Joystream Stats 3 jaren geleden

+ 1150 - 613

@@ -1,50 +1,64 @@
-import {ApiPromise, WsProvider} from "@polkadot/api";
-import {types} from '@joystream/types'
+import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
+import { types } from "@joystream/types";
 import {
-    AccountId,
-    Balance,
-    BalanceOf,
-    BlockNumber,
-    EraIndex,
-    EventRecord,
-    Hash,
-    Moment
+  AccountId,
+  Balance,
+  BalanceOf,
+  BlockNumber,
+  EraIndex,
+  EventRecord,
+  Hash,
+  Moment,
 } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
 import {
-    CacheEvent,
-    Media,
-    MintStatistics,
-    Statistics,
-    WorkersInfo, Channel, SpendingProposals, Bounty
+  CacheEvent,
+  Media,
+  MintStatistics,
+  Statistics,
+  WorkersInfo,
+  Channel,
+  SpendingProposals,
+  Bounty,
 } from "./types";
-import {Option, u32, Vec} from "@polkadot/types";
-import {ElectionStake, SealedVote, Seats} from "@joystream/types/council";
-import {Mint, MintId} from "@joystream/types/mint";
-import {ContentId, DataObject} from "@joystream/types/media";
+import { Option, u32, Vec } from "@polkadot/types";
+import { ElectionStake, SealedVote, Seats } from "@joystream/types/council";
+import { Mint, MintId } from "@joystream/types/mint";
+import { ContentId, DataObject } from "@joystream/types/media";
+import { ChannelId, PostId, ThreadId } from "@joystream/types/common";
+import { CategoryId } from "@joystream/types/forum";
-import {ChannelId, PostId, ThreadId} from "@joystream/types/common";
-import {CategoryId} from "@joystream/types/forum";
-import {MemberId, Membership} from "@joystream/types/members";
-import {RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId} from "@joystream/types/recurring-rewards";
+import { MemberId, Membership } from "@joystream/types/members";
+import {
+  RewardRelationship,
+  RewardRelationshipId,
+} from "@joystream/types/recurring-rewards";
-import {Stake} from "@joystream/types/stake";
+import { Stake } from "@joystream/types/stake";
-import {WorkerId} from "@joystream/types/working-group";
-import {Entity, EntityId, PropertyType} from "@joystream/types/content-directory";
-import {ProposalId, Video, VideoId, WorkerOf, } from "@joystream/types/augment-codec/all";
-import {ProposalDetails, ProposalOf} from "@joystream/types/augment/types";
-import {SpendingParams} from "@joystream/types/proposals";
+import { WorkerId } from "@joystream/types/working-group";
+import {
+  Entity,
+  EntityId,
+  PropertyType,
+} from "@joystream/types/content-directory";
+import {
+  ProposalId,
+  Video,
+  VideoId,
+  WorkerOf,
+} from "@joystream/types/augment-codec/all";
+import { ProposalDetails, ProposalOf } from "@joystream/types/augment/types";
+import { SpendingParams } from "@joystream/types/proposals";
 import * as constants from "constants";
-const fsSync = require('fs');
+const fsSync = require("fs");
 const fs = fsSync.promises;
-const parse = require('csv-parse/lib/sync');
+const parse = require("csv-parse/lib/sync");
-const BURN_ADDRESS = '5D5PhZQNJzcJXVBxwJxZcsutjKPqUPydrvpu6HeiBfMaeKQu';
+const BURN_ADDRESS = "5D5PhZQNJzcJXVBxwJxZcsutjKPqUPydrvpu6HeiBfMaeKQu";
 const PROVIDER_URL = "ws://localhost:9944";
@@ -54,92 +68,155 @@ const CACHE_FOLDER = "cache";
 const VIDEO_CLASS_iD = 10;
 const CHANNEL_CLASS_iD = 1;
-const SPENDING_PROPOSALS_CATEGORIES_FILE = __dirname + '/../../../documentation/spending_proposal_categories.csv';
+const SPENDING_CATEGORIES_FILE_NAME = "spending_proposal_categories";
 export class StatisticsCollector {
-    private api?: ApiPromise;
-    private blocksEventsCache: Map<number, CacheEvent[]>;
-    private statistics: Statistics;
-    constructor() {
-        this.blocksEventsCache = new Map<number, CacheEvent[]>();
-        this.statistics = new Statistics();
+  private api?: ApiPromise;
+  private blocksEventsCache: Map<number, CacheEvent[]>;
+  private statistics: Statistics;
+  constructor() {
+    this.blocksEventsCache = new Map<number, CacheEvent[]>();
+    this.statistics = new Statistics();
+  }
+  async getStatistics(
+    startBlock: number,
+    endBlock: number
+  ): Promise<Statistics> {
+    this.api = await StatisticsCollector.connectApi();
+    let startHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startBlock)) as Hash;
+    let endHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(endBlock)) as Hash;
+    this.statistics.startBlock = startBlock;
+    this.statistics.endBlock = endBlock;
+    this.statistics.newBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
+    this.statistics.percNewBlocks = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      startBlock,
+      endBlock
+    );
+    await this.buildBlocksEventCache(startBlock, endBlock);
+    await this.fillBasicInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillTokenGenerationInfo(
+      startBlock,
+      endBlock,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    await this.fillMintsInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillCouncilInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillCouncilElectionInfo(startBlock);
+    await this.fillValidatorInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillStorageProviderInfo(
+      startBlock,
+      endBlock,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    await this.fillCuratorInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillOperationsInfo(startBlock, endBlock, startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillMembershipInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.fillForumInfo(startHash, endHash);
+    await this.api.disconnect();
+    return this.statistics;
+  }
+  async getApprovedBounties() {
+    let bountiesFilePath =
+      __dirname + "/../" + SPENDING_CATEGORIES_FILE_NAME + ".csv";
+    try {
+      await fs.access(bountiesFilePath, constants.R_OK);
+    } catch {
+      throw new Error("Bounties CSV file not found");
-    async getStatistics(startBlock: number, endBlock: number): Promise<Statistics> {
-        this.api = await StatisticsCollector.connectApi();
-        let startHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startBlock)) as Hash;
-        let endHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(endBlock)) as Hash;
-        this.statistics.startBlock = startBlock;
-        this.statistics.endBlock = endBlock;
-        this.statistics.newBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
-        this.statistics.percNewBlocks = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(startBlock, endBlock);
-        await this.buildBlocksEventCache(startBlock, endBlock);
-        await this.fillBasicInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock, endBlock, startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillMintsInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillCouncilInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillCouncilElectionInfo(startBlock);
-        await this.fillValidatorInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillStorageProviderInfo(startBlock, endBlock, startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillCuratorInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillOperationsInfo(startBlock, endBlock, startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillMembershipInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.fillForumInfo(startHash, endHash);
-        await this.api.disconnect();
-        return this.statistics;
+    const fileContent = await fs.readFile(bountiesFilePath);
+    let rawBounties = parse(fileContent);
+    rawBounties.shift();
+    rawBounties = rawBounties.filter((line: string[]) => line[8] == "Bounties");
+    let bounties = any) => {
+      return new Bounty(
+        rawBounty[0],
+        rawBounty[1],
+        rawBounty[2],
+        rawBounty[3],
+        rawBounty[4],
+        rawBounty[5]
+      );
+    });
+    return bounties.filter(
+      (bounty: Bounty) =>
+        bounty.status == "Approved" && bounty.testnet == "Antioch"
+    );
+  }
+  async fillValidatorsRewards() {
+    for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
+      let validatorRewards = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
+        return event.section == "staking" && event.method == "Reward";
+      });
+      for (let validatorReward of validatorRewards) {
+        this.statistics.newValidatorRewards += Number([1]);
+      }
-    async getApprovedBounties() {
-        try {
-            await fs.access(SPENDING_PROPOSALS_CATEGORIES_FILE, constants.R_OK);
-        } catch {
-            console.warn('File with the spending proposal categories not found');
-            return [];
+  }
+  async computeTokensBurn() {
+    let tokensBurned = 0;
+    for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
+      let transfers = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
+        return event.section == "balances" && event.method == "Transfer";
+      });
+      for (let transfer of transfers) {
+        let receiver =[1] as AccountId;
+        let amount =[2] as Balance;
+        if (receiver.toString() == BURN_ADDRESS) {
+          tokensBurned = Number(amount);
-        const fileContent = await fs.readFile(SPENDING_PROPOSALS_CATEGORIES_FILE);
-        let rawBounties = parse(fileContent);
-        rawBounties.shift();
-        rawBounties = rawBounties.filter((line: string[]) => line[8] == 'Bounties');
-        let bounties = any) => {
-            return new Bounty(rawBounty[0], rawBounty[1], rawBounty[2], rawBounty[3], rawBounty[4], rawBounty[5]);
-        });
-        return bounties.filter((bounty: Bounty) => bounty.status == "Approved" && bounty.testnet == "Antioch");
+      }
-    async fillValidatorsRewards() {
-        for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
-            let validatorRewards = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
-                return event.section == "staking" && event.method == "Reward";
-            });
-            for (let validatorReward of validatorRewards) {
-                this.statistics.newValidatorRewards += Number([1]);
-            }
+    return tokensBurned;
+  }
+  async getFinalizedSpendingProposals(): Promise<Array<SpendingProposals>> {
+    let spendingProposals = new Array<SpendingProposals>();
+    for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
+      let proposalEvents = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
+        return (
+          event.section == "proposalsEngine" &&
+          event.method == "ProposalStatusUpdated"
+        );
+      });
+      for (let proposalEvent of proposalEvents) {
+        let statusUpdateData =[1] as any;
+        if (
