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Create Council Round #19 - 02-09-2020 - Council

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council-reports/Council Round #19 - 02-09-2020 - Council

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+# Council Election Round #19 - Performance Review and Minutes
+## 1 - Basic Information
+### 1.1 - Introduction
+The council is expected to produce reports during each round and provide feedback in the form of workflow, challenges, thinking and performance as well as minutes covering important events during the council session.
+Usernames referenced are Joystream usernames.
+All times are calculated based on 6 second blocktimes and not actual blocktimes.
+The Council Round number is taken from the chain, the KPI rounds have an offset number.
+This report was compiled by @tomato with assistance from @freakstatic
+### 1.2 - Council Round Overview
+* Council Election Round: #19
+* Start Block: #2248411
+* End Block: #2363610
+* Forum thread for round feedback:
+### 1.3 - Council members
+Council Members (Member name, Key)
+* warrior, 5CRrU6dMbcXNCbyhtthoXKLLRADPzvrBBV2Eaqp8T1xPmx49
+* blackmass, 5CunuuAenxcL2U9bmbXzWSwFMTv8Z8WhudSJjRVknU2fSAXC
+* supunssw, 5EZxuZgXdk82cDM24Sxon4ToPDqFdsG526yvnc96WQJi6wTC
+* freakstatic_council, 5EnHnMqV2DeDSHNyncYwwRZxzb67orwmdMTF9JNEgmCUQUYF
+* fierydev, 5Euhz9q7XnYy7ixMJzSpTsjBFToJ1vspjDYpRRvUU6r7uhsU
+* nexusfallout, 5FMrFXCbhtdv4tG5XaPsG3MyS6u36ZfsdCoHZxk4cTGdE56D
+* tomato, 5FnXBHfcDE6nQrwHjZqHYYpnzCLap2b9d3eQHt2Jt9eBG6mv
+* branko123, 5GW1DZaHCxgvHegLQqcKppWtvAYRd5fu7Si9boHakpLKGr91
+* tadiboina, 5GainUMk7zM4LB5HqAo6RsFHDNbrWKD7wj2iDR7sm7WzK6ez
+* sieemma, 5HWKe5kQKPuKopnWkfwMdULGNsZimaxaLv7HuHjfy2yir3f1
+### 1.4 - Council Roles
+* Council Secretary
+	* @tomato
+### 1.5 - Council Mint & Budget Status
+Start minted: 32963363
+End minted: 38963363
+Total minted during council round: 6000000 (+18.20%)
+Budget proposal link:
+Total budget: 13654106 tokens
+Total used of budget: 6000000 tokens (43.94%)
+(Note: The council budget is a work in progress and is a non-binding proposal, at this stage it can be used to simply begin the development of a working budget for the council. Currently the council mint is filled by Jsgenesis, but on mainnet this will have to be managed by the council in some way.)
+## 2 - Minutes
+### 2.1 - Proposal Overview
+- 11 Proposals Created
+	- 2 Text Proposals
+	- 3 Spending Proposals
+	- 4 SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity Proposals
+	- 2 SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity Proposals
+- 10 Approved & executed proposals
+- 0 NotEnoughCapacity failure
+- 1 canceled
+- 0 expired
+- Total time for proposals to finalize: 358.03 hours
+- Average time for proposals to finalize: 32.54 hours
+	- This average is calculated from all proposals, including canceled and expired proposals.
