18-report-18.09.2021.md 17 KB

Eveluate bounty 18

Bounty 18 has been verified under the new rules. New document :


12.09.2021 Videos were eveluated and checked.

  1. Today the number of uploaded videos were 17.
  2. Duration of checking was 5 hours.
  3. BM checked all videos. Work of BM were re-checked Curators Lead .
  4. General reward for all videos were 285$

Also, the check was carried out in a new format and the entire assessment can be viewed here:

WEEK 4 -13.09.2021 - 19.09.2021
120 adovrn Rodion Adov https://play.joystream.org/video/6193 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=2 Сдаём отчет Joystream report (15) 1:07 education Owner video Confirmed 10 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
121 olewko AmbaUA https://play.joystream.org/video/6166 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=3 Грін Кард - Інструкція 30:03:00 education Owner video duplicate 0 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VmOGKtxtPXP79Z6GFP_-JeElpfUPtlrW/edit#gid=1461462558&range=133:133 CCO CCO 18.09.2021
122 goldmember Family channel https://play.joystream.org/video/6195 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=4 Марк тестирует аквапарк "Затока" 18:23 Travel & Event Owner video Confirmed 15 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
123 vagif Vagif WorkShip https://play.joystream.org/video/6200 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=5 Book about JOYSTREAM. 1:01 Nonprofit & Activism. Owner video Confirmed 60 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
124 vagif Vagif WorkShip https://play.joystream.org/video/6201 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=6 BIT.COUNTRY METAVERS 9:34 Nonprofit & Activism. Owner video Confirmed 15 - CCO Creative Commons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_z2x_QwI84) 18.09.2021
125 marat_mu Пивной животик https://play.joystream.org/video/6190 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=7 Обзор пива "Thron" 6:56 entertaiment Owner video Confirmed 10 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
126 marat_mu News JS https://play.joystream.org/video/6165 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=8 Good shit in South Korea 3:46 News and Politics Owner video Confirmed 25 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
127 asobakin asobakin https://play.joystream.org/video/6179 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=9 Diasoft FA#1 6:53 education Owner video Confirmed 15 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
128 asobakin asobakin https://play.joystream.org/video/6203 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=10 DiasoftFA#2 8:08 education Owner video UCLEAR 5 NOISE IN VIDEO , NOT PLEASANT TO LISTEN CCO CCO 18.09.2021
129 asobakin asobakin https://play.joystream.org/video/6204 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=11 Diasoft FA#3 8:43 education Owner video Confirmed 15 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
130 pascual Rocket Star https://play.joystream.org/video/6214 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=12 Проект Genshiro Аукцион за парачейны 2:54 People & Blogs Owner video Confirmed 5 - CCO Standart YouTube license https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u52G_LfvV1c 18.09.2021
131 pascual Rocket Star https://play.joystream.org/video/6215 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=13 Обзор экосистемы Qredo 5:08 People & Blogs Owner video Confirmed 5 - CCO Standart YouTube license https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMwy3i0Rr_g 18.09.2021
132 frdm1 FrDm https://play.joystream.org/video/6221 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=14 JoyStram_new age 0:10 Fun Owner video NON CONFIRMED 0 Doesn't correspond conditions (less than 1 minutes) CCO CCO 18.09.2021
133 shtihmas Joystream movie https://play.joystream.org/video/6158 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=15 Know your Councils #3 (Isonar) 24:21:00 Film & Animation Owner video Confirmed 50 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
134 alenleps Harmonious psychologist https://play.joystream.org/video/6231 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=16 Часть 4: Анализ проблемы беспокойства 6:19 Education Owner video Confirmed 20 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
135 pascual Rocket Star https://play.joystream.org/video/6232 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=17 Joystream Founding Member 16:04 People & Blogs Owner video Confirmed 25 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021
136 thanh_tan Orange Pi Vietnam https://play.joystream.org/video/6236 https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=18 Android for OPi Lite, PC and Plus2e 2:24 Science & Technology Owner video Confirmed 10 - CCO CCO 18.09.2021

All licenses and videos have been verified under the new rules. Also, the video design has become more acceptable.

Notes: after the adoption of the new rules, the videos have become more interesting to watch and the quality of the videos has increased. Also, the video design has become more acceptable.

The new rules were confirmed by the consuls:
