# Launch of Alexandria Alexandria was launched as a new chain on the 21st of September 2020, effectively deprecating [Constantinople](/testnets/constantinople). ## Migration A lot of the state and "history" was migrated from Constantinople: - All memberships - Most balances`*`: - all those associated with a membership `root` or `controller` - all tokens staked for [Council Members](/roles/council-members) and their voters, but as "free" balance - all tokens staked for (as "free" balance), and the balance of the "role" key of, active [Content Curators](/roles/content-curators) and [Storage Providers](/roles/storage-providers) - all tokens staked in [Proposals](/proposals) - all tokens staked for [Validators and Nominators](/roles/validators), although slashed tokens were deducted - The [Forum](/README.md#on-chain-forum) - Old [Proposals](/proposals) history and discussions, although only "viewable" in [Pioneer](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/historical) - All Channels and content - The [Fiat Pool](/tokenomics/README.md#fiat-pool) `*` - The `Total Issuance` at the snapshot was: 154289593 tJOY - The `Total Exported Issuance` was: 140539804 tJOY - "Lost" tokens: 13749789 tJOY If some of your tokens were "lost" in the transfer, you can "claim" these until the end of September 2020. ## Changes After the upgrade, all roles, e.g. `Validators`, `Storage Providers`, `Council Members` and `Curators` were fired from their position. In addition, the old KPI scheme was replaced by [Council KPIs](/tokenomics/README.md#council-kpis) and [Community Bounties](/tokenomics/README.md#community-bounties).