4.1 KB

Tokenomics + Network Report

This is a report which explains the current state of the Joystream network in numbers. It pulls figures from the chain and tries to provide a basic level of information about the network, tokens and more.

1.0 Basic Information

  • Block range: {startBlock} - {endBlock}
  • Date Range: {dateStart} - {dateEnd}
  • Council session #: {councilRound}

2.0 Tokenomics

2.1 Token generation breakdown

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Total Tokens Minted {startIssuance} {endIssuance} {percNewIssuance}
Property Value
Total Tokens Burned {newTokensBurn}
Validator Role {newValidatorRewards}
Council Role {newCouncilRewards}
Storage Role {newStorageProviderReward}
Curator Role {newCuratorRewards}

2.2 Mints

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Council Mint Total Minted {startCouncilMinted} {endCouncilMinted} {percNewCouncilMinted}
Curator Mint Total Minted {startCuratorMinted} {endCuratorMinted} {percCuratorMinted}
Storage Mint Total Minted {startStorageMinted} {endStorageMinted} {percStorageMinted}

3.0 Council

  • Council session #: {councilRound}
  • Number of council members: {councilMembers}
  • Total number of proposals: {newProposals}
  • Total number of Approved proposals: {newApprovedProposals}

3.1 Elections

Property Start Block
Total Applicants {electionApplicants}
Total Applicant Stake {electionApplicantsStakes}
Total Votes {electionVotes}

4 Roles

4.1 Validator Information

  • Block generation time (average): {avgBlockProduction}
Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Validators {startValidators} {endValidators} {percValidators}
Validator Total Stake {startValidatorsStake} {endValidatorsStake} {percNewValidatorsStake}

4.2 Storage Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Storage Workers {startStorageProviders} {endStorageProviders} {percNewStorageProviders}
Total Storage Stake (workers + lead) {startStorageProvidersStake} {endStorageProvidersStake} {percNewStorageProviderStake}

4.3 Curator Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Curators {startCurators} {endCurators} {percNewCurators}

5.0 User Generated Content

5.1 Membership Information

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of members {startMembers} {endMembers} {percNewMembers}

5.2 Media & Uploads

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of uploads {startMedia} {endMedia} {percNewMedia}
Size of content {startUsedSpace} {endUsedSpace} {percNewUsedSpace}
Number of channels {startChannels} {endChannels} {percNewChannels}

5.3 Forum Activity

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of categories {startCategories} {endCategories} {perNewCategories}
Number of threads {startThreads} {endThreads} {percNewThreads}
Number of posts {startPosts} {endPosts} {percNewPosts}