# GraphQL > URL: https://graphql-console.subsquid.io/?graphql_api=https://orion.joystream.org/graphql ## Failed uploads ``` { storageDataObjects(limit: 3000, offset: 0, where: {isAccepted_eq: false, createdAt_gt: "2022-09-02T00:00:00.000Z", createdAt_lt: "2022-09-04T03:00:54.000Z"}) { createdAt id storageBag { storageBuckets { id } id } } } ``` ## Bucket ### Bags in Storage Bucket ``` { storageBuckets(where: {id_eq: "6"}) { id bags { id } } } ``` ### Bucket end point and worker ``` { storageBuckets(where: {id_eq: "2"}) { id acceptingNewBags operatorMetadata { nodeEndpoint extra } operatorStatus { ... on StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive { __typename workerId } } } } ``` ## Bags ### Buckets asscoated with a bag ``` { storageBags(where: {id_eq: "dynamic:channel:2000"}) { storageBuckets { id } } } ``` ## Worker ``` { workers(where: {groupId_eq: "storageWorkingGroup", id_eq: "storageWorkingGroup-16"}) { id groupId membershipId membership { handle } status { ... on WorkerStatusActive { phantom } ... on WorkerStatusLeaving { __typename } ... on WorkerStatusLeft { __typename } ... on WorkerStatusTerminated { __typename } } } } ```