## Bounty: Salary Benchmark For Storage/Distributor Node Runners We have an exciting new bounty that _everyone_ can do! ### Task summary Collect information and prepare salary benchmark for Storage/Distributor node runners. This will helps Council to create competitive salaries for the Storage and Distributor workers in the mainnet. ### Task description Gather information about salaries (total compensation package) of node runners in other IPFS/Storage projects (Filecoin, etc) or PoS blockchains. - Choose at least 4 IPFS/Storage projects and 4 PoS blockchains as a reference. - Try to find what the total compensation package is consisted of. - Find out the criteria for how these projects can be compared. Example: market cap, tech requirements, number of nodes, etc. - Suggest a compensation model for the Storage/Distribution node runners for the Joystream mainnet. Salaries may include fix and bonus parts. All amounts should be both nominated in the USD and JOY. ### Reward 200k tJoy/hour