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Merge pull request #492 from swasilenko/patch-4

Create and rename kpi_report
mochet 3 years ago
1 changed files with 158 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 158 0

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+## 1. Since the current Lead was hired, how many weekly reports were created? What, in general, did each report contain?
+role of the lead of operations wg was opened 05.06.2021 (link
+current OWG lead (l1dev) was hired on this role 06.062021 (link
+first report was made 28.10.2021 and contained information about rounds from 7 to 27:
+- proposal
+- PR
+- file
+then there were 3 reports: 
+- round 28 (4.11.2021)
+- round 29 (9.11.2021)
+- rounds 30 + 31 (24.11.2021) 
+each report contains the following information:
+- the number of the round
+- date of the round
+- spent amount (in $ and tJOY)
+- balance (in $ and tJOY)
+- number of operations workers at the beginning and in the end of the round and % change
+- total Operations Stake (workers + lead) t the beginning and in the end of the round and % change
+- list of WG members, their status, salary (tJOY/block,  M tJOY/term, and total M tJOY)
+some reports contains additional information, such as:
+- budgets links
+- specific tasks that have been made and paid and proposal links
+- links to proposals which asks to increase OWG budgets
+- links to operations tasks
+## 2. Since the current Lead was hired, how many workers were hired and fired? If anyone was fired, what was the stated reason(s)?
+### hired members:
+round 7 - 1 hired member:
+1. l1dev
+round 10 - 3 hired members:
+1. isonar
+2. nexusfallout
+3. freakstatic
+round 11 - 4 hired members:
+1. stwoof
+2. maxlevush
+3. drmarkovi
+4. dapplooker
+round 14 - 1 hired member:
+1. lkskrn
+round 15 - 2 hired members:
+1. shtihmas
+2. palladium
+round 18 - 1 hired member:
+1. joystreamstats
+round 22 - 18 hired members:
+1. isonar (second time because of technical questions)
+2. arseniy2706
+3. mmsaww
+4. shtihmas
+5. chiffah
+6. zazik
+7. chasil
+8. mmsaww (second time because of technical questions)
+9. goldmember
+10. metralunab
+11. ilich
+12. kate_fm
+13. ururu
+14. andybut
+15. kriptos 
+16. chiffah (second time because of technical questions)
+17. surpaul
+18. allyes
+round 27 - 1 hired member:
+1. whitebarbie
+total members hired: 31
+without lead: 30
+without reruns (3 people are written two times because of technical questions): 27
+### fired members
+round 16 - 5 fired members:
+1. stwoof
+2. maxlevush
+3. drmarkovi
+4. shtihmas
+5. palladium
+round 17 - 1 fired member:
+1. nexusfallout
+round 30 - 9 fired members:
+1. isonar 2 (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the second role, but still works in OWG)
+2. mmsaww
+3. mmsaww (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the both roles)
+4. chiffah (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the second role, but still works in OWG)
+5. chasil
+6. metralunab
+7. kriptos
+8. surpaul
+9. allyes
+total members fired: 15
+without reruns (3 people are written two times because of technical questions): 12
+as for the reasons of firing, there is no information about it in the reports. but i asked current lead about it. his answer: “the reason was simply that i got no response and thought they are no longer interested. everyone who got fired can message me and will create a new opening.”
+## 3. What was the overall spending (in both tJOY and USD) at the start of every Council Term starting from the week before the Lead was hired, until now?
+i can’t grade overall spending in OWG before hiring a current lead just because he was the first member of the group and the only lead of this group. so all spending were under the direction of the current lead. 
+| round number | spent (M tJOY) | spent ($) |
+| 7            | 0,3            | 11,37     |
+| 8            | 0,9            | 33,525    |
+| 9            | 0,9            | 32,4      |
+| 10           | 1,8            | 63,72     |
+| 11           | 3,3            | 114,84    |
+| 12           | 3,9            | 131,82    |
+| 13           | 6,7            | 225,79    |
+| 14           | 12,2           | 414,8     |
+| 15           | 11,3           | 358,21    |
+| 16           | 18,8           | 543,32    |
+| 17           | 17,5           | 537,25    |
+| 18           | 9,1            | 276,64    |
+| 19           | 11,7           | 240,435   |
+| 20           | 10             | 263       |
+| 21           | 8,2            | 192,946   |
+| 22           | 11,5           | 285,2     |
+| 23           | 11,1           | 280,83    |
+| 24           | 5              | 127       |
+| 25           | 9,5            | 257,45    |
+| 26           | 10,8           | 279,72    |
+| 27           | 14,5           | 374,1     |
+| 28           | 7              | 180,6     |
+| 29           | 24,1           | 554,3     |
+| 30           | 13,1           | 326,19    |
+| 31           | 10,3           | 302,305   |
+## 4. Is the Operations handling their "basic" workload as defined in the helpdesk repo?
+i think yes. lead answered me that the main focus of the group now - to improve jsstats and the bots we use, among other things. he also asked me if weekly reports should contain information about workers activities. i said yes! 
+now it’s difficult to see operations work and understand what they are doing. but including such information in weekly report will make group work more visible. 
+i also believe that this group is very important and powerful, but they need to do something with the budget. he is too low, but council members don’t see it: they only see that OWG is the most expensive group and may think that they should reduce their budget. but the true is that this group makes a lot for the project. yes, it needs lots of money because there are good developers. so my goal for now - to create some system which will help to make their work clear for others.