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Mainnet Questions For Leads (MWG example)

Working Group: Marketing WG

1. Write step by step guide how the work within your WG will be organized in the first term of the mainent

(This plan doesn’t show the whole strategy of MWG, this is developed for first mainnet term, keep in mind, marketing is dynamic space, where things changes rapidly and accordingly existing strategies changes and new strategies develop)

  1. Lead will hire a following 3 workers:
  2. Deputy Lead
  3. Strategic advisor
  4. Marketing operations manager
  5. We are planning launchpad launch of $JOY token, strategy is being developed by MWG strategic board. When it will complete, we will share it with community including jsgenesis and council. If it gets approval, then we will execute it in way it was developed.
  6. In first term, our second priority is airdrop to content creator’s of relatively successful competitor’s platform, strategy is being developed by MWG strategic board. When it will complete, we will share it with community including jsgenesis and council. If it gets approval, then we will execute it in way it was developed.
  7. We will stay active on social media channels to interact with users and answer their queries. And also we will continuously feed our social media channels (e.g., reddit and twitter) with meaningful content. ****
  8. Probably, martin will available at that moment, so we will update the handbook with him, which is very necessary to do because at that time our community will growing.
  9. We will publish mainnet announcement article on our medium.
  10. We will make video tutorials on following topics:
  11. How founding member can cash out $JOY?
  12. What are uses of locked FM $JOY tokens?
  13. How to stake $JOY tokens with validators?
  14. What is use case of $JOY token?
  15. How to maximize $JOY earnings?
  16. How to upload video on gleev?
  17. How to list video nft on gleev?
  18. How to collect video nft on gleev?
  19. We will start and keep doing outreach and networking with crypto journalists to reap benefits which are best in interest of joystream.

2. Review Gitbook Scores for your Work Group and tell:

Which scores should be excluded?

  1. Recruiting score should excluded. Because there will very little changes in working groups in mainnet and recruitment will take place rarely. Also MWG recommend to transfer recruiting responsibility to HR working group just before mainnet start.
  2. Documentation score should exclude in mainnet, right now we have two documentation scores: system and testnet. Testnet part will become irrelevant in mainnet automatically. System part will also complete before mainnet. Then in mainnet, rarely we will propose changes in system part depending on needs of that time, so this score should exclude.

    Which scores should be added?

  • Brand awareness score should add in this way

  • No. of users joined official discord

  • No. of users followed official twitter

  • No. of new channels created on Gleev

  • No. of users joined pioneer governance app

If you have scores that purely depend on the JSG decision, how can these scores be adjusted so the Council will be able to assess them in a more objective way?


3. For each position of your WG in the mainnet, incl. the Lead:

Let’s suppose, 1 $JOY= 0.06USD

Develop the Job Descriptions and provide links to them

Deputy Lead: Click on link

Web3 Marketing Strategy Builder: Click on link

Marketing Operations Manager: Click on link

Propose a stake amount in USD (and JOY) required by application for each position

Deputy Lead: 6,000USD (100,000 $JOY)

Web3 Marketing Advisor: 6,000USD (100,000 $JOY)

Marketing Operations Manager: 6,000USD (100,000 $JOY)

4. If there will be less seats in the WG compared to the number of seats in the current testnet, which people will you hire? Propose your criteria.

Lead will hire following roles:

  1. Deputy lead
  2. Web3 Marketing Advisor
  3. Marketing Operations Manager

Propose your criteria:

Lead will hire those professionals who worked on same role in testnet. Because they know their job very well and they have proved themselves. Also their roles are very crucial for MWG.

5. How would you manage people who didn’t find their place in your WG, but who are still quite experienced?

We will keep them in touch definitely. And when we will need their any help, we will ask for their services through bounties and we will pay them through reserves which we saved for them from the budget (B-X/4).

6. Propose a forecast of *capacity* utilization for your WG over time (in terms of capacity required over time/ staff number required over time/ overall budget required over time). For example, for the Storage WG *capacity* will be the total storage space avaliable across all servers.**

With the passage of time;

  1. MWG size will increase because we will need media PR experts, content writer, copywriter, designer, videographer, social media manager and SEO specialist.
  2. When we will grow then MWG budget will also increase based on requirements of that time, and lead isn’t sure but assume $2k budget may not be enough for retaining existing talent in working group.