Storage Provider Responsibilities
- Maintain the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability values of the Gateway Provider content
- Report any incident that may affect the Gateway Provider’s data in terms of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.
- Comply to KRs 1-6 listed below
- Storage Provider is liable to follow all the security standards and policies as specified by Gateway Provider and follow all the laws and regulations.
- Log any Incidents, assign them a unique number for reference, and track for resolution.
Non-compliance or failure to meet the service levels for more than ___ times in 30 days, may lead to Storage Provider termination. A termination within six months shall entail the Gateway Provider for the refund of full amount paid till date, else it will be calculated on prorate basis.
Storage Provider is expected to provide the contact call tree and the escalation matrix for the services it offers. On a minimum it shall provide for the following:
- Business Working Hours
- Contact Details of Support Personnel (Normal and After Office Working Hours)
- Contact Details of Designated Account Manager in case of Escalation (Normal and After Office Working Hours)
Failure to provide the above information may result in a
- A maintenance window will be agreed between Gateway Provider and Storage Provides considering the
availability requirements. It is optimum to schedule it during non-business
hours or when the expected load/usage of the service is at a minimum. Usually
Friday/Saturday 00:01 to 04:00 .
- If downtime is expected then alternate arrangement for continuous service must
be made by a Storage Provider.
- All planned activities shall be carried out during the maintenance window and in
compliance with the .
- In case of unplanned outages, a verbal approval from the Gateway Provider shall be
deemed suitable for carrying out the necessary correctional activities.
Failure to communicate and agree upon maintenance windows may result in a Storage Provider slash. Amount to slash may depend on the number of Gateway Providers impacted by an improperly communicated or uncommunicated maintenance.
"Keep nodes Uptime above 90%."
If Storage Provider fails to meet the uptime KR, then a slash of X tJOY will be executed for every hour of missed service levels, calculated over a 30 day period.
Key Result 2 - Sync Speed
"Keep average sync speed at "
"Maintain less than a 24h and 20GB storage being full"
Key Result 4 - Upload Failures
Maintain fewer than <number>%
of uploads failing.
Key Result 5 - Rendering Time
"Maintain some <number>
Key Result 6 - Upload Speed
Maintain an average upload speed of n
Non-compliance to any of the KRs above may result in a Storage Provider slash. Amount to slash may depend on the number of Gateway Providers impacted by a non-compliant Storage Provider.