+          !(
+            statusUpdateData.finalized && statusUpdateData.finalized.finalizedAt
+          )
+        ) {
+          continue;
-    }
-    async computeTokensBurn(){
-        let tokensBurned = 0;
-        for (let [, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
-            let transfers = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
-                return event.section == "balances" && event.method == "Transfer";
-            });
-            for (let transfer of transfers) {
-                let receiver =[1] as AccountId;
-                let amount =[2] as Balance;
-                if (receiver.toString() == BURN_ADDRESS) {
-                    tokensBurned += Number(amount);
-                }
-            }
+        let proposalId =[0] as ProposalId;
+        let proposalInfo = (await this.api.query.proposalsEngine.proposals(
+          proposalId
+        )) as ProposalOf;
+        const finalizedData = proposalInfo.status.asFinalized;
+        let proposalDetail = (await this.api.query.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(
+          proposalId
+        )) as ProposalDetails;
+        if (
+          !finalizedData.proposalStatus.isApproved ||
+          !proposalDetail.isSpending
+        ) {
+          continue;
         return tokensBurned;
@@ -177,542 +254,1002 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
-        return spendingProposals;
-    }
-    async fillBasicInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let startDate = (await as Moment;
-        let endDate = (await as Moment;
-        this.statistics.dateStart = new Date(startDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
-        this.statistics.dateEnd = new Date(endDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
+      }
-    async fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        this.statistics.startIssuance = (await as Balance).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.endIssuance = (await as Balance).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.newIssuance = this.statistics.endIssuance - this.statistics.startIssuance;
-        this.statistics.percNewIssuance = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startIssuance, this.statistics.endIssuance);
-        this.statistics.newTokensBurn = await this.computeTokensBurn();
-        let bounties = await this.getApprovedBounties();
-        let spendingProposals = await this.getFinalizedSpendingProposals(endHash);
-        this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid = 0;
-        if (bounties) {
-            for (let bounty of bounties) {
-                let bountySpendingProposal = spendingProposals.find((spendingProposal) => == bounty.proposalId);
-                if (bountySpendingProposal) {
-                    this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid += bountySpendingProposal.spentAmount;
-                }
-            }
+    return spendingProposals;
+  }
+  async fillBasicInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    let startDate = (await
+      startHash
+    )) as Moment;
+    let endDate = (await as Moment;
+    this.statistics.dateStart = new Date(
+      startDate.toNumber()
+    ).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
+    this.statistics.dateEnd = new Date(endDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString(
+      "en-US"
+    );
+  }
+  async fillTokenGenerationInfo(
+    startBlock: number,
+    endBlock: number,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ) {
+    this.statistics.startIssuance = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as Balance).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.endIssuance = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as Balance).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.newIssuance =
+      this.statistics.endIssuance - this.statistics.startIssuance;
+    this.statistics.percNewIssuance = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startIssuance,
+      this.statistics.endIssuance
+    );
+    this.statistics.newTokensBurn = await this.computeTokensBurn();
+    let bounties = await this.getApprovedBounties();
+    let spendingProposals = await this.getFinalizedSpendingProposals();
+    this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid = 0;
+    if (bounties) {
+      for (let bounty of bounties) {
+        let bountySpendingProposal = spendingProposals.find(
+          (spendingProposal) => == bounty.proposalId
+        );
+        if (bountySpendingProposal) {
+          this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid +=
+            bountySpendingProposal.spentAmount;
+      }
+    }
-        if (!this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid) {
-            console.warn('No bounties found in ' + SPENDING_PROPOSALS_CATEGORIES_FILE +', trying to find spending proposals of bounties, please check the values!...');
-            for (const spendingProposal of spendingProposals) {
-                if (spendingProposal.title.toLowerCase().includes("bounty")) {
-                    this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid += spendingProposal.spentAmount;
-                }
-            }
+    if (!this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid) {
+      console.warn(
+        "No bounties found in " +
+          ", trying to find spending proposals of bounties, please check the values!..."
+      );
+      for (const spendingProposal of spendingProposals) {
+        if (spendingProposal.title.toLowerCase().includes("bounty")) {
+          this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid += spendingProposal.spentAmount;
-        this.statistics.spendingProposalsTotal = spendingProposals.reduce((n, spendingProposal) => n + spendingProposal.spentAmount, 0);
-        let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
-        this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = await this.computeCouncilReward(roundNrBlocks, endHash);
-        this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = Number(this.statistics.newCouncilRewards.toFixed(2));
-        this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = await this.computeCuratorsReward(roundNrBlocks, startHash, endHash);
-        this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = Number(this.statistics.newCuratorRewards.toFixed(2));
+      }
-    async computeCouncilReward(roundNrBlocks: number, endHash: Hash): Promise<number> {
-        const payoutInterval = Number((await as Option<BlockNumber>).unwrapOr(0));
-        const amountPerPayout = (await as BalanceOf).toNumber();
-        const announcing_period = (await as BlockNumber;
-        const voting_period = (await as BlockNumber;
-        const revealing_period = (await as BlockNumber;
-        const new_term_duration = (await as BlockNumber;
-        const termDuration = new_term_duration.toNumber();
-        const votingPeriod = voting_period.toNumber();
-        const revealingPeriod = revealing_period.toNumber();
-        const announcingPeriod = announcing_period.toNumber();
-        const nrCouncilMembers = (await as Seats).length
-        const totalCouncilRewardsPerBlock = (amountPerPayout && payoutInterval)
-            ? (amountPerPayout * nrCouncilMembers) / payoutInterval
-            : 0;
-        const councilTermDurationRatio = termDuration / (termDuration + votingPeriod + revealingPeriod + announcingPeriod);
-        const avgCouncilRewardPerBlock = councilTermDurationRatio * totalCouncilRewardsPerBlock;
-        return avgCouncilRewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
+    this.statistics.spendingProposalsTotal = spendingProposals.reduce(
+      (n, spendingProposal) => n + spendingProposal.spentAmount,
+      0
+    );
+    let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
+    this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = await this.computeCouncilReward(
+      roundNrBlocks,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = Number(
+      this.statistics.newCouncilRewards.toFixed(2)
+    );
+    this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = await this.computeCuratorsReward(
+      roundNrBlocks,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.newCuratorRewards = Number(
+      this.statistics.newCuratorRewards.toFixed(2)
+    );
+  }
+  async computeCouncilReward(
+    roundNrBlocks: number,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ): Promise<number> {
+    const payoutInterval = Number(
+      ((await
+        endHash
+      )) as Option<BlockNumber>).unwrapOr(0)
+    );
+    const amountPerPayout = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as BalanceOf).toNumber();
+    const announcing_period = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as BlockNumber;
+    const voting_period = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as BlockNumber;
+    const revealing_period = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as BlockNumber;
+    const new_term_duration = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as BlockNumber;
+    const termDuration = new_term_duration.toNumber();
+    const votingPeriod = voting_period.toNumber();
+    const revealingPeriod = revealing_period.toNumber();
+    const announcingPeriod = announcing_period.toNumber();
+    const nrCouncilMembers = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as Seats).length;
+    const totalCouncilRewardsPerBlock =
+      amountPerPayout && payoutInterval
+        ? (amountPerPayout * nrCouncilMembers) / payoutInterval
+        : 0;
+    const councilTermDurationRatio =
+      termDuration /
+      (termDuration + votingPeriod + revealingPeriod + announcingPeriod);
+    const avgCouncilRewardPerBlock =
+      councilTermDurationRatio * totalCouncilRewardsPerBlock;
+    return avgCouncilRewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
+  }
+  async computeWorkingGroupReward(
+    roundNrBlocks: number,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash,
+    workingGroup: string
+  ): Promise<WorkersInfo> {
+    let nextWorkerId = ((await this.api.query[
+      workingGroup + "WorkingGroup"
+    ] as WorkerId).toNumber();
+    let info = new WorkersInfo();
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
+      let worker = (await this.api.query[
+        workingGroup + "WorkingGroup"
+      ].workerById(i)) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!worker.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
+        let roleStakeProfile = worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap();
+        let stake = (await this.api.query.stake.stakes(
