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Update discord handles for CM & WG Leads (#874)

* Update


Co-authored-by: <>
Codefikeyz 2 years ago
1 changed files with 12 additions and 38 deletions
  1. 12 38

+ 12 - 38

@@ -1,41 +1,15 @@
 This document lists out the usernames of people who sit on the council or are working group leads, which will hopefully make communication easier.
-| Joystream Username  | Discord Username      | Discord ID         | Telegram Username   | GitHub Username |
-| tomato              | @tomato#9464          | 811215697182326805 | @s7hhr6ugfruf       | mochet          |
-| freakstatic_council | @freakstatic#0197     | 913016053532069899 | @freakstatic        | freakstatic     |
-| l1dev               | @l1dev#4675           | 811698189182173204 | @l1                 | traumschule     |
-| nexusfallout        | @ColdGunnerX#8266     | 895309633198121070 |                     |                 |
-| doppelganger23      | @doppelganger23#1836  | 910664201389883392 |                     |                 |
-| lopegor             | @lopegor#5668         | 905835066100449301 | @Gate_gate_paragate |                 |
-| seainvestor         | @Pavel-LV#7698        | 911626955101716480 | @SeaInvestor        | PavelMoneyIn    |
-| leet_joy            | @cooloNe#6314         | 849355244566741033 | @EL33T              |                 |
-| oiclid              | @oiclid#4024          | 880407688952053781 |                     | giada42         |
-| fierydev            | @fierydev#4953        | 877163735578468352 |                     |                 |
-| leopold             | @Leopold#8689         | 843605909807824916 | @leopold89          |                 |
-| cheomsk             | @CheOmsk#9542         | 911022228731211797 | @CheOmsk            | CheOmsk         |
-| 2themoon            | @2TheMoon ッ#3371     | 893864302765801472 |                     | 2TheMooon       |
-| Xandrell            | @Xandrell#9401        | 913133796587626597 | @merit_now          | Xandrell        |
-| Wasabi              | @IeSua#9971           | 861694857172353075 | @Alladar2           | IeSua-lab       |
-| XFactorus           | @XFactorus#3606       | 913087949418164295 | @xfactorus          | XFactorus       |
-| ilich               | @Ilich#3455           | 913005494900260875 | @ilichhh            | Ilichhh         |
-| nkhlghbl            | @nkhlghbl#7752        | 909862354966151259 |                     | nkhlghbl        |
-| oxygen              | @MikeShipa#1881       | 907990276142932029 | @mikeshipa          | MikeShipa       |
-| marinag_mary        | @mary75#0325          | 913362371840446484 | @mary_mary75        | MGavrilo        |
-| art_khabibullin     | @art_khabibullin#8969 | 912784970471321670 | @art_khabibullin    | ArturBarker     |
-| zazik               | @ZAZIK#5400           | 913368396861698108 | @perspektiva13      | ZAZIK3          |
-| marat_mu            | @MarikJudo#1899       | 913351712704704552 | @МмМ                | MarikJudo       |
-| igrex               | @IgreX#0267           | 913098824338276433 | @igrex              | igrexac         |
-| isonar              | @isonar#5236          | 913370951763259422 | @isonar             | singulart       |
-| laura               | @LauraKhar#8714       | 913375388170862613 | @LauraKhar          | laura2727       |
-| ardashoff           | @ardashoff#1826       | 913132717657440317 | @ardashoff          | ardashoff       |
-| nanapa6otaet        | @nanaPa6oTaeT#8630    | 758796203671945249 | @f_ck3r0fm1nd       | nanapa6otaet    |
-| svasilenko          | @swasilenko#9850      | 913371745354920006 | @swasilenko         | swasilenko      |
-| lkskrn              | @lkskrn#8336          | 912259973050937354 | @lkskrn             | oleksanderkorn  |
-| maxlevush           | @Lelik_maxi#6419      | 912643636871700520 | @maxlevush          | maxlevush       |
-| blackmass           |                       |                    |                     |                 |
-| supunssw            | @Supun#7200           | 768544805579653140 |                     |                 |
-| sparky              | @sparky#0502          | 530302795207933955 |                     |                 |
-| manipal             |                       |                    |                     |                 |
-| kadyrovs            | @Ruslan#4019          | 913082078436941885 | @frentston          |                 |
+| Joystream Username  | Discord Username      | Discord ID         | Telegram Username   | GitHub Username | Role(s)                   |
+| l1dev               | @l1dev#4675           | 811698189182173204 | @l1                 | traumschule     | Council Member, DWG Lead  |
+| leet_joy            | @cooloNe#6314         | 428872614035849216 | @EL33T              | leetjoy         | MWG   Lead                |
+| igrex               | @IgreX#0267           | 800969275690188841 | @igrex              | igrexac         | CWG   Lead                |
+| klaudiusz           | @klaudiusz.eth#6880   | 213701117744250880 | @kdembler           | kdembler        | AWG   Lead                |
+| Codefikeyz          | @Codefikeyz           | 968374300614725653 | @Codefikeyz         | Codefikeyz      | HRWG  Lead                |
+| yyagi               | @yasir|YYAGI#4678     | 403604155299528725 | @yasir_yagi         | yasiryagi       | SWG   Lead                |
+| 0x2bc               | @xJames#8645          | 428886460004040704 | @mikhail0x          | 0x2bc           | Council Member            |
+| jen4ph              | @jen4ph#5477          | 428872614035849216 | @jen4               | jen4ph          | Council Member            |
+| chaos77             | @Chaos77#8632         | 1027733209942859787 | @chaos77            | chrlschwb       | BWG   Lead                |
+| songoku             | @songoku#1691         | 871337080775639061 | @piccolokun         | songoku1691     | FWG   Lead                |