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KPI Consultant


We want to make our project of high quality and the best we need. The problem at the moment is that ... New community members come to consuls and do not understand the essence of the work. They do not know what to do and how to fill out the CRPD. They start asking everyone a lot of questions. And in our community there is no such person who would help a new member of the community who ended up in consuls. Based on this, I propose solutions to this issue, to be more specific about the introduction of such a position as "Consultant". A person who will alternate with experienced consuls on a weekly basis and take on these tasks, to help newcomers, and to support them in the initial stage.

Rules ##

  • The consultant must have experience of at least 7 working terms in council.
  • After accepting the position, the Consultant informs the Manager how many new members he has under his leadership and which KPIs they have taken. (If the position of Manager will not be accepted, then in the branches with "current" KPIs the Consultant indicates the participants who are under his leadership)
  • When accepting the position, the consul must create a thread on the forum and follow the messages from new members of the community.
  • At the end of the term, close the thread and report the transfer of the position to another experienced member of the council.

Scope of work

  • Creation of a forum thread for a beginner, where new community members will have to leave their data for communication, that is Telegream or Discord.

  • The Consultant, in turn, will need to collect this data and create a separate Telegram group, where they will contact the Consultant for help.

  • Also, if newcomers want to work together, they inform the Consultant about it.

  • After the expiration of the term (1 week in the consuls), new participants leave feedback on the work of the consultant, at least 3-5 proposals in order to show the flaws or the advantages of the Consultant. Also, subsequent Consultants will take this into account and will not make mistakes.

Notes: Genesis will be able to determine the remuneration for the Consultant under item 4.


75 $

Previously, the idea was discussed on the forum. Link :