# [17.8 - Clean up Community Repo - Part 1](https://blog.joystream.org/sumer-kpis/#17.8) Draft repository organized you can see [here](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo) ## Root directory - `bounties` - `community-contributions` - `council` - `documentation` - `working-groups` ### [Bounties](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo/tree/main/bounties) - `bounties-overview` > This is where ``bounties-status.json`` should be - `bounties-reports` > Place for reports divided into folders ``` The Bounty reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Bounty_#n_Report_DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Bounty_#10_Report_12.08.2021-24.08.2021.md include check period ``` ### [Community-contributions](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo/tree/main/community-contributions) > This folder can be used for community coded bots and projects and anything that doesn't fit elsewhere. Each submission should be in a unique folder within this directory ### [Council](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo/tree/main/council) - `KPI` > The tasks of the KPI completed by the council should be located here ``` The KPI reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_KPI_#n.n_"Name"_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_KPI_#17.8_Clean_Up_Community_repo_24.08.2021.md ``` - `council-reports` > This is where the council reports should be. ``` The council reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Council_Report_#n_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Council_Report_#12_16.08.2021.md ``` - `submission-log` > This folder can be used for maintaining a log of submissions. If the testnet is started from fresh, a new file should be made. Each entry in the log should include the Joystream username of the submission, a link to the proposal, a link to the PR and the amount of tokens awarded to the user (if applicable) - `tokenomics-reports` > This is where the tokenomics reports should be ``` The tokenomics reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Tokenomics_Report_#n_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Tokenomics_Report_#14_05.08.2021.md ``` ### [Documentation](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo/tree/main/documentation) > This folder can be used for documentation. Any general accepted rules are found there ### [Working-groups](https://github.com/maxlevush/Clean_UP_Community-repo/tree/main/working-groups) > Any rules or reports related only to Working Groups should be here - `curator_group` ``` The Curator WG Leader reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Curator_Lead_Report_#n_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Curator_Lead_Report_#13_12.08.2021.md ``` - `operations_group` ``` The Operations WG Leader reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Operations_Lead_Report_#n_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Operations_Lead_Report_#02_12.08.2021.md ``` - `storage_group` ``` The Storage WG Leader reports submitted should be formatted in the following way: "Network"_Storage_Lead_Report_#n_DD.MM.YYYY.md eg. Sumer_Storage_Lead_Report_#06_27.08.2021.md ``` ## Naming convention rules ### Naming convention for folders ``underscore_separated_words`` - all letters must be lowercase ### Naming convention for files ``Underscore_Separated_Words`` - all letters must be uppercase - Date - ``DD.MM.YYYY``