+          roleStakeProfile.stake_id
+        )) as Stake;
+        info.startStake += stake.value.toNumber();
+      }
-    async computeWorkingGroupReward(roundNrBlocks: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash, workingGroup: string): Promise<WorkersInfo> {
-        let nextWorkerId = (await this.api.query[workingGroup + 'WorkingGroup'] as WorkerId).toNumber();
-        let info = new WorkersInfo();
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
-            let worker = await this.api.query[workingGroup + 'WorkingGroup'], i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!worker.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
-                let roleStakeProfile = worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap();
-                let stake = await, roleStakeProfile.stake_id) as Stake;
-                info.startStake += stake.value.toNumber();
-            }
-        }
-        nextWorkerId = (await this.api.query[workingGroup + 'WorkingGroup'] as WorkerId).toNumber();
-        let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
-            let worker = await this.api.query[workingGroup + 'WorkingGroup'], i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!worker.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
-                rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
-            }
-            if (worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
-                let roleStakeProfile = worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap();
-                let stake = await, roleStakeProfile.stake_id) as Stake;
-                info.endStake += stake.value.toNumber();
-            }
-        }
-        info.rewards = await this.computeReward(roundNrBlocks, rewardRelationshipIds, endHash);
-        info.endNrOfWorkers = nextWorkerId;
-        return info;
+    nextWorkerId = ((await this.api.query[
+      workingGroup + "WorkingGroup"
+    ] as WorkerId).toNumber();
+    let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
+      let worker = (await this.api.query[
+        workingGroup + "WorkingGroup"
+      ].workerById(i)) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!worker.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
+        rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
+      }
+      if (worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
+        let roleStakeProfile = worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap();
+        let stake = (await this.api.query.stake.stakes(
+          roleStakeProfile.stake_id
+        )) as Stake;
+        info.endStake += stake.value.toNumber();
+      }
-    async computeCuratorsReward(roundNrBlocks: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let nextCuratorId = (await as WorkerId).toNumber();
-        let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; ++i) {
-            let worker = await, i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!worker.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
-                rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
-            }
-        }
-        return this.computeReward(roundNrBlocks, rewardRelationshipIds, endHash);
+    info.rewards = await this.computeReward(
+      roundNrBlocks,
+      rewardRelationshipIds,
+      endHash
+    );
+    info.endNrOfWorkers = nextWorkerId;
+    return info;
+  }
+  async computeCuratorsReward(
+    roundNrBlocks: number,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ) {
+    let nextCuratorId = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as WorkerId).toNumber();
+    let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; ++i) {
+      let worker = (await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.workerById(
+        i
+      )) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!worker.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
+        rewardRelationshipIds.push(worker.reward_relationship.unwrap());
+      }
-    async computeReward(roundNrBlocks: number, rewardRelationshipIds: RewardRelationshipId[], hash: Hash) {
-        let recurringRewards = await Promise.all( (rewardRelationshipId) => {
-            return await, rewardRelationshipId) as RewardRelationship;
-        }));
-        let rewardPerBlock = 0;
-        for (let recurringReward of recurringRewards) {
-            const amount = recurringReward.amount_per_payout.toNumber();
-            const payoutInterval = recurringReward.payout_interval.unwrapOr(null);
-            if (amount && payoutInterval) {
-                rewardPerBlock += amount / payoutInterval;
-            }
-        }
-        return rewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
+    return this.computeReward(roundNrBlocks, rewardRelationshipIds, endHash);
+  }
+  async computeReward(
+    roundNrBlocks: number,
+    rewardRelationshipIds: RewardRelationshipId[],
+    hash: Hash
+  ) {
+    let recurringRewards = await Promise.all(
+ (rewardRelationshipId) => {
+        return (await
+          hash,
+          rewardRelationshipId
+        )) as RewardRelationship;
+      })
+    );
+    let rewardPerBlock = 0;
+    for (let recurringReward of recurringRewards) {
+      const amount = recurringReward.amount_per_payout.toNumber();
+      const payoutInterval = recurringReward.payout_interval.unwrapOr(null);
+      if (amount && payoutInterval) {
+        rewardPerBlock += amount / payoutInterval;
+      }
-    async fillMintsInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let startNrMints = parseInt((await;
-        let endNrMints = parseInt((await;
-        this.statistics.newMints = endNrMints - startNrMints;
-        // statistics.startMinted = 0;
-        // statistics.endMinted = 0;
-        for (let i = 0; i < startNrMints; ++i) {
-            let startMint = (await, i)) as Mint;
-            // if (!startMint) {
-            //     continue;
-            // }
-            let endMint = (await, i)) as Mint;
-            // let  = endMintResult[0];
-            // if (!endMint) {
-            //     continue;
-            // }
-            let startMintTotal = parseInt(startMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
-            let endMintTotal = parseInt(endMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
-            // statistics.startMinted += startMintTotal;
-            this.statistics.totalMinted += endMintTotal - startMintTotal;
-            this.statistics.totalMintCapacityIncrease += parseInt(endMint.getField("capacity").toString()) - parseInt(startMint.getField("capacity").toString());
-        }
-        for (let i = startNrMints; i < endNrMints; ++i) {
-            let endMint = await, i) as Mint;
-            if (!endMint) {
-                return;
-            }
-            this.statistics.totalMinted = parseInt(endMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
-        }
-        let councilMint = (await as MintId;
-        let councilMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(councilMint, startHash, endHash);
-        this.statistics.startCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.startMinted;
-        this.statistics.endCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.endMinted;
-        this.statistics.newCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.diffMinted;
-        this.statistics.percNewCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.percMinted;
-        let curatorMint = (await as MintId;
-        let curatorMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(curatorMint, startHash, endHash);
-        this.statistics.startCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.startMinted;
-        this.statistics.endCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.endMinted;
-        this.statistics.newCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.diffMinted;
-        this.statistics.percCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.percMinted;
-        let storageProviderMint = (await as MintId;
-        let storageProviderMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(storageProviderMint, startHash, endHash);
-        this.statistics.startStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.startMinted;
-        this.statistics.endStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.endMinted;
-        this.statistics.newStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.diffMinted;
-        this.statistics.percStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.percMinted;
-        let operationsProviderMint = (await as MintId;
-        let operationsProviderMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(operationsProviderMint, startHash, endHash);
-        this.statistics.startOperationsMinted = operationsProviderMintStatistics.startMinted;
-        this.statistics.endOperationsMinted = operationsProviderMintStatistics.endMinted;
-        this.statistics.newOperationsMinted = operationsProviderMintStatistics.diffMinted;
-        this.statistics.percOperationsMinted = operationsProviderMintStatistics.percMinted;
+    return rewardPerBlock * roundNrBlocks;
+  }
+  async fillMintsInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    let startNrMints = parseInt(
+      (await
+    );
+    let endNrMints = parseInt(
+      (await
+    );
+    this.statistics.newMints = endNrMints - startNrMints;
+    // statistics.startMinted = 0;
+    // statistics.endMinted = 0;
+    for (let i = 0; i < startNrMints; ++i) {
+      let startMint = (await
+        startHash,
+        i
+      )) as Mint;
+      // if (!startMint) {
+      //     continue;
+      // }
+      let endMint = (await, i)) as Mint;
+      // let  = endMintResult[0];
+      // if (!endMint) {
+      //     continue;
+      // }
+      let startMintTotal = parseInt(
+        startMint.getField("total_minted").toString()
+      );
+      let endMintTotal = parseInt(endMint.getField("total_minted").toString());
+      // statistics.startMinted += startMintTotal;
+      this.statistics.totalMinted += endMintTotal - startMintTotal;
+      this.statistics.totalMintCapacityIncrease +=
+        parseInt(endMint.getField("capacity").toString()) -
+        parseInt(startMint.getField("capacity").toString());
-    async computeMintInfo(mintId: MintId, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash): Promise<MintStatistics> {
-        // if (mintId.toString() == "0") {
-        //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
-        // }
-        let startMint = await, mintId) as Mint;
-        // let startMint = startMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
