ // if (recipient.toString() === BURN_ADDRESS) {
+ // // For all events of "Transfer" type with matching recipient...
+ // const sender = event.data[0] as AccountId;
+ // const amountJOY = event.data[2] as Balance;
+ // const feesJOY = event.data[3] as Balance;
+ // //const memo = await api.query.memo.memo.at(blockHash, sender) as Text;
+ // let exchange = new Exchange();
+ //
+ // exchange.sender = sender.toString();
+ // // recipient: recipient.toString(),
+ // exchange.amount = amountJOY.toNumber();
+ // exchange.fees = feesJOY.toNumber();
+ // // date: new Date(timestamp.toNumber()),
+ // exchange.blockNumber = blockNumber;
+ // // session: session.toNumber(),
+ // // era: era.toNumber()
+ //
+ // exchanges.push(exchange);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // return exchanges;
+ // }
static convertToPercentage(value: number, totalValue: number): number {
+ if (totalValue == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
return Number(((value / totalValue) * 100).toFixed(2));