Block,Action Taken,Notes,Total Issuance "1,930,574",Opening #6 created,"________________ Opening details _________________ WG Opening ID 6 Opening ID 14 Type Worker Stage Accepting Applications Last status change ~ 9:53:48 PM 8/16/2021 (#1930574) Application stake >= 5.0000 kJOY Role stake >= 5.0000 kJOY _______________ Unstaking periods ________________ Crowded Out Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Crowded Out Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Exit Role Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Exit Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Successful Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Terminate Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Terminate Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks ________________ Applications (0) ________________",455226324 "1,930,787",Send 100k to 5DJ7B5qdxpRTBiWNqr9MX5oYgYyb6aqcGTBE5RqWyZcYE3FQ,,455331324 "1,930,796",Send 100k to 5Fe1QGWCsrctNsSRzzGhmmB9f9SPLY7hZgESiC5qd4cpTnrw,,455336324 "1,930,815",Membership Created for w1111,,455346224 "1,930,817",Membership Created for w2222,,455346124 "1,930,840","w2222 applied for Opening [ 77 ], { created: 1,930,840, staking_status: { Staked: { staked_amount: 10,000, staked_status: { Normal: null }, next_slash_id: 0, ongoing_slashes: {} } } } { created: 1,930,840, staking_status: { Staked: { staked_amount: 80,000, staked_status: { Normal: null }, next_slash_id: 0, ongoing_slashes: {} } } } BALANCE: 9,900.000 JOY","________________ Opening details _________________ WG Opening ID 6 Opening ID 14 Type Worker Stage Accepting Applications Last status change ~ 9:53:48 PM 8/16/2021 (#1930574) Application stake >= 5.0000 kJOY Role stake >= 5.0000 kJOY _______________ Unstaking periods ________________ Crowded Out Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Crowded Out Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Exit Role Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Exit Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Successful Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Terminate Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Terminate Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks ________________ Applications (1) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 12 21 w2222 Active 80000 10000 90000",455361124 "1,930,892",Start review,,455386124 1930902,"Filled Opening, hired no one { created: 1,930,840, staking_status: { NotStaked: null } } { created: 1,930,840, staking_status: { NotStaked: null } } Balance:99,900.000 JOY ","________________ Opening details _________________ WG Opening ID 6 Opening ID 14 Type Worker Stage Complete Last status change ~ 10:26:36 PM 8/16/2021 (#1930902) Application stake >= 5.0000 kJOY Role stake >= 5.0000 kJOY _______________ Unstaking periods ________________ Crowded Out Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Crowded Out Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Exit Role Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Exit Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Successful Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Terminate Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Terminate Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks ________________ Applications (1) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 12 21 w2222 Unstaking 0 0 0",455391124 "1,930,946",opening #7 created,"________________ Opening details _________________ WG Opening ID 7 Opening ID 15 Type Worker Stage Accepting Applications Last status change ~ 10:31:00 PM 8/16/2021 (#1930946) Application stake >= 5.0000 kJOY Role stake >= 5.0000 kJOY _______________ Unstaking periods ________________ Crowded Out Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Crowded Out Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Exit Role Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Exit Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Failed Applicant Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Fill Opening Successful Applicant Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Application Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Review Period Expired Role Stake Unstaking Period Length: 0 blocks Terminate Application Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks Terminate Role Stake Unstaking Period: 0 blocks ________________ Applications (0) ________________",455411124 "1,931,004","w2222 applied for Opening { created: 1,931,004, staking_status: { Staked: { staked_amount: 5,000, staked_status: { Normal: null }, next_slash_id: 0, ongoing_slashes: {} } } }Balance:89,900.000 JOY ","________________ Applications (1) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 13 22 w2222 Active 5000 5000 10000",455441124 "1,931,036","W1111 applied for opening: { created: 1,931,036, staking_status: { Staked: { staked_amount: 5,000, staked_status: { Normal: null }, next_slash_id: 0, ongoing_slashes: {} } } }","________________ Applications (2) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 13 22 w2222 Active 5000 5000 10000 14 23 w1111 Active 5000 5000 10000",455456124 "1,931,060",Review Started,"________________ Applications (2) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 13 22 w2222 Active 5000 5000 10000 14 23 w1111 Active 5000 5000 10000",455471124 "1,931,079","Filled Opening, hired both Balance:94,900.000 JOY Balance:94,900.000 JOY ","________________ Applications (2) ________________ WG appl. ID Appl. ID Member Stage Appl. stake Role stake Total stake 13 22 w2222 Unstaking 0 5000 5000 14 23 w1111 Unstaking 0 5000 5000",455476124