require('dotenv').config(); const axios = require('axios').default; const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'), mongoose = require('mongoose'); require('./db'); const members = mongoose.model('members'); const token = process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN; const bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true }); let cachedFmInfo = null; let lastUpdateFmDate = 0; async function getFmInfo() { if (!cachedFmInfo || new Date().getTime - lastUpdateFmDate > 1000 * 600) { console.log('get new fmData'); cachedFmInfo = await axios.get( '' ); lastUpdateFmDate = new Date().getTime(); } return cachedFmInfo; } bot.on('polling_error', console.log); bot.setMyCommands([ { command: '/sethandle', description: 'set your handle name', }, { command: '/lookup', description: 'return the score of the user', }, ]); bot.on('message', async (msg) => { const chatId =; const fromId =; let member = null; try { member = await members.findOne({ tgId: fromId }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Error =( please try later'); } console.log('message => ', msg); if (msg.text === '/start') { console.log('welcome', fromId); bot.sendMessage( chatId, 'Welcome! Using this bot, you can get information about founding members.' + '\n\nTo view your statistics, you need enter your name via the /sethandle command to save it OR use the command "/lookup handle". ' + '*Please note that the handle is case sensitive!*.', /* + '\n\nData is updated every 10 minutes' */ { parse_mode: 'markdown' } ); } if (/\/lookup(.*)/.test(msg.text)) { const match = msg.text.match(/\/lookup (.*)/); const handle = match ? match[1] : member?.handle; if (handle) { const fmInfo = await getFmInfo(); const memberData = (m) => m.memberHandle === handle ); if (memberData) { const memberDataStr = `Direct Score = *${memberData.totalDirectScore}*\n` + `Referral Score = *${memberData.totalReferralScore}*\n` + `Total Score = *${memberData.totalScore}*\n\n` + memberData.directScores .map((m, index) => `Period ${index} = *${m}*`) .join('\n'); bot.sendMessage(chatId, memberDataStr, { parse_mode: 'markdown' }); } else { bot.sendMessage( chatId, `Don't find member ${handle}. Please note that the handle is case sensitive.` ); } } else { bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Please, set your handle.'); } } if (msg.text === '/sethandle') { if (member === null) { member = { tgId: fromId, date:, lastCommand: 'sethandle', }; await members.create(member); } else { await members.updateOne( { tgId: fromId }, { $set: { lastCommand: 'sethandle' } } ); } bot.sendMessage( chatId, 'Write your handle. Please note that the handle is case sensitive.' ); } else if (member && member.lastCommand === 'sethandle') { await members.updateOne( { tgId: fromId }, { $set: { lastCommand: null, handle: msg.text } } ); bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Good! Now you can get statistics =)'); } // bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Sorry! Technical work in progress!'); });