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+# Rules of participation and publication for Bounty # 24!
+1. Find interesting videos that you want to upload to the platform.
+2. Make sure the video license complies with the Terms
+- If you want to change it, make sure it is not CC BY-ND.
+3. Create or specify the desired sketch and, depending on the license type, obtain the correct attribution information.
+- Please note that if the source is a YouTube video licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed), the link at the bottom of the description is CC BY 3.0, not 4.0.
+4. Upload the video to the platform with all the metadata.
+5. Repeat 1-4 until you've downloaded all the videos you want for the week.
+## Conditions
+- The video, and all metadata, is licensed under:
+ - No rights reserved:
+ - [Public Domain](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/pdm)
+ - [CC0 - Public Domain Dedication](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0) (Same terms as the Public Domain)
+ - Other Creative Commons licenses:
+ - [CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+ - Requires attribution
+ - [CC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
+ - Requires attribution, and any derivative work must have the same license
+ - [CC BY-ND - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-bd/4.0/)
+- Requires attribution, and no derivative work allowed
+- If you want to share any content that is not licensed under any of these, you must clarify this with the Bounty Manager
+- The same licensing rules to all metadata, meaning channel artwork and video thubmnails
+- All metadata is set correctly, especially if relevant to the license (eg. attribution is required for all CC BY* licenses)
+- Duplicates will not be accepted unless the quality is significantly better
+- Videos are placed in channels themed appropriately (eg. a cryptocurrency video shouldn't be in a baking channel)
+ - Please post to the correct forum thread created for the Bounty with all requested information in the exact format required by BM.
+ - The maximum number of posts from one user per week is 10 videos
+ - Maximum payout for one user per week $ 30
+ - Each submission must be a unique message on the forum, must contain - source, format, category, description, license.
+ - Any mass applications may be disqualified.
+ - Any incomplete materials WILL BE FULLY IGNORED
+### Videos without specifying all the points described below WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED!
+1. Link to your video in Atlas
+2. Video title (short description of the video)
+3. Video duration (at least 1 minute)
+4. Video category
+5. License (source clearly showing that the video is properly licensed)