-        // if (!startMint) {
-        //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
-        // }
-        let endMint = await, mintId) as Mint;
-        // let endMint = endMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
-        // if (!endMint) {
-        //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
-        // }
-        let mintStatistics = new MintStatistics();
-        mintStatistics.startMinted = parseInt(startMint.getField('total_minted').toString());
-        mintStatistics.endMinted = parseInt(endMint.getField('total_minted').toString());
-        mintStatistics.diffMinted = mintStatistics.endMinted - mintStatistics.startMinted;
-        mintStatistics.percMinted = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(mintStatistics.startMinted, mintStatistics.endMinted);
-        return mintStatistics;
+    for (let i = startNrMints; i < endNrMints; ++i) {
+      let endMint = (await, i)) as Mint;
+      if (!endMint) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this.statistics.totalMinted = parseInt(
+        endMint.getField("total_minted").toString()
+      );
-    async fillCouncilInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        this.statistics.councilRound = (await as u32).toNumber() - COUNCIL_ROUND_OFFSET;
-        this.statistics.councilMembers = (await as u32).toNumber();
-        let startNrProposals = await as u32;
-        let endNrProposals = await as u32;
-        this.statistics.newProposals = endNrProposals.toNumber() - startNrProposals.toNumber();
-        let approvedProposals = new Set();
-        for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
-            for (let event of blockEvents) {
-                if (event.section == "proposalsEngine" && event.method == "ProposalStatusUpdated") {
-                    let statusUpdateData =[1] as any;
-                    let finalizeData = statusUpdateData.finalized as any
-                    if (finalizeData && finalizeData.proposalStatus.approved) {
-                        approvedProposals.add(Number([0]));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
+    let councilMint = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as MintId;
+    let councilMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(
+      councilMint,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.startCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.startMinted;
+    this.statistics.endCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.endMinted;
+    this.statistics.newCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.diffMinted;
+    this.statistics.percNewCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.percMinted;
+    let curatorMint = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as MintId;
+    let curatorMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(
+      curatorMint,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.startCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.startMinted;
+    this.statistics.endCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.endMinted;
+    this.statistics.newCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.diffMinted;
+    this.statistics.percCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.percMinted;
+    let storageProviderMint = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as MintId;
+    let storageProviderMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(
+      storageProviderMint,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.startStorageMinted =
+      storageProviderMintStatistics.startMinted;
+    this.statistics.endStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.endMinted;
+    this.statistics.newStorageMinted = storageProviderMintStatistics.diffMinted;
+    this.statistics.percStorageMinted =
+      storageProviderMintStatistics.percMinted;
+    let operationsProviderMint = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as MintId;
+    let operationsProviderMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(
+      operationsProviderMint,
+      startHash,
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.startOperationsMinted =
+      operationsProviderMintStatistics.startMinted;
+    this.statistics.endOperationsMinted =
+      operationsProviderMintStatistics.endMinted;
+    this.statistics.newOperationsMinted =
+      operationsProviderMintStatistics.diffMinted;
+    this.statistics.percOperationsMinted =
+      operationsProviderMintStatistics.percMinted;
+  }
+  async computeMintInfo(
+    mintId: MintId,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ): Promise<MintStatistics> {
+    // if (mintId.toString() == "0") {
+    //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+    // }
+    let startMint = (await
+      startHash,
+      mintId
+    )) as Mint;
+    // let startMint = startMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
+    // if (!startMint) {
+    //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+    // }
+    let endMint = (await
+      endHash,
+      mintId
+    )) as Mint;
+    // let endMint = endMintResult[0] as unknown as Mint;
+    // if (!endMint) {
+    //     return new MintStatistics(0, 0, 0);
+    // }
+    let mintStatistics = new MintStatistics();
+    mintStatistics.startMinted = parseInt(
+      startMint.getField("total_minted").toString()
+    );
+    mintStatistics.endMinted = parseInt(
+      endMint.getField("total_minted").toString()
+    );
+    mintStatistics.diffMinted =
+      mintStatistics.endMinted - mintStatistics.startMinted;
+    mintStatistics.percMinted = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      mintStatistics.startMinted,
+      mintStatistics.endMinted
+    );
+    return mintStatistics;
+  }
+  async fillCouncilInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    this.statistics.councilRound =
+      ((await
+        startHash
+      )) as u32).toNumber() - COUNCIL_ROUND_OFFSET;
+    this.statistics.councilMembers = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as u32).toNumber();
+    let startNrProposals = (await
+      startHash
+    )) as u32;
+    let endNrProposals = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as u32;
+    this.statistics.newProposals =
+      endNrProposals.toNumber() - startNrProposals.toNumber();
+    let approvedProposals = new Set();
+    for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
+      for (let event of blockEvents) {
+        if (
+          event.section == "proposalsEngine" &&
+          event.method == "ProposalStatusUpdated"
+        ) {
+          let statusUpdateData =[1] as any;
+          let finalizeData = statusUpdateData.finalized as any;
+          if (finalizeData && finalizeData.proposalStatus.approved) {
+            approvedProposals.add(Number([0]));
+          }
-        this.statistics.newApprovedProposals = approvedProposals.size;
+      }
-    async fillCouncilElectionInfo(startBlock: number) {
-        let startBlockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startBlock);
-        let events = await as Vec<EventRecord>;
-        let isStartBlockFirstCouncilBlock = events.some((event) => {
-            return event.event.section == "councilElection" && event.event.method == "CouncilElected";
-        });
-        if (!isStartBlockFirstCouncilBlock) {
-            console.warn('Note: The given start block is not the first block of the council round so council election information will be empty');
-            return;
-        }
-        let previousCouncilRoundLastBlock = startBlock - 1;
-        let previousCouncilRoundLastBlockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(previousCouncilRoundLastBlock);
-        let applicants = await as Vec<AccountId>;
-        this.statistics.electionApplicants = applicants.length;
-        for (let applicant of applicants) {
-            let applicantStakes = await, applicant) as unknown as ElectionStake;
-            this.statistics.electionApplicantsStakes +=;
-        }
-        // let seats = await as Seats;
-        //TODO: Find a more accurate way of getting the votes
-        const votes = await as Vec<Hash>;
-        this.statistics.electionVotes = votes.length;
+    this.statistics.newApprovedProposals = approvedProposals.size;
+  }
+  async fillCouncilElectionInfo(startBlock: number) {
+    let startBlockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startBlock);
+    let events = (await
+      startBlockHash
+    )) as Vec<EventRecord>;
+    let isStartBlockFirstCouncilBlock = events.some((event) => {
+      return (
+        event.event.section == "councilElection" &&
+        event.event.method == "CouncilElected"
+      );
+    });
+    if (!isStartBlockFirstCouncilBlock) {
+      console.warn(
+        "Note: The given start block is not the first block of the council round so council election information will be empty"
+      );
+      return;
-    async fillValidatorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let startTimestamp = await as unknown as Moment;
-        let endTimestamp = await as unknown as Moment;
-        let avgBlockProduction = (((endTimestamp.toNumber() - startTimestamp.toNumber())
-            / 1000) / this.statistics.newBlocks);
-        this.statistics.avgBlockProduction = Number(avgBlockProduction.toFixed(2));
-        let maxStartValidators = (await as u32).toNumber();
-        let startValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(startHash, false);
-        this.statistics.startValidators = startValidators.length + " / " + maxStartValidators;
-        let maxEndValidators = (await as u32).toNumber();
-        let endValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(endHash, true);
-        this.statistics.endValidators = endValidators.length + " / " + maxEndValidators;
-        this.statistics.percValidators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(startValidators.length, endValidators.length);
-        const startEra = await as Option<EraIndex>;
-        this.statistics.startValidatorsStake = (await, startEra.unwrap())).toNumber();
-        const endEra = await as Option<EraIndex>;
-        this.statistics.endValidatorsStake = (await, endEra.unwrap())).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.percNewValidatorsStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startValidatorsStake, this.statistics.endValidatorsStake);
-        await this.fillValidatorsRewards();
+    let previousCouncilRoundLastBlock = startBlock - 1;
+    let previousCouncilRoundLastBlockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(
+      previousCouncilRoundLastBlock
+    );
