These are the results for the **Antioch 2 Council Survey**. The survey ran from May 3, 2021 to May 8, 2021. The survey had 11 responses. **What did you think of the [KPIs]( (round 2)?** | Answer | Share| |:----------|:----------| | They were relevant to the most pressing issues | 54.5% | | They were relevant to some of the most pressing issues | 45.5% | | They were relevant to only some issues | 0% | | They were not relevant at all. | 0% | **How well has the council been cooperating on relevant issues (solving KPIs, voting on proposals, etc).** | Answer | Share | |:----------|:----------| | Extremely cooperative | 27.3% | | Fairly cooperative | 72.7% | | Fairly uncooperative | 0% | | Extremely uncooperative | 0% | **What do your expect your hourly pay to be?** | Answer | Share | |:----------|:----------| | <= $10 | 27.3% | | $11 - $20 | 18.2 | | > $20 | 18.2%| | Doesn't matter/No answer | 36.4% | **What did you do to get elected to the council? (Multiple Answers Allowed)** | Answer | Share | |:----------|:----------| | Wrote in the forum | 36.4% | | Staked on myself | 18.2% | | Active on Joystream, community, or GitHub | 18.2% | | Nothing | 18.2 | **Did you expect to get elected?** | Answer | Share| |:----------|:----------| | Yes | 54.5% | | No | 18.2% | | Maybe | 27.3% | **When did you first learn of the council?** | Answer | Share | |:----------|:----------| | April 2021 | 27.2% | | March 2021 | 0% | | February 2021 | 36.4% | | Earlier | 36.4% |