6.4 KB

KPI 36.OP-1

The goal is to install a [GIZA]() validator, storage provider and distributor on a fresh VPS.




See storage-node.


See distributor-node.


  1. Apply as storage provider and distributor, save files to ~/keys/
  2. Have the lead fill the opening
  3. Get invited to a bucket
  4. Verify group memberships

    $ ~/joystream/cli/bin/run working-groups:overview
    Current Group: storageProviders
    ___________________ Group lead ___________________
    Member id:                    2010                                             
    Member handle:                storage_lead_giza                                
    Role account:                 5GHPwGqcVjt3KKrEUhkgLJaizRymegx5astt4fekGVmL7F4q 
    ____________________ Members _____________________
    Worker id     Member id     Member handle         Stake            Earned     Role account                  
    3             515           l1dev                 10.0000 JOY      0          5DNe6u...ATpk38               
    2             2012          storage_2             100.0000 JOY     0          5DGQLX...Fai2MW               
    1             2012          storage_2             100.0000 JOY     0          5H8CPz...hoWPtP               
    0             2010          storage_lead_giza     100.0000 JOY     0          5GHPwG...mL7F4q
    $ ~/joystream/cli/bin/run working-groups:overview -g distributors
    Current Group: distributors
    ___________________ Group lead ___________________
    Member id:                    2015                                             
    Member handle:                dist_lead                                        
    Role account:                 5GJWFApQiMqFjhiLWhxtVAjva7fVy7kYAf8mBgME4rGXX4Vy 
    ____________________ Members _____________________
    Worker id     Member id     Member handle     Stake            Earned     Role account                  
    2             515           l1dev             100.0000 JOY     0          5DCCUr...qjEvK9               
    1             2016          dist_1            100.0000 JOY     0          5GQZGW...m9z7VA               
    0             2015          dist_lead         100.0000 JOY     0          5GJWFA...GXX4Vy

Storage Provider

  • Accept invitation

    $ ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run operator:accept-invitation -i 2 -w 3 -k ~/keys/giza-storage-l1dev.json -t 5DNe6ubsQhmcSZRZdBLJroe9qKThW9CsSGRKHiZx8pATpk38
    2022-01-04 15:43:26:4326 info: Initialized runtime connection: ws://localhost:9944
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 info: Waiting for chain to be synced before proceeding.
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 info: Accepting pending storage bucket invitation...
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 debug: Sending storage.acceptStorageBucketInvitation extrinsic...
    2022-01-04 15:43:36:4336 debug: Extrinsic successful!
  • set metadata: storage-node operator:set-metadata (example json - fields)

    $ ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run operator:set-metadata -i 2 -w 3 -j ~/bucket-2-metadata.json -k ~/keys/giza-storage-l1dev.json
    2022-01-04 15:46:21:4621 info: Initialized runtime connection: ws://localhost:9944
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 info: Waiting for chain to be synced before proceeding.
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 info: Setting the storage operator metadata...
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 debug: Sending storage.setStorageOperatorMetadata extrinsic...
    2022-01-04 15:46:30:4630 debug: Extrinsic successful!


See docs/node

  • Accept invitaiton

    ~/joystream/distributor-node/bin/run operator:accept-invitation -B 2:0 -w 2 -c ~/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml
    2022-01-04 16:08:16:816 CLI info: Accepting distribution bucket operator invitation...
    "bucketId": {
        "distribution_bucket_family_id": "2",
        "distribution_bucket_index": "0"
    "workerId": 2
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
    2022-01-04 16:08:22:822 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.acceptDistributionBucketInvitation extrinsic from 5DCCUrwUZuqBHMMcaswK5rk1DpFNGvuZvoZHWiHYNyqjEvK9
    2022-01-04 16:08:24:824 CLI info: Invitation succesfully accepted!
  • set metadata (or use the API)

    ~/joystream/distributor-node/bin/run operator:set-metadata -B 2:0 -w 2 -c ~/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml -i ~/distributor-metadata.json
    2022-01-04 16:25:29:2529 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata...
    "bucketId": {
        "distribution_bucket_family_id": "2",
        "distribution_bucket_index": "0"
    "workerId": 2,
    "metadata": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "location": {
            "countryCode": "US-NJ",
            "city": "Newark",
            "coordinates": {
                "latitude": 40,
                "longitude": 74
        "extra": "Welcome to Joystream GIZA - America branch! -- operated by l1dev ("
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
    2022-01-04 16:25:39:2539 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.setDistributionOperatorMetadata extrinsic from 5DCCUrwUZuqBHMMcaswK5rk1DpFNGvuZvoZHWiHYNyqjEvK9
    2022-01-04 16:25:42:2542 CLI info: Bucket operator metadata succesfully set/updated!