KPI 15.7 - Follow up the Storage Working Group Scope of work 4 - Landing Page Load Report Testing was performed manually as no script that was easy to use was found. Each run was done with `disable caching` and used a slow scroll speed until approximately 1000 requests had been made. No way was found to analyze HAR files, so no per-provider statistics are available. I have however highlighted providers that faced issues with long response times. * 28 July * Average `wait` time: 3764.211 ms * Sum `wait` time: 3760447.103 ms * Average `time`: 4643.596 ms * Sum `time`: 5149748.155 ms * Other stats * 6 responses >1m * ~30 responses >30s * ~60% of responses <1s * Slow providers (these servers had response times >30s for at least 10 responses each): * `` * `` * `` * 30 July * Average `wait` time: 1028.653 ms * Sum `wait` time: 1130489.856 ms * Average `time`: 1466.291 ms * Sum `time`: 1609988.068 ms * Other stats: * 0 responses >1m * ~25 responses >10s * ~1 response >30 * ~70% of responses <1s * Slow providers (these servers had response times >10s for at least 5 responses each): * `` * `` * 31 July * Average `wait` time: 1176.378 ms * Sum `wait` time: 1184613.081 ms * Average `time`: 1555.64 ms * Sum `time`: 1564982.383 ms * Other stats: * 0 responses >1m * ~40 responses >10s * 0 responses >30s * ~70% of responses <1s * Slow providers (these servers had response times >10s for at least 5 responses each): * `` * `` * `` * 1 August * Average `wait` time: 1061.578 ms * Sum `wait` time: 1070071.515 ms * Average `time`: 1467.757 ms * Sum `time`: 1478031.84 ms * Other stats: * 0 responses >1m * ~30 responses >10s * 0 responses >30s * ~70% of responses <1s * Slow providers (these servers had response times >10s for at least 5 responses each): * `` * `` * 2 August * Average `wait` time: 921.780 ms * Sum `wait` time: 920858.344 ms * Average `time`: 1266.538 ms * Sum `time`: 1265271.502 ms * Other stats: * 0 responses >1m * ~25 responses >10s * 0 responses >30s * ~75% of responses <1s * Slow providers (these servers had response times >10s for at least 5 responses each): * ``