+    let applicants = (await
+      previousCouncilRoundLastBlockHash
+    )) as Vec<AccountId>;
+    this.statistics.electionApplicants = applicants.length;
+    for (let applicant of applicants) {
+      let applicantStakes = ((await
+        previousCouncilRoundLastBlockHash,
+        applicant
+      )) as unknown) as ElectionStake;
+      this.statistics.electionApplicantsStakes +=;
-    async findActiveValidators(hash: Hash, searchPreviousBlocks: boolean): Promise<AccountId[]> {
-        const block = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(hash);
-        let currentBlockNr = block.block.header.number.toNumber();
-        let activeValidators;
-        do {
-            let currentHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(currentBlockNr)) as Hash;
-            let allValidators = await as Option<Vec<AccountId>>;
-            if (!allValidators.isEmpty) {
-                let max = (await;
-                activeValidators = Array.from(allValidators.unwrap()).slice(0, max);
-            }
-            if (searchPreviousBlocks) {
-                --currentBlockNr;
-            } else {
-                ++currentBlockNr;
-            }
-        } while (activeValidators == undefined);
-        return activeValidators;
+    // let seats = await as Seats;
+    //TODO: Find a more accurate way of getting the votes
+    const votes = (await
+      previousCouncilRoundLastBlockHash
+    )) as Vec<Hash>;
+    this.statistics.electionVotes = votes.length;
+  }
+  async fillValidatorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    let startTimestamp = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as unknown) as Moment;
+    let endTimestamp = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as unknown) as Moment;
+    let avgBlockProduction =
+      (endTimestamp.toNumber() - startTimestamp.toNumber()) /
+      1000 /
+      this.statistics.newBlocks;
+    this.statistics.avgBlockProduction = Number(avgBlockProduction.toFixed(2));
+    let maxStartValidators = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as u32).toNumber();
+    let startValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(startHash, false);
+    this.statistics.startValidators =
+      startValidators.length + " / " + maxStartValidators;
+    let maxEndValidators = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as u32).toNumber();
+    let endValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(endHash, true);
+    this.statistics.endValidators =
+      endValidators.length + " / " + maxEndValidators;
+    this.statistics.percValidators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      startValidators.length,
+      endValidators.length
+    );
+    const startEra = (await
+      startHash
+    )) as Option<EraIndex>;
+    this.statistics.startValidatorsStake = (
+      await
+        startHash,
+        startEra.unwrap()
+      )
+    ).toNumber();
+    const endEra = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as Option<EraIndex>;
+    this.statistics.endValidatorsStake = (
+      await, endEra.unwrap())
+    ).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.percNewValidatorsStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startValidatorsStake,
+      this.statistics.endValidatorsStake
+    );
+    await this.fillValidatorsRewards();
+  }
+  async findActiveValidators(
+    hash: Hash,
+    searchPreviousBlocks: boolean
+  ): Promise<AccountId[]> {
+    const block = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(hash);
+    let currentBlockNr = block.block.header.number.toNumber();
+    let activeValidators;
+    do {
+      let currentHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(
+        currentBlockNr
+      )) as Hash;
+      let allValidators = (await
+        currentHash
+      )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>;
+      if (!allValidators.isEmpty) {
+        let max = (
+          await
+        ).toNumber();
+        activeValidators = Array.from(allValidators.unwrap()).slice(0, max);
+      }
+      if (searchPreviousBlocks) {
+        --currentBlockNr;
+      } else {
+        ++currentBlockNr;
+      }
+    } while (activeValidators == undefined);
+    return activeValidators;
+  }
+  async fillStorageProviderInfo(
+    startBlock: number,
+    endBlock: number,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ) {
+    let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
+    let storageProvidersRewards = await this.computeWorkingGroupReward(
+      roundNrBlocks,
+      startHash,
+      endHash,
+      "storage"
+    );
+    this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = storageProvidersRewards.rewards;
+    this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = Number(
+      this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward.toFixed(2)
+    );
+    this.statistics.startStorageProvidersStake =
+      storageProvidersRewards.startStake;
+    this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake = storageProvidersRewards.endStake;
+    this.statistics.percNewStorageProviderStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startStorageProvidersStake,
+      this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake
+    );
+    this.statistics.startStorageProviders = await
+      startHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.endStorageProviders = await
+      endHash
+    );
+    this.statistics.percNewStorageProviders = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startStorageProviders,
+      this.statistics.endStorageProviders
+    );
+    let nextWorkerId = Number(
+      await
+    );
+    this.statistics.storageProviders = "";
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
+      let storageProvider = (await
+        endHash,
+        i
+      )) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!storageProvider.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let membership = (await
+        endHash,
+        storageProvider.member_id
+      )) as Membership;
+      this.statistics.storageProviders +=
+        "@" + membership.handle + " | (" + membership.root_account + ")  \n";
-    async fillStorageProviderInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
-        let storageProvidersRewards = await this.computeWorkingGroupReward(roundNrBlocks, startHash, endHash, 'storage');
-        this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = storageProvidersRewards.rewards;
-        this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward = Number(this.statistics.newStorageProviderReward.toFixed(2));
-        this.statistics.startStorageProvidersStake = storageProvidersRewards.startStake;
-        this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake = storageProvidersRewards.endStake;
-        this.statistics.percNewStorageProviderStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startStorageProvidersStake, this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake);
-        this.statistics.startStorageProviders = await;
-        this.statistics.endStorageProviders = await;
-        this.statistics.percNewStorageProviders = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startStorageProviders, this.statistics.endStorageProviders);
-        let nextWorkerId = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.storageProviders = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
-            let storageProvider = await, i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!storageProvider.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            let membership = await, storageProvider.member_id) as Membership;
-            this.statistics.storageProviders += "@" + membership.handle + " | (" + membership.root_account + ")  \n";
-        }
+  }
+  async fillCuratorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    this.statistics.startCurators = Number(
+      await
+        startHash
+      )
+    );
+    this.statistics.endCurators = Number(
+      await
+        endHash
+      )
+    );
+    this.statistics.percNewCurators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startCurators,
+      this.statistics.endCurators
+    );
+    let nextCuratorId = Number(
+      await
+    );
+    this.statistics.curators = "";
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; i++) {
+      let worker = (await
+        endHash,
+        i
+      )) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!worker.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let curatorMembership = (await
+        endHash,
+        worker.member_id
+      )) as Membership;
+      this.statistics.curators +=
+        "@" +
+        curatorMembership.handle +
+        " | (" +
+        curatorMembership.root_account +
+        ")  \n";
-    async fillCuratorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        this.statistics.startCurators = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.endCurators = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.percNewCurators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startCurators, this.statistics.endCurators);
-        let nextCuratorId = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.curators = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; i++) {
-            let worker = await, i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!worker.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            let curatorMembership = await, worker.member_id) as Membership;
-            this.statistics.curators += "@" + curatorMembership.handle + " | (" + curatorMembership.root_account + ")  \n";
-        }
+  }
+  async fillOperationsInfo(
+    startBlock: number,
+    endBlock: number,
+    startHash: Hash,
+    endHash: Hash
+  ) {
+    let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
+    let operationsRewards = await this.computeWorkingGroupReward(
+      roundNrBlocks,
+      startHash,
+      endHash,
+      "operations"
+    );
+    this.statistics.newOperationsReward = operationsRewards.rewards;
+    this.statistics.newOperationsReward = Number(
+      this.statistics.newOperationsReward.toFixed(2)
+    );
+    this.statistics.startOperationsStake = operationsRewards.startStake;
+    this.statistics.endOperationsStake = operationsRewards.endStake;
+    this.statistics.percNewOperationstake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startOperationsStake,
+      this.statistics.endOperationsStake
+    );
+    this.statistics.startOperationsWorkers = Number(
+      await
+        startHash
+      )
+    );
+    this.statistics.endOperationsWorkers = Number(
+      await
