Table of Content --- - [Overview](#overview) - [Install](#install) - [Install with NPM](#install-with-npm) - [Build Yourself](#build-yourself) - [Update](#update) - [Both](#both) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) # Overview The CLI tool is currently quite rough, and its main function is to let the Storage Provider Lead perform their duties in a more user-friendly manner than the [extrinsics]( tab. For this reason, the guide will focus primarily on this side of the tool's functionality. ## Install There are two ways of installing the CLI. If you are, or are planning to, run a `storage-node`, build your own node/runtime, or host your own instance of `Pioneer` the CLI is bundled in the [joystream-monorepo]( In that case, go [here](#build-yourself). If not, you may have an easier time using the [NPM-package](#install-with-npm). ### Install with NPM If you have [NPM]( installed: ``` $ npm install -g @joystream/cli ``` Depending on your `npm` source, this might return some errors. This can be resolved in by: 1. Try without -g: ``` $ npm install @joystream/cli ``` 2. Configure npm: ``` $ nano ~/.npmrc # Append the line below prefix = ${HOME}/.npm-packages # save and exit ``` And then (again without -g): ``` npm install @joystream/cli ``` 3. If none of the above works, you are in a rush, you don't want to try another `npm` source, you're the only one using this computer - you still shouldn't do it, but: ``` $ npm install -g @joystream/cli --unsafe-perm ``` ### Build Yourself To get the CLI up and running, on a Mac or Linux based system, you need `yarn`. On Debian based Linux, you will not have much success using `apt`, but you can check out [this guide](/roles/storage-providers/ for help. ``` $ cd ~/ $ git clone $ cd joystream $ ./ # this requires you to start a new session. if you are using a vps: $ exit $ ssh user@ipOrURL # on your local machine, just close the terminal and open a new one $ yarn build:packages $ cd cli $ yarn link ``` ### Update ``` $ cd joystream $ cd cli $ yarn unlink $ cd bin $ yarn unlink $ cd ~/joystream $ rm -rf node modules $ yarn cache clean $ ./ # this requires you to start a new session. if you are using a vps: $ exit $ ssh user@ipOrURL # on your local machine, just close the terminal and open a new one $ yarn build:packages $ cd cli $ yarn link ``` ### Both ``` # Test that it's working: $ joystream-cli help ``` Which should return the output below: ``` Command Line Interface for Joystream community and governance activities VERSION @joystream/cli/0.5.0 linux-x64 node-v14.16.1 USAGE $ joystream-cli [COMMAND] TOPICS account Accounts management - create, import or switch currently used account api Inspect the substrate node api, perform lower-level api calls or change the current api provider uri content Interactions with content directory module - managing vidoes, channels, assets, categories and curator groups council Council-related information and activities like voting, becoming part of the council etc. working-groups Working group lead and worker actions COMMANDS autocomplete display autocomplete installation instructions help display help for joystream-cli ``` ## Getting Started The first time you run a command, you will be prompted to set your API-endpoint. This will determine which node you are talking to. If you are running a node locally, you can choose `localhost`. If not, you can connect to the public node, or select a custom endpoint. You can also go the [api](#api) section to do it manually. The first time you want to perform an action that requires a key, you will be asked to import one. You can also go the [account](#account) section to do it manually. Note that your imports and setting are stored locally at: - `/home//.local/share/joystream-cli` (Linux) - `c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\joystream-cli` (Windows) - `/Users//Library/Application Support/joystream-cli` (Mac OS) For each command, try `--help` for info on `args` and `options`. For an overview of all `help` outputs, and more info on the CLI, go [here](