+### 2.2 - Proposal Breakdown
+#### Proposal 59 - Council #19 Budget
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Text
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 16,054 blocks (26.75 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @warrior, @nexusfallout, @tomato, @blackmass
+#### Proposal 60 - Council Secretary - Council #19
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+	- Amount: 2000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 16,637 blocks (27.72 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @supunssw, @warrior, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 61 - KPI 13.3 - Resubmission
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 10,090 blocks (16.81 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @supunssw, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 62 - Refill Storage Mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 300000 tokens
+- Status: Canceled
+	- Time to finalize: 4 blocks (0.00 hours)
+- Created by: @acropolisstorage
+- Participants: 
+#### Proposal 63 - Refill Storage Mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 4,374 blocks (7.29 hours)
+- Created by: @acropolisstorage
+- Participants: @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @supunssw, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 64 - KPI 14.3 - Council Reporting
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 69,711 blocks (116.18 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @branko123, @sieemma, @warrior, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 65 - Refill Storage Mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 11,925 blocks (19.875 hours)
+- Created by: @rajcprem
+- Participants: @sieemma, @warrior, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato, @blackmass
+#### Proposal 66 - Changing the Council Election Parameters
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Text
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 16,564 blocks (27.60 hours)
+- Created by: @joystream
+- Participants: @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @supunssw, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 67 - Refill Storage Working Group mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 36,515 blocks (60.85 hours)
+- Created by: @rajcprem
+- Participants: @branko123, @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 68 - Refill Storage Working Group mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 21,979 blocks (36.63 hours)
+- Created by: @rajcprem
+- Participants: @branko123, @sieemma, @freakstatic_council, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+#### Proposal 69 - Refill Storage Working Group mint
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity
+	- Amount: 1000000 tokens
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 11,000 blocks (18.33 hours)
+- Created by: @rajcprem
+- Participants: @freakstatic_council, @supunssw, @warrior, @fierydev, @nexusfallout, @tomato
+### 2.2 - Community Repo Pull Requests & Issues
+	- KPI 14.3 - Council Reporting
+	- Joystream Community Call
+	- merged bots into one
+### 2.3 - Select events
+- Proposal 66 - Changing the Council Election Parameters
+	- Link:
+## 3 - Review
+### 3.1 - Workflow, Performance, Challenged & Thinking
+* @tomato
+	* This council session was fairly productive, we still had issues with CM participation but I didn't notice any proposals that took an overly long amount of time to pass. The storage role mint proposals are one of the most frequent we have to vote on currently, but these do not seem to pass any quicker than other proposal types. This session I submitted a council budget, which was approved and I'll continue to add detail/perfect this as we progress.
+	* One mistake that was made during this council round was that the council approved 2 SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity proposals (#67 + #68) that were marked as being storage mint proposals. I think this must have just been confusion from who created the proposals, as the storage mint proposal is called SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity and is similar. This mistake has no real effects and I'm guessing there was no intent at deceiving the council, but someone on the council should've noticed this was the wrong proposal type and voted to reject.
+* @freakstatic_council
+	* In this session the council was a bit more active comparing to the previous one. Some interesting ideas were present that may increase the members participation in things. The council budget seems to going well thanks to @tomato for leading this task
+## 4 - Obligations
+Council obligations are payments or items that carry through council sessions. These are noted so that future councils can easily see what items they should be aware of. Items can be removed from here once they have been resolved or become outdated.
+### 4.1 Documents / Processes
+- Council Report
+	- Each council should produce a report which highlights important events, council participation, mint spending and other important facts surrounding the council term
+- Council Budget
+	- This is a proposal which tries to guide how many tokens the current council may have available to it during a term. This is a non binding proposal, so is mainly used as a guide for now.
+### 4.2 Regular Payments / Proposals
+- Council Mint
+	- The council mint needs to be checked on a regular basis and in the event it is near depletion, a council member should notify a member of Jsgenesis in order for it to be refilled.
+	- The council mint is set at a value decided by Jsgenesis.
+- Council Roles
+	- Council Secretary
+		- This role was introduced in Council Round #18 and the current payment is 2 million tokens per council round
+- Content Curator Mint
+	- The Content Curator Mint currently has a maximum value of 1 million tokens.
+	- The Content Curator Mint has to be filled periodically and the agreed amount was discussed earlier. The amount may change in the future, but the rewards for this role are dependent on the council passing these proposals in a timely fashion.
+	- The Content Curator Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.
+- Storage Mint
+	- The Storage Mint currently has a maximum value of 1 million tokens.
+	- This mint has be refilled periodically
+	- The Storage Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.
+### 4.2 Bounties
+- There are no outstanding bounties at this time.