+    );
+    this.statistics.percNewOperationsWorkers = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startOperationsWorkers,
+      this.statistics.endOperationsWorkers
+    );
+    let nextOperationsWorkerId = Number(
+      await
+    );
+    this.statistics.operations = "";
+    for (let i = 0; i < nextOperationsWorkerId; i++) {
+      let worker = (await
+        endHash,
+        i
+      )) as WorkerOf;
+      if (!worker.is_active) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let operationMembership = (await
+        endHash,
+        worker.member_id
+      )) as Membership;
+      this.statistics.operations +=
+        "@" +
+        operationMembership.handle +
+        " | (" +
+        operationMembership.root_account +
+        ")  \n";
-    async fillOperationsInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
-        let operationsRewards = await this.computeWorkingGroupReward(roundNrBlocks, startHash, endHash, 'operations');
-        this.statistics.newOperationsReward = operationsRewards.rewards;
-        this.statistics.newOperationsReward = Number(this.statistics.newOperationsReward.toFixed(2));
-        this.statistics.startOperationsStake = operationsRewards.startStake;
-        this.statistics.endOperationsStake = operationsRewards.endStake;
-        this.statistics.percNewOperationstake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startOperationsStake, this.statistics.endOperationsStake);
-        this.statistics.startOperationsWorkers = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.endOperationsWorkers = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.percNewOperationsWorkers = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startOperationsWorkers, this.statistics.endOperationsWorkers);
-        let nextOperationsWorkerId = Number(await;
-        this.statistics.operations = "";
-        for (let i = 0; i < nextOperationsWorkerId; i++) {
-            let worker = await, i) as WorkerOf;
-            if (!worker.is_active) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            let operationMembership = await, worker.member_id) as Membership;
-            this.statistics.operations += "@" + operationMembership.handle + " | (" + operationMembership.root_account + ")  \n";
-        }
+  }
+  async fillMembershipInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    this.statistics.startMembers = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as MemberId).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.endMembers = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as MemberId).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.newMembers =
+      this.statistics.endMembers - this.statistics.startMembers;
+    this.statistics.percNewMembers = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startMembers,
+      this.statistics.endMembers
+    );
+  }
+  async fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    let startVideos = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as VideoId).toNumber();
+    let endVideos = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as VideoId).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.startMedia = startVideos;
+    this.statistics.endMedia = endVideos;
+    this.statistics.percNewMedia = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startMedia,
+      this.statistics.endMedia
+    );
+    let startChannels = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as ChannelId).toNumber();
+    let endChannels = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as ChannelId).toNumber();
+    this.statistics.startChannels = startChannels;
+    this.statistics.endChannels = endChannels;
+    this.statistics.percNewChannels = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startChannels,
+      this.statistics.endChannels
+    );
+    let dataObjects = ((await this.api.query.dataDirectory.dataByContentId.entries()) as unknown) as Map<
+      ContentId,
+      DataObject
+    >;
+    let startObjects = new Map<ContentId, DataObject>();
+    let endObjects = new Map<ContentId, DataObject>();
+    const startBlock = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(startHash);
+    const endBlock = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(endHash);
+    for (let [key, dataObject] of dataObjects) {
+      if (
+        dataObject.added_at.block.toNumber() <
+        startBlock.block.header.number.toNumber()
+      ) {
+        startObjects.set(key, dataObject);
+        this.statistics.startUsedSpace +=
+          dataObject.size_in_bytes.toNumber() / 1024 / 1024;
+      }
+      if (
+        dataObject.added_at.block.toNumber() <
+        endBlock.block.header.number.toNumber()
+      ) {
+        endObjects.set(key, dataObject);
+        this.statistics.endUsedSpace +=
+          dataObject.size_in_bytes.toNumber() / 1024 / 1024;
+      }
-    async fillMembershipInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        this.statistics.startMembers = (await as MemberId).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.endMembers = (await as MemberId).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.newMembers = this.statistics.endMembers - this.statistics.startMembers;
-        this.statistics.percNewMembers = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startMembers, this.statistics.endMembers);
+    this.statistics.startUsedSpace = Number(
+      this.statistics.startUsedSpace.toFixed(2)
+    );
+    this.statistics.endUsedSpace = Number(
+      this.statistics.endUsedSpace.toFixed(2)
+    );
+    this.statistics.percNewUsedSpace = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startUsedSpace,
+      this.statistics.endUsedSpace
+    );
+  }
+  async fillForumInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+    let startPostId = (await
+      startHash
+    )) as PostId;
+    let endPostId = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as PostId;
+    this.statistics.startPosts = startPostId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.endPosts = endPostId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.newPosts =
+      this.statistics.endPosts - this.statistics.startPosts;
+    this.statistics.percNewPosts = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startPosts,
+      this.statistics.endPosts
+    );
+    let startThreadId = ((await
+      startHash
+    )) as unknown) as ThreadId;
+    let endThreadId = ((await
+      endHash
+    )) as unknown) as ThreadId;
+    this.statistics.startThreads = startThreadId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.endThreads = endThreadId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.newThreads =
+      this.statistics.endThreads - this.statistics.startThreads;
+    this.statistics.percNewThreads = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startThreads,
+      this.statistics.endThreads
+    );
+    let startCategoryId = (await
+      startHash
+    )) as CategoryId;
+    let endCategoryId = (await
+      endHash
+    )) as CategoryId;
+    this.statistics.startCategories = startCategoryId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.endCategories = endCategoryId.toNumber();
+    this.statistics.newCategories =
+      this.statistics.endCategories - this.statistics.startCategories;
+    this.statistics.perNewCategories = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(
+      this.statistics.startCategories,
+      this.statistics.endCategories
+    );
+  }
+  static convertToPercentage(previousValue: number, newValue: number): number {
+    if (previousValue == 0) {
+      return newValue > 0 ? Infinity : 0;
+    }
+    return Number(((newValue * 100) / previousValue - 100).toFixed(2));
+  }
+  async computeUsedSpaceInMbs(contentIds: Vec<ContentId>) {
+    let space = 0;
+    for (let contentId of contentIds) {
+      let dataObject = (await this.api.query.dataDirectory.dataObjectByContentId(
+        contentId
+      )) as Option<DataObject>;
+      space += dataObject.unwrap().size_in_bytes.toNumber();
+    }
+    return space / 1024 / 1024;
+  }
+  async parseVideos(entities: Map<number, Entity>) {
+    let videos: Media[] = [];
+    for (let [key, entity] of entities) {
+      if (
+        entity.class_id.toNumber() != VIDEO_CLASS_iD ||
+        entity.values.isEmpty
+      ) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let values = Array.from(entity.getField("values").entries());
+      if (values.length < 2 || values[2].length < 1) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let title = values[2][1].getValue().toString();
+      videos.push(new Media(key, title));
-    async fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let startVideos = (await as VideoId).toNumber();
-        let endVideos = (await as VideoId).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.startMedia = startVideos;
-        this.statistics.endMedia = endVideos;
-        this.statistics.percNewMedia = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startMedia, this.statistics.endMedia);
-        let startChannels = (await as ChannelId).toNumber();
-        let endChannels = (await as ChannelId).toNumber();
-        this.statistics.startChannels = startChannels;
-        this.statistics.endChannels = endChannels;
-        this.statistics.percNewChannels = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startChannels, this.statistics.endChannels);
-        let dataObjects = await this.api.query.dataDirectory.dataByContentId.entries() as unknown as Map<ContentId, DataObject>;
-        let startObjects = new Map<ContentId, DataObject>();
-        let endObjects = new Map<ContentId, DataObject>();
+    return videos;
+  }
-        const startBlock = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(startHash);
-        const endBlock = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(endHash);
+  async parseChannels(entities: Map<number, Entity>) {
+    let channels: Channel[] = [];
-        for (let [key, dataObject] of dataObjects) {
-            if (dataObject.added_at.block.toNumber() < startBlock.block.header.number.toNumber()) {
-                startObjects.set(key, dataObject);
-                this.statistics.startUsedSpace += dataObject.size_in_bytes.toNumber() / 1024 / 1024;
-            }
+    for (let [key, entity] of entities) {
+      if (
+        entity.class_id.toNumber() != CHANNEL_CLASS_iD ||
+        entity.values.isEmpty
+      ) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      let values = Array.from(entity.getField("values").entries());
-            if (dataObject.added_at.block.toNumber() < endBlock.block.header.number.toNumber()) {
