# Storage Working Group Status Reporting - 10

## Storage Lead : _NexusFallout_

### Report:

This is the 10th report for the Storage Provider Working Group. Storage size has stopped increasing as one of the KPI has been removed for open source content. Latest storage node requires a more heavy and better servers because of that 1 of the servers are down for upgrade. The efficiency of the storage has increased a lot after the storage node upgrade. The requests for channel storage size increase is tracked over [here](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/423). Rewards is updated to: 38000 kJOY / 3600 block(s), Current rate is $28.93 / 1MTJoy

## Current ipfs repo size : 660.31GB

### nexusfallout

- Worker ID: 9
- Tokens earned: 11.9373 MJOY
- Missed: 230.7340 kJOY
- Location:Nuremberg
- Storage capacity: 1.4TB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: NexusFallout
- Config: `CPU: 6 vCPU Cores, RAM: 20 GB RAM, 1.4 TB HDD, 1 Gbit/s Port, 32 TB Traffic (100 Mbit/s)`
- Helios:
      Final Result for provider 9
      url: https://video.keralalivestream.com/storage
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 135.55s

## Storage Provider Information

### joystreamstats

- Worker ID: 3
- Tokens earned: 8.6279 MJOY
- Missed: 223.9220 kJOY
- Location: St.Petersburg (Russian Federation)
- Storage capacity: 4TB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: freakstatic#0197 / l1dev#4675
- Config: `CPU: 2 × Intel Xeon L5630 4 × 2.13GHz, RAM: 24 GB DDR3, 4 × 1 TB HDD`
- Helios:
      Final Result for provider 3
      url: https://ru.joystreamstats.live/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 159.581s

### julysake

- Worker ID: 4
- Tokens earned: 8.5579 MJOY
- Missed: 293.9220 kJOY
- Location: EU
- Storage capacity: 1.4 GB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: julysake#9954
- Config: `CPU: 10 vCPU Cores, RAM: 60 GB RAM, 1.6 TB SSD, 1 Gbit/s Port, 32 TB Traffic (100 Mbit/s)`
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 4
      url: https://mahathvamtv.com/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 102.507s

### 0x2bc

- Worker ID: 5
- Tokens earned: 8.6279 MJOY
- Missed: 223.9220 kJOY
- Location: Germany
- Storage capacity: 1.92TB
- Type of storage: SSD
- Discord Name: xJames#8645
- Config: `CPU 16 vCores, Storage 1.9TB useful (3*960 GB SSD, RAID 5),RAM 32 GB ,Connection 1 Gbps `
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 5
      url: https://xjames.xyz/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 88.004s

### kalpakci

- Worker ID: 6
- Tokens earned: 8.6659 MJOY
- Missed: 186.0000 kJOY
- Location: Germany
- Storage capacity: 1.4TB
- Type of storage: SSD
- Discord Name: kalpakci#4894
- Config: `6 vCPU Cores, 20 GB RAM, 1.4 TB HDD (SSD Cache), 1 Gbit/s Port`
- - Helios :
        Final Result for provider 6
        url: https://joystreampowered.com/storage/
        fetched: 12144/12144
        failed: 0
        check took: 148.609s

### seainvestor

- Worker ID: 14
- Tokens earned: 4.2900 MJOY
- Missed: 70.0000 kJOY
- Location: Dusseldorf (Germany)
- Storage capacity: 1.7TB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: Pavel-LV#7698
- Free Space: 982GB
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 14
      url: https://gloiaf.eu/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 189.082s

### maxlevush

- Worker ID: 15
- Tokens earned: 4.1850 MJOY
- Missed: 175.0000 kJOY
- Location: Helsinki
- Storage capacity: 8TB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: Lelik_maxi#6419
- Config: ` CPU : i7 6700 quad core, Ram : 64Gb,HDD: 2x4TB HDD`
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 15
      url: https://whitesocks.ru/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 94.975s

### joyval

- Worker ID: 16
- Tokens earned: 4.2900 MJOY
- Missed: 70.0000 kJOY
- Location: Düsseldorf
- Storage capacity: 6TB
- Type of storage: SSD
- Discord Name: plycho#4165
- Config: `Intel i5-4590 Quad-Core, 32gb ddr3, 2x3000 GB HDD`
- Helios :

### dapplooker

- Worker ID: 17
- Tokens earned: 4.1850 MJOY
- Missed: 175.0000 kJOY
- Location: Düsseldorf
- Storage capacity: 4TB
- Type of storage: HDD
- Discord Name: napolean#8096
- Config : `CPU AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600, RAM : 64 GB DDR4, HDD: 4TB, Connection : 1 Gbit/s`
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 17
      url: https://joystream.dapplooker.com/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 91.018s

### godshunter

- Worker ID: 18
- Tokens earned: 1.6800 MJOY
- Missed: 105.0000 kJOY
- Location: Düsseldorf
- Storage capacity: 8TB
- Type of storage: SSD
- Discord Name: plycho#4165
- Config: `Intel Core i7-6700 [4c/8t] (4.0GHz) / 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHz / 2 x 4 TБ SATA`
- Helios :
      Final Result for provider 18
      url: https://joystream.godshunter.su/storage/
      fetched: 12144/12144
      failed: 0
      check took: 87.681s

## Helios Output

Found 12 staked providers

Resolving live provider API Endpoints...

Checking API Endpoints are online
19 No url set, skipping
16 No url set, skipping
5: https://xjames.xyz/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
6: https://joystreampowered.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
4: https://mahathvamtv.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
9: https://video.keralalivestream.com/storage - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
17: https://joystream.dapplooker.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
10: https://rome-rpc-4.joystream.org/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
14: https://gloiaf.eu/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
18: https://joystream.godshunter.su/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
15: https://whitesocks.ru/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
3: https://ru.joystreamstats.live/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0

Data Directory objects:
12778 created
12144 accepted
11352 unique accepted hashes
