These are the results for the ** General Survey**. The survey ran from May 3, 2021 to May 8, 2021. The survey had 64 responses.

**When did you first learn of the council?**

| Answer | Share |
| May 2021  | 3.2%   |
| April 2021  | 32.8%   |
| March 2021  | 21.9%   |
| February 2021  | 34.4%  |
| Earlier  | 7.8%   |

**Why did you not run for council?**

| Answer  | Share |
| Too little rewards  | 3.1%   |
| Being a CM is very difficult   | 4.7%  |
| I'm too busy   | 9.4%  |
| Not capable Enough | 34.4%  |
|I don't know enough|18.8%
| I am not interested| 3.1%|
|I did not have a chance| 6.3|
| I had too few tokens to stake| 18.6%|
|Did not know about the possibility| 1.6%|

**Have you run for council before**

| Answer  | Share |
|Yes    | 7.8%    |
| No    | 92.2%  |

**What do you think needs to be done for you to consider running for council?**

| Answer | Share |
| Be active in the community   | 37.5   |
| Have more tokens    | 18.7   |
| Clearer definition of roles   | 21.9   |
| Higher Bonuses  | 12.5   |
|I don't know |9.4 |

**Do you think you would consider running for council in the near future?**

| Answer| Share |
| Yes   | 39.1%  |
| No   | 57.8%  |
| Maybe  | 4.3%|

**What do you think is the role of the council?**

| Answer| Share|
| Vote for proposals and implement KPIs   | 28.1 |
| Govern community    | 25    |
| Promote and grow Joystream   | 37.5   |
| I don't know   | 9.4   |

**What tasks do you think are performed by the council?**