فهرست منبع


Laura Kharkevych 3 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه83 افزوده شده و 0 حذف شده
  1. 83 0

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Curator Working Group Report 25
+### Weekly Curator Working Group Report 25 (03.10.21 - 09.10.21)
+* Pre-proposal Discussion https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/371
+* Based on the KPIs https://blog.joystream.org/sumer-kpis/#12.13
+* Previous approved proposal https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/223, https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/79
+| Worker ID            | Name Worker | Region / Time Zone | Language | Performance |         Notes          |
+| 22                   | IgreX       |       UTC+3        | EN\RU    | 100%         |Discord: IgreX#0267     |
+| 7                    | l1dev       |       	UTC       | EN       | -             |Technical worker        |
+| 16                   | kiraa       |       UTC+3        | EN\RU    | 100%        |Discord: Skipper#0353   |
+| 18                   | mmsaww      |       UTC+3        | EN\RU    | 100%         |Discord: Mikhail#7681   |
+| 19                   | kadyrovs    |       UTC+3        | EN\RU    | 100%        |Discord: Ruslan#4019    |
+| 20                   | zazik       |       UTC+4        | EN\RU    | 100%        |Discord: ZAZIK#5400     |
+| 21                   | Laura       |       UTC+4        | EN\RU    | 100%        |         Lead           |
+During this reporting period, 218 videos were uploaded, all of them verified.
+Everything is optimized, each curator does their job perfectly!
+Thank you all for your work!)
+Bounty 18 and Bounty 24 are working properly and are being checked, bounty managers are appointed (they are not working curators)
+# Video Statistic Overview for Council Term: 25
+* ## Overview Length: 6 days / 109000 blocks
+* ## Start Block/Date: #2550500 / 03.10.21
+* ## End Block/Date: #2659500 / 09.10.21
+| Number of uploads                 |
+| 218                               |
+| Day	36.33                         |
+| Hour	3,02|                       | 
+| Video duration                    |    
+| Seconds 96449                     |
+| Minutes 1607.48                   | 
+| Hours 26,79                       | 
+| Days 1,11                         | 
+| ----------------------------------| 
+| Average duration                  |
+| Seconds	442,42                    |
+| Minutes	7,37                      |
+| Hours 0,12                        | 
+| Median                            |
+| 435.68                            | 
+| Video file size (Mb)              | 
+| Total	28901.45                    |
+| Average	1637,78                   |
+| Median  132,57                    | 
+| Number of videos in each category | 
+| Comedy 14                         | 
+| Education	35                      | 
+| Entertainment	15                  | 
+| Film & Animation	21              | 
+| Gaming 0	                        | 
+| Music	12                          | 
+| News & Politics	12                | 
+| People & Blogs	17                | 
+| Pets & Animals	5                 | 
+| Howto & Style 0                   | 
+| Science & Technology 21           | 
+| Sports 24                         |                    
+| Travel & Events	16                |
+| Autos & Vehicles	15              |   
+| Nonprofits & Activism  12         |      
+| Total:	218                       |