The survey was performed by @lopegor from 04 to 09 March 2021. Overall, 281 Joystream community members took part. Below are the results. ### General Information | Where are you from? | Share | |----------------------------------------------------------------- |--------- | | Asia | 1.07% | | CIS (+ Ukraine, Georgia) | 93.24% | | EU | 4.63% | | Mediterranean & Middle East | 0.36% | | Your age | Share | |------------------------------- |--------- | | 18-24 | 13.57% | | 25-35 | 55.71% | | 36+ | 30.71% | ### Submitting Reports | Did you experience any technical issues submitting your summary? | Share | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |--------- | | No | 75.09% | | Yes | 24.91% | For the next question, 125 users reported having faced issues. The summary is provided below: | What was the biggest challenge filling out your report? | Share | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |--------- | | Generating/Using Signature | 19.20% | | Keybase | 2.40% | | Last minute changes to reporting format | 21.60% | | Other | 6.40% | | Providing proofs for certain activities: reporting video if not shown in platform; reporting validator; reporting node | 10.40% | | Remembering all activities | 3.20% | | Unclear procedure | 12.80% | | Unclear reporting format | 24.00% | | How many times have you submitted? | Share | |------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | 1 | 82.56% | | 2 | 14.95% | | 3+ | 2.49% | | Did you know that you should only submit at the end of each scoring period? | Share | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 26.69% | | Yes | 73.31% | | Did you know that you can submit your summary for scoring period 1 even after scoring period 3 is completed? | Share | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 82.92% | | Yes | 17.08% | ### The Founding Members Program | Were you aware of the referral program? | Share | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 33.45% | | Yes | 66.55% | | Were you aware that the program is not over after the first scoring period? | Share | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 25.62% | | Yes | 74.38% | | Were you aware that it's not enough to participate in the first scoring period only? | Share | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 16.01% | | Yes | 83.99% | | Have you read the terms, rules and "procedures" in the Founding Member repo? | Share | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 38.43% | | Yes | 61.57% | For the next question, a total of 207 responses were provided. | If 'no' to previous question, did you watch any videos or read guides? | Share | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 10.29% | | Yes | 89.71% | | What have you done to earn points thus far? | Share | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | running a validator | 55.60% | | running a node | 70.50% | | discussing the project on twitter/discord/telegram/reddit | 62.20% | | managing localised groups/communities | 4.50% | | writing blog posts about joystream | 25.30% | | making interesting posts on the platform forum | 4.90% | | webinar/workshop/meetup | 7.30% | | providing support in our Discord server | 26.40% | | community proposals | 5.20% | | improving content metadata and reporting issues to content curators | 2.10% | | original content uploads | 18.10% | | uploading tutorial videos | 5.20% | | uploading unique content to the platform | 6.90% | | creating channels | 11.10% | | designing media assets including illustrations, gifs, memes | 30.20% | | identifying bugs | 6.30% | | feedback/suggestions on joystream products | 11.50% | | detailed testing of joystream products | 3.10% | | solving bounties | 21.90% | | KPIs | 2.80% | | roles | 2.80% | | referrals | 53.80% | | What are you planning on doing to earn points in the future? | Share | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | running a validator | 68.80% | | running a node | 78.50% | | discussing the project on twitter/discord/telegram/reddit | 58.70% | | managing localised groups/communities | 10.40% | | writing blog posts about joystream | 31.90% | | making interesting posts on the platform forum | 25.30% | | webinar/workshop/meetup | 6.60% | | providing support in our Discord server | 39.20% | | community proposals | 22.20% | | improving content metadata and reporting issues to content curators | 14.90% | | original content uploads | 36.10% | | uploading tutorial videos | 21.50% | | uploading unique content to the platform | 29.20% | | creating channels | 24.00% | | designing media assets including illustrations, gifs, memes | 46.20% | | identifying bugs | 25.70% | | feedback/suggestions on joystream products | 33.00% | | detailed testing of joystream products | 25.00% | | solving bounties | 58.30% | | KPIs | 12.80% | | roles | 17.70% | | referrals | 67.00% | ### Joystream For the next question: 'What do you think Jsgenesis (the company developing Joystream) will do after Joystream goes live on mainnet?', the majority of users responded that they hope the project will continue developing. | Are you aware that we have many open bounties, that pays in tJOY? | Share | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 43.40% | | Yes | 56.60% | | Did you know you can exchange your tJOY for Bitcoin Cash | Share | |---------------------------------------------------------- |-------- | | No | 68.68% | | Yes | 33.81% |