2021-04-15-Weekly_Bounty_Report.md 5.6 KB

Weekly Bounty Report

This is a report that gives a status update on bounties.


  • The network crashed and because of this a number of proposals for bounties went without votes or were left in limbo. Some of these have been resubmitted.

  • The council still hasn't developed an effetive method of taking the bounties announced by Jsgenesis and agreeing on changes before they are announced to the platform. This has been partially addressed by the Council Bounty Management proposal (https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/168)

Bounty documents

These files are required to be kept up to date so that the current status of bounties is accurately communicated to all actors on the platform.

Bounty Overview

This table gives a brief overview of the status of each bounty. Since bounties all have different requirements and cover different types of work, some may require a process to hire an admin before they can become "live".

Council adapted refers to the Council taking a Jsgenesis bounty and adapting it via the process described in this proposal: https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/historical/168

Bounty Title Status Council adapted Admin Required? Admin Hiring Status Assigned to Any submissions? % Complete
1 Update Telegram Bot Complete
2 Testing of 'polkadot-js' Complete
3 Improve Telegram Bot(s) Complete
4 Improve Telegram Bot(s) Announced No No No
5 JS Telegram Sticker pack Partially complete Yes No Yes 100%
6 Increase Validator Research Complete
7 Joystream Player Loading Withdrawn No
8 Ledger on Joystream Announced No No
9 Repo/Docs Improvements Announced Partially Yes Announced Continuous
10 Upload Public Domain Content Announced Partially Yes Hired (@stwoof) Continuous
11 Design Community Repo Banner Announced Yes Yes Hired (@tomato) 5 N/A
12 Deploy Reliable Endpoints Announced l1dev, lopegor Yes 0%
13 Discord Bots Research Announced Yes l1dev, oiclid Yes 33%
14 Polkadot/Substrate Content List DRAFT Maybe
15 Transcripts of Community Update Vids DRAFT No
16 Translation of Community Update Vids DRAFT No

Bounty processes

Bounty processes are Github issues or forum threads that can be used to develop any processes required for managing bounties. It is important these processes pass through the governance process eventually and are improved upon over time. The goal of mentioning these processes in the report is so that people are aware of them and that they can be adapted, reused or improved upon which will make it easier for any future bounties.

Bounty Processes
GH Issue Description
104 Create a standardized process for managing creative bounties + competitions
118 Informal role hiring process