-                endObjects.set(key, dataObject);
-                this.statistics.endUsedSpace += dataObject.size_in_bytes.toNumber() / 1024 / 1024;
-            }
-        }
-        this.statistics.startUsedSpace = Number(this.statistics.startUsedSpace.toFixed(2));
-        this.statistics.endUsedSpace = Number(this.statistics.endUsedSpace.toFixed(2));
-        this.statistics.percNewUsedSpace = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startUsedSpace, this.statistics.endUsedSpace);
+      let title = values[0][1].getValue().toString();
+      channels.push(new Channel(key, title));
-    async fillForumInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
-        let startPostId = await as PostId;
-        let endPostId = await as PostId;
-        this.statistics.startPosts = startPostId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.endPosts = endPostId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.newPosts = this.statistics.endPosts - this.statistics.startPosts;
-        this.statistics.percNewPosts = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startPosts, this.statistics.endPosts);
-        let startThreadId = ((await as unknown) as ThreadId;
-        let endThreadId = ((await as unknown) as ThreadId;
-        this.statistics.startThreads = startThreadId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.endThreads = endThreadId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.newThreads = this.statistics.endThreads - this.statistics.startThreads;
-        this.statistics.percNewThreads = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startThreads, this.statistics.endThreads);
-        let startCategoryId = (await as CategoryId;
-        let endCategoryId = (await as CategoryId;
-        this.statistics.startCategories = startCategoryId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.endCategories = endCategoryId.toNumber();
-        this.statistics.newCategories = this.statistics.endCategories - this.statistics.startCategories;
-        this.statistics.perNewCategories = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startCategories, this.statistics.endCategories);
+    return channels;
+  }
+  async getEntities(blockHash: Hash) {
+    let nrEntities = ((await
+      blockHash
+    )) as EntityId).toNumber();
+    let entities = new Map<number, Entity>();
+    for (let i = 0; i < nrEntities; ++i) {
+      let entity = (await
+        blockHash,
+        i
+      )) as Entity;
+      entities.set(i, entity);
-    static convertToPercentage(previousValue: number, newValue: number): number {
-        if (previousValue == 0) {
-            return newValue > 0 ? Infinity : 0;
-        }
-        return Number((newValue * 100 / previousValue - 100).toFixed(2));
-    }
-    async buildBlocksEventCache(startBlock: number, endBlock: number) {
-        let cacheFile = CACHE_FOLDER + '/' + startBlock + '-' + endBlock + '.json';
-        let exists = await fs.access(cacheFile, fsSync.constants.R_OK).then(() => true)
-            .catch(() => false);
-        // let exists = false;
-        if (!exists) {
-            console.log('Building events cache...');
-            let blocksEvents = new Map<number, CacheEvent[]>();
-            for (let i = startBlock; i < endBlock; ++i) {
-                process.stdout.write('\rCaching block: ' + i + ' until ' + endBlock);
-                const blockHash: Hash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(i);
-                let eventRecord = await as Vec<EventRecord>;
-                let cacheEvents = new Array<CacheEvent>();
-                for (let event of eventRecord) {
-                    cacheEvents.push(new CacheEvent(event.event.section, event.event.method,;
-                }
-                blocksEvents.set(i, cacheEvents);
-            }
-            console.log('\nFinish events cache...');
-            let jsonOutput = JSON.stringify(Array.from(blocksEvents.entries()), null, 2);
-            await fs.writeFile(cacheFile, jsonOutput);
-            this.blocksEventsCache = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonOutput));
-        } else {
-            console.log('Cache file found, loading it...');
-            let fileData = await fs.readFile(cacheFile);
-            this.blocksEventsCache = new Map(JSON.parse(fileData));
-            console.log('Cache file loaded...');
+    return entities;
+  }
+  async buildBlocksEventCache(startBlock: number, endBlock: number) {
+    let cacheFile = CACHE_FOLDER + "/" + startBlock + "-" + endBlock + ".json";
+    let exists = await fs
+      .access(cacheFile, fsSync.constants.R_OK)
+      .then(() => true)
+      .catch(() => false);
+    // let exists = false;
+    if (!exists) {
+      console.log("Building events cache...");
+      let blocksEvents = new Map<number, CacheEvent[]>();
+      for (let i = startBlock; i < endBlock; ++i) {
+        process.stdout.write("\rCaching block: " + i + " until " + endBlock);
+        const blockHash: Hash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(i);
+        let eventRecord = (await
+          blockHash
+        )) as Vec<EventRecord>;
+        let cacheEvents = new Array<CacheEvent>();
+        for (let event of eventRecord) {
+          cacheEvents.push(
+            new CacheEvent(
+              event.event.section,
+              event.event.method,
+            )
+          );
+        blocksEvents.set(i, cacheEvents);
+      }
+      console.log("\nFinish events cache...");
+      let jsonOutput = JSON.stringify(
+        Array.from(blocksEvents.entries()),
+        null,
+        2
+      );
+      await fs.writeFile(cacheFile, jsonOutput);
+      this.blocksEventsCache = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonOutput));
+    } else {
+      console.log("Cache file found, loading it...");
+      let fileData = await fs.readFile(cacheFile);
+      this.blocksEventsCache = new Map(JSON.parse(fileData));
+      console.log("Cache file loaded...");
+  }
-    static async connectApi(): Promise<ApiPromise> {
-        // const provider = new WsProvider('wss://');
-        const provider = new WsProvider(PROVIDER_URL);
+  static async connectApi(): Promise<ApiPromise> {
+    // const provider = new WsProvider('wss://');
+    const provider = new WsProvider(PROVIDER_URL);
-        // Create the API and wait until ready
-        return await ApiPromise.create({provider, types});
-    }
+    // Create the API and wait until ready
+    return await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types });
+  }

+ 38 - 39

@@ -1,46 +1,45 @@
-import {StatisticsCollector} from "./StatisticsCollector";
+import { StatisticsCollector } from "./StatisticsCollector";
-const fs = require('fs').promises;
+const fs = require("fs").promises;
 async function main() {
-    const args = process.argv.slice(2);
-    if (args.length != 2) {
-        console.error('Usage: [start bock number] [end block number]');
-        process.exit(1);
-    }
-    const startBlock = Number(args[0]);
-    const endBlock = Number(args[1]);
-    if (isNaN(startBlock) || isNaN(endBlock) || startBlock >= endBlock) {
-        console.error('Invalid block range');
-        process.exit(1);
-    }
-    try {
-        let fileData = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/../', {
-            encoding: "utf8"
-        });
-        console.log('Getting report info...');
-        let staticCollecttor = new StatisticsCollector();
-        let statistics =  await staticCollecttor.getStatistics(startBlock, endBlock);
-        console.log('Writing info in the report...');
-        let entries = Object.entries(statistics);
-        for (let entry of entries){
-            let regex = new RegExp('{' + entry[0] + '}', "g");
-            fileData = fileData.replace(regex, entry[1].toString());
-        }
-        await fs.writeFile('', fileData);
-        console.log('Report generated!');
-        process.exit(0);
-    }catch (e) {
-        console.error(e);
+  const args = process.argv.slice(2);
+  if (args.length != 2) {
+    console.error("Usage: [start bock number] [end block number]");
+    process.exit(1);
+  }
+  const startBlock = Number(args[0]);
+  const endBlock = Number(args[1]);
+  if (isNaN(startBlock) || isNaN(endBlock) || startBlock >= endBlock) {
+    console.error("Invalid block range");
+    process.exit(1);
+  }
+  try {
+    let fileData = await fs.readFile(__dirname + "/../", {
+      encoding: "utf8",
+    });
+    console.log("Getting report info...");
+    let staticCollecttor = new StatisticsCollector();
+    let statistics = await staticCollecttor.getStatistics(startBlock, endBlock);
+    console.log("Writing info in the report...");
+    let entries = Object.entries(statistics);
+    for (let entry of entries) {
+      let regex = new RegExp("{" + entry[0] + "}", "g");
+      fileData = fileData.replace(regex, entry[1].toString());
+    await fs.writeFile("", fileData);
+    console.log("Report generated!");
+    process.exit(0);
+  } catch (e) {
+    console.error(e);
+  }

+ 214 - 206

@@ -1,239 +1,247 @@
-import {GenericEventData} from "@polkadot/types/generic/Event";
+import { GenericEventData } from "@polkadot/types/generic/Event";
 export class Statistics {
-    councilRound: number = 0;
-    councilMembers: number = 0;
-    electionApplicants: number = 0;
-    electionAvgApplicants: number = 0;
-    perElectionApplicants: number = 0;
-    electionApplicantsStakes: number = 0;
-    electionVotes: number = 0;
-    avgVotePerApplicant: number = 0;
-    dateStart: string = "";
-    dateEnd: string = "";
-    startBlock: number = 0;
-    endBlock: number = 0;
-    percNewBlocks: number = 0;
-    startMembers: number = 0;
-    endMembers: number = 0;
-    newMembers: number = 0;
-    percNewMembers: number = 0;
-    newBlocks: number = 0;
-    avgBlockProduction: number = 0;
-    startThreads: number = 0;
-    endThreads: number = 0;
-    newThreads: number = 0;
-    totalThreads: number = 0;
-    percNewThreads: number = 0;
-    startPosts: number = 0;
-    // endPosts: number = 0;
-    newPosts: number = 0;
-    endPosts: number = 0;
-    percNewPosts: number = 0;
-    startCategories: number = 0;
-    endCategories: number = 0;
-    newCategories: number = 0;
-    perNewCategories: number = 0;
-    newProposals: number = 0;
-    newApprovedProposals: number = 0;
-    startChannels: number = 0;
-    newChannels: number = 0;
-    endChannels: number = 0;
-    percNewChannels: number = 0;
-    startMedia: number = 0;
-    newMedia: number = 0;
-    endMedia: number = 0;
-    percNewMedia: number = 0;
-    deletedMedia: number = 0;
-    newMints: number = 0;
