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Performance of Operations Lead 515-l1dev

Provided Reports

Links Date Note
Report June June 2021 (weeks 24-28) On-chain forum
Report July July 2021 (weeks 29-31) On-chain forum

Operations Lead 515-l1dev


  1. No text proposal was provided for reports.
  2. List of tasks you can read here
  3. Status of tasks and proposed payments you can read here PR here
  4. Reporting requirements for Op Group 1 was created as a proposal only. Not added to Github by mistake.
  1. Frequency - 1 week. But 515-l1dev provided his report once a month.
  2. A simple breakdown of current tasks and the status - Done
  3. A simple breakdown of each worker, what they're working on and what skills they have - Done
  4. Any issues encountered or anything that needs attention - Done
  5. Set reawards for Operations Workers - Done

Compare with Helpdesk

  • Operations Lead
  1. Available on Discord - Done
  2. Hire/fire/warn opearations workers - Done
  3. Manage Opearations Workers - Done
  4. Replenished Opearations Working Group Mint
  • Operations Workers
  1. Development Group are working a lot.
  2. Promotion Group still under discussion

Performance for the Lead

  • At least 95% of the work he did

Performance for the Workers

Development Group. Tasks here

  • isonar showed a lot of activity. Active in Discord also

  • nexusfallout improved storage size bot. Active in Discord also

  • freakstatic showed a lot of activity. Active in Discord also

  • lkskrn showed a lot of activity.

  • dapplooker showed a lot of activity.

Promotion Group

  • maxlevush showed some idea only

  • drmarkovi -

  • stwoof showed some idea only

  • shtihmas new

  • palladium new

Suggestion for the path forward

According to WG Lead Term Limits Lead's term soon ends.

Operations Lead 515-l1dev showed great efficiency. It is difficult to propose that someone will now be able to take his place