{ "applicationDetails": "Storage WG Lead", "title": "Storage WG Lead needed", "shortDescription": "The Council is actively looking for a Storage WG Lead", "description": "The Council is actively looking for a Storage WG Lead.\n\n **Tasks for Carthage** \n\n - [https://gist.github.com/bwhm/2a8733fe35974d4cb90a34ab1916d2ca#storage-and-distribution](https://gist.github.com/bwhm/2a8733fe35974d4cb90a34ab1916d2ca#storage-and-distribution) \n\n \n\n **Responsibilities** \n\n - Maximizing Storage group scores (will be provided by the Council) \n\n - Preparing reports \n\n - Moderating #storage Discord channel and updating Notion page \n\n - Managing budget \n\n - Tracking workers performance \n\n - Evaluating the system capacity and reacting to the needs \n\n - Ensuring that Storage Providers are performing adequately \n\n - Analyzing current storage capacities utilized within the Storage WG and develop steps and processes to improve and expand upon them \n\n - Mentoring and train Storage WG members \n\n \n\n **Requirements** \n\n - Storage Lead / Deputy / Worker experience is preferred \n\n - High availability: First few days after a Lead is hired will require high availability and lots of work \n\n - Experience in manging team \n\n - Strong communication skills \n\n - Proficiency in English \n\n - Experience with how to setup and maintain blockchain nodes \n\n - Having access to highly performant and reliable IT infrastructure (dedicated servers) with storage capacity of 10TB and more \n\n - Skills: Linux, devops, bash, Docker/Docker-compose, nginx or Caddy, GraphQl, (nice to have prometheus/Grafana) \n\n \n\n **Rules for firings** \n\n - If Lead says he is available but is nowhere to be found for 24h \n\n - If Lead doesn't deliver on time, without even keeping CMs informed \n\n \n\n **About WG** \n\n - Notion page: [https://www.notion.so/joystream/Storage-9dc5a16444934dc4bda08b596bc15375](https://www.notion.so/joystream/Storage-9dc5a16444934dc4bda08b596bc15375) \n\n - Discord channel: [https://discord.gg/fFRdNHsW](https://discord.gg/fFRdNHsW) \n\n \n\n **Stake**\n\n $10000 (166666 JOY)\n\n \n\n **Salary**\n\n - Monthly salary: $7500 (125000JOY)\n\n - If an employee works fewer than 160 hours per month, the Council may reduce their pay according to the hourly rate and actual number of hours worked\n\n - Hourly rate: $46.875/hour ($7500 =160 hours per month \* $46.875/hour)\n\n ", "applicationFormQuestions": [{ "question": "What is your timezone?" }, { "question": "Are you based in US?" }, { "question": "Tell us a bit about yourself" }, { "question": "Tell us a bit more about your experience in IT" }, { "question": "Did you work in Joystream? If yes, please describe what you did" }, { "question": "Do you have experience with Linux? If yes, please describe it" }, { "question": "Do you have experience with Docker? If yes, please describe it" }, { "question": "Do you have experience with devops and automation? If yes, please describe it" }, { "question": "Do you have experience with GraphQl? If yes, please describe it" }, { "question": "Do you have experience with blockchain nodes? If yes, please describe it" }, { "question": "Your availability (max hours per day)" }, { "question": "Your Discord" } ], "stakingPolicy": { "amount": 166666, "unstakingPeriod": 43201 }, "rewardPerBlock": 1 }