-    startMinted: number = 0;
-    totalMinted: number = 0;
-    percMinted: number = 0;
-    endMinted: number = 0;
-    totalMintCapacityIncrease: number = 0;
-    startCouncilMinted: number = 0;
-    endCouncilMinted: number = 0;
-    newCouncilMinted: number = 0;
-    percNewCouncilMinted: number = 0;
-    startCuratorMinted: number = 0;
-    endCuratorMinted: number = 0;
-    newCuratorMinted: number = 0;
-    percCuratorMinted: number = 0;
-    startStorageMinted: number = 0;
-    endStorageMinted: number = 0;
-    newStorageMinted: number = 0;
-    percStorageMinted: number = 0;
-    startOperationsMinted: number = 0;
-    endOperationsMinted: number = 0;
-    newOperationsMinted: number = 0;
-    percOperationsMinted: number = 0;
-    startIssuance: number = 0;
-    endIssuance: number = 0;
-    newIssuance: number = 0;
-    percNewIssuance: number = 0;
-    newTokensBurn: number = 0;
-    newValidatorRewards: number = 0;
-    avgValidators: number = 0;
-    startValidators: string = "";
-    endValidators: string = "";
-    percValidators: number = 0;
-    startValidatorsStake: number = 0;
-    endValidatorsStake: number = 0;
-    percNewValidatorsStake: number = 0;
-    startStorageProviders: number = 0;
-    endStorageProviders: number = 0;
-    percNewStorageProviders: number = 0;
-    newStorageProviderReward: number = 0;
-    startStorageProvidersStake: number = 0;
-    endStorageProvidersStake: number = 0;
-    percNewStorageProviderStake: number = 0;
-    startOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
-    endOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
-    percNewOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
-    newOperationsReward: number = 0;
-    startOperationsStake: number = 0;
-    endOperationsStake: number = 0;
-    percNewOperationstake: number = 0;
-    newCouncilRewards: number = 0;
-    startCurators: number = 0;
-    endCurators: number = 0;
-    percNewCurators: number = 0;
-    newCuratorRewards: number = 0;
-    startUsedSpace: number = 0;
-    newUsedSpace: number = 0;
-    endUsedSpace: number = 0;
-    percNewUsedSpace: number = 0;
-    avgNewSizePerContent: number = 0;
-    totalAvgSizePerContent: number = 0;
-    percAvgSizePerContent: number = 0;
-    newStakes: number = 0;
-    totalNewStakeValue: number = 0;
-    newTextProposals: number = 0;
-    newRuntimeUpgradeProposal: number = 0;
-    newSetElectionParametersProposal: number = 0;
-    spendingProposalsTotal: number = 0;
-    bountiesTotalPaid: number = 0;
-    newSetLeadProposal: number = 0;
-    newSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: number = 0;
-    newEvictStorageProviderProposal: number = 0;
-    newSetValidatorCountProposal: number = 0;
-    newSetStorageRoleParametersProposal: number = 0;
-    storageProviders: string;
-    curators: string;
-    operations:string;
-    constructor() {
-    }
+  councilRound: number = 0;
+  councilMembers: number = 0;
+  electionApplicants: number = 0;
+  electionAvgApplicants: number = 0;
+  perElectionApplicants: number = 0;
+  electionApplicantsStakes: number = 0;
+  electionVotes: number = 0;
+  avgVotePerApplicant: number = 0;
+  dateStart: string = "";
+  dateEnd: string = "";
+  startBlock: number = 0;
+  endBlock: number = 0;
+  percNewBlocks: number = 0;
+  startMembers: number = 0;
+  endMembers: number = 0;
+  newMembers: number = 0;
+  percNewMembers: number = 0;
+  newBlocks: number = 0;
+  avgBlockProduction: number = 0;
+  startThreads: number = 0;
+  endThreads: number = 0;
+  newThreads: number = 0;
+  totalThreads: number = 0;
+  percNewThreads: number = 0;
+  startPosts: number = 0;
+  // endPosts: number = 0;
+  newPosts: number = 0;
+  endPosts: number = 0;
+  percNewPosts: number = 0;
+  startCategories: number = 0;
+  endCategories: number = 0;
+  newCategories: number = 0;
+  perNewCategories: number = 0;
+  newProposals: number = 0;
+  newApprovedProposals: number = 0;
+  startChannels: number = 0;
+  newChannels: number = 0;
+  endChannels: number = 0;
+  percNewChannels: number = 0;
+  startMedia: number = 0;
+  newMedia: number = 0;
+  endMedia: number = 0;
+  percNewMedia: number = 0;
+  deletedMedia: number = 0;
+  newMints: number = 0;
+  startMinted: number = 0;
+  totalMinted: number = 0;
+  percMinted: number = 0;
+  endMinted: number = 0;
+  totalMintCapacityIncrease: number = 0;
+  startCouncilMinted: number = 0;
+  endCouncilMinted: number = 0;
+  newCouncilMinted: number = 0;
+  percNewCouncilMinted: number = 0;
+  startCuratorMinted: number = 0;
+  endCuratorMinted: number = 0;
+  newCuratorMinted: number = 0;
+  percCuratorMinted: number = 0;
+  startStorageMinted: number = 0;
+  endStorageMinted: number = 0;
+  newStorageMinted: number = 0;
+  percStorageMinted: number = 0;
+  startOperationsMinted: number = 0;
+  endOperationsMinted: number = 0;
+  newOperationsMinted: number = 0;
+  percOperationsMinted: number = 0;
+  startIssuance: number = 0;
+  endIssuance: number = 0;
+  newIssuance: number = 0;
+  percNewIssuance: number = 0;
+  newTokensBurn: number = 0;
+  newValidatorRewards: number = 0;
+  avgValidators: number = 0;
+  startValidators: string = "";
+  endValidators: string = "";
+  percValidators: number = 0;
+  startValidatorsStake: number = 0;
+  endValidatorsStake: number = 0;
+  percNewValidatorsStake: number = 0;
+  startStorageProviders: number = 0;
+  endStorageProviders: number = 0;
+  percNewStorageProviders: number = 0;
+  newStorageProviderReward: number = 0;
+  startStorageProvidersStake: number = 0;
+  endStorageProvidersStake: number = 0;
+  percNewStorageProviderStake: number = 0;
+  startOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
+  endOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
+  percNewOperationsWorkers: number = 0;
+  newOperationsReward: number = 0;
+  startOperationsStake: number = 0;
+  endOperationsStake: number = 0;
+  percNewOperationstake: number = 0;
+  newCouncilRewards: number = 0;
+  startCurators: number = 0;
+  endCurators: number = 0;
+  percNewCurators: number = 0;
+  newCuratorRewards: number = 0;
+  startUsedSpace: number = 0;
+  newUsedSpace: number = 0;
+  endUsedSpace: number = 0;
+  percNewUsedSpace: number = 0;
+  avgNewSizePerContent: number = 0;
+  totalAvgSizePerContent: number = 0;
+  percAvgSizePerContent: number = 0;
+  newStakes: number = 0;
+  totalNewStakeValue: number = 0;
+  newTextProposals: number = 0;
+  newRuntimeUpgradeProposal: number = 0;
+  newSetElectionParametersProposal: number = 0;
+  spendingProposalsTotal: number = 0;
+  bountiesTotalPaid: number = 0;
+  newSetLeadProposal: number = 0;
+  newSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: number = 0;
+  newEvictStorageProviderProposal: number = 0;
+  newSetValidatorCountProposal: number = 0;
+  newSetStorageRoleParametersProposal: number = 0;
+  storageProviders: string;
+  curators: string;
+  operations: string;
+  constructor() {}
 export class ValidatorReward {
-    sharedReward: number = 0;
-    remainingReward: number = 0;
-    validators: number = 0;
-    slotStake: number = 0;
-    blockNumber: number = 0;
+  sharedReward: number = 0;
+  remainingReward: number = 0;
+  validators: number = 0;
+  slotStake: number = 0;
+  blockNumber: number = 0;
 export class WorkersInfo {
-    rewards: number = 0;
-    startStake: number = 0;
-    endStake: number = 0;
-    startNrOfWorkers: number = 0;
-    endNrOfWorkers: number = 0;
+  rewards: number = 0;
+  startStake: number = 0;
+  endStake: number = 0;
+  startNrOfWorkers: number = 0;
+  endNrOfWorkers: number = 0;
 export class Exchange {
-    sender: string = "";
-    amount: number = 0;
-    fees: number = 0;
-    blockNumber: number = 0;
+  sender: string = "";
+  amount: number = 0;
+  fees: number = 0;
+  blockNumber: number = 0;
 export enum ProposalTypes {
-    Text = "Text",
-    RuntimeUpgrade = "RuntimeUpgrade",
-    SetElectionParameters = "SetElectionParameters",
-    Spending = "Spending",
-    SetLead = "SetLead",
-    SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity = "SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity",
-    EvictStorageProvider = "EvictStorageProvider",
-    SetValidatorCount = "SetValidatorCount",
-    SetStorageRoleParameters = "SetStorageRoleParameters",
+  Text = "Text",
+  RuntimeUpgrade = "RuntimeUpgrade",
+  SetElectionParameters = "SetElectionParameters",
+  Spending = "Spending",
+  SetLead = "SetLead",
+  SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity = "SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity",
+  EvictStorageProvider = "EvictStorageProvider",
+  SetValidatorCount = "SetValidatorCount",
+  SetStorageRoleParameters = "SetStorageRoleParameters",
 export class SpendingProposals {
-    constructor(public id: number, public title: string, public spentAmount: number) {
-    }
+  constructor(
+    public id: number,
+    public title: string,
+    public spentAmount: number
+  ) {}
 export class MintStatistics {
-    startMinted: number;
-    endMinted: number;
-    diffMinted: number;
-    percMinted: number;
-    constructor(startMinted: number = 0, endMinted: number = 0, diffMinted: number = 0, percMinted: number = 0) {
-        this.startMinted = startMinted;
-        this.endMinted = endMinted;
-        this.diffMinted = diffMinted;
-        this.percMinted = percMinted;
-    }
+  startMinted: number;
+  endMinted: number;
+  diffMinted: number;
+  percMinted: number;
+  constructor(
+    startMinted: number = 0,
+    endMinted: number = 0,
+    diffMinted: number = 0,
+    percMinted: number = 0
+  ) {
+    this.startMinted = startMinted;
+    this.endMinted = endMinted;
+    this.diffMinted = diffMinted;
+    this.percMinted = percMinted;
+  }
 export class Media {
-    constructor(public id: number, public title: string) {
-    }
+  constructor(public id: number, public title: string) {}
 export class Channel {
-    constructor(public id: number, public title: string) {
-    }
+  constructor(public id: number, public title: string) {}
 export class Bounty {
-    constructor(public testnet: string, public proposalId: number, public title: string, public status: string, public amountAsked: number, public amountMinted: number) {
-    }
+  constructor(
+    public testnet: string,
+    public proposalId: number,
+    public title: string,
+    public status: string,
+    public amountAsked: number,
+    public amountMinted: number
+  ) {}
 export class CacheEvent {
-    constructor(public section: string, public method: string, public data: GenericEventData) {
-    }
+  constructor(
+    public section: string,
+    public method: string,
+    public data: GenericEventData
+  ) {}