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Runtime Upgrade Verification

KPI 18-25.OP-1 ask to verify the previous test on the staging network (wss:// To approach this task it is worth to recap the issues that needed to be tested and determine if the performed test was sufficient and executed correctly.


  1. Fix bug #2505 in the operations pallet that would burn stakes for crowded out applicants (discord thread).

The way to test this is to check after the runtime update if

  • the issuance decreases by the staked amount when an opening is filled.
  • the stake for not hired workers is being unstaked.
  1. Increase maximum mint capacity from 5M to 50M.

Here the task is simply to create a SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity proposal between 5 and 50M after the runtime update and check if it executes without errors.


1. Stake Withdrawal Bug

As per the these accounts and memberships were created:

  • #1854539: member 1998 (5DLevi4g5aeTtZQ2oxnyP7vUMXN8tXK8dWaYHDBeJ1NeHzvk, #1854445)
  • #1854543: member 1999 (5CLeviijADayNZQyosuCCRaQArpBV9a3mEoZxz8tMq3wx7PD, #1854447)
  • #1885770: member 2004 (5HgVNNrfvo5sabBs9ofw7n4Ac2PBBc8z69W6jntdRq2DD7br, #1885763)
  • #1930815: member 2005 w1111 (5DJ7B5qdxpRTBiWNqr9MX5oYgYyb6aqcGTBE5RqWyZcYE3FQ)
  • #1930817: member 2006 w2222 (5Fe1QGWCsrctNsSRzzGhmmB9f9SPLY7hZgESiC5qd4cpTnrw)

Following Openings for the OWG were filled (see for all parameters):

ID Added Filled ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap
3 #1883589 #1887725 {"5":1}
4 #1883620 #1884268 {}
#1884067 code update
5 #1887798 #1887943 {"10":2}
6 #1930574 #1930902 {}
7 #1930946 #1931079 { 13: 3, 14: 4 }

All openings were filled after the update and for none the issuance decreased. This can be verified at with

[1883589, 1883620, 1887725, 1884268, 1887943, 1930902, 1931079].forEach(async block => {
  const before = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block-1)
  const after = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block+1)
  const issuanceBefore = await
  const issuanceAfter = await
  console.log(block, issuanceAfter - issuanceBefore)

1883620 0
1883589 0
1887725 0
1884268 0
1887943 0
1930902 0
1931079 5000


The issuance did not decrease for any opening even if no one was hired. Hence the bug can be considered fixed.

2. Mint Capacity Increase

The new runtime was applied at #1884067. At #1927154 the mint capacity was successfully set to 49999998.

Block Section Method Data
1884067 system CodeUpdated
1927135 proposalsEngine ProposalCreated 1999
1927146 proposalsEngine Voted 1999
1927154 proposalsEngine Voted 1998
1927154 proposalsEngine ProposalStatusUpdated 54
1927154 operationsWorkingGroup MintCapacityChanged 4
1927154 proposalsEngine ProposalStatusUpdated 54
1927344 proposalsEngine ProposalStatusUpdated 52

Proposal 54

  parameters: {
    votingPeriod: 43,200,
    gracePeriod: 0,
    approvalQuorumPercentage: 60,
    approvalThresholdPercentage: 75,
    slashingQuorumPercentage: 60,
    slashingThresholdPercentage: 80,
    requiredStake: 50,000
  proposerId: 1,999,
  title: Add 49999998 tJoy,
  description: Add 49999998 tJoy,
  createdAt: 1,927,135,
  status: {
    Finalized: {
      proposalStatus: {
        Approved: {
          Executed: null
      finalizedAt: 1,927,154,
      encodedUnstakingErrorDueToBrokenRuntime: null,
      stakeDataAfterUnstakingError: null
  votingResults: {
    abstensions: 0,
    approvals: 2,
    rejections: 0,
    slashes: 0