Joystream Stats cbc16261ec KPI 36.OP-1: pioneer endpoints пре 3 година
.. e9472ecca2 KPI 36.OP-1: nginx setup пре 3 година cbc16261ec KPI 36.OP-1: pioneer endpoints пре 3 година

KPI 36.OP-1

The goal is to install a GIZA validator, storage provider and distributor on a fresh VPS.



See Network deployment


See storage-node.


See distributor-node.


cd ~/joystream/pioneer
yarn build:www
rsync -aP packages/apps/build/ /var/www/pioneer

To pre-select your endpoint, edit packages/apps-config/src/settings/endpoints.js and add

    info: 'Joystream Giza',
    text: t('giza-l1dev', 'Joystream Giza (l1dev)', { ns: 'apps-config' }),
    value: 'wss://'

as first array entry for createLive (line 23). Run yarn build:www again and you should see:

i18next-scanner: Added a new translation key { "giza-l1dev": "Joystream Giza (l1dev)" } to "packages/apps/public/locales/en/apps-config.json"

Alternatively it is possible to set WS_URL during build time: WS_URL=wss://myendpoint yarn build:www


git clone htps://
cd atlas
yarn build
rsync -aP dist/ /var/www/atlas
  • Set DNS record for atlas subdomain (depends on your registrar)

  • Create /etc/nginx/sites-available/atlas to configure nginx site

    server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    server_name atlas.DOMAIN;
    root /var/www/atlas;
    index index.html;
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
  • Activate site

    cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
    ln -s ../sites-available/atlas
  • Request TLS certificate: certbot run, select the subdomain and hit enter.


  • Install dependencies: apt install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx

  • Create /etc/nginx/sites-available/joysream to configure nginx site

    server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    root /var/www/joystream; # build atlas or pioneer and move it there
    index index.html;
    location /rpc {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:9944;
      proxy_redirect off;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    # query node
    location /graphql {
      rewrite /graphql(/.+) $1 break;
      proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
      proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS";
    location /@apollographql { rewrite (.*) /graphql$1 last; }
    # storage provider
    location /storage {
      rewrite /storage/?(.*) /$1 break;
      proxy_pass http://localhost:3333;
      proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS";
      proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "GET, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS";
      client_max_body_size 50G;
    # distributor
    location /distributor {
      rewrite /distributor/?(.*) /$1 break;
      proxy_pass http://localhost:3334;
      proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "*";
      proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "*";
    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;
  • Activate site

    cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
    ln -s ../sites-available/joystream
    rm default
  • Request TLS certificate: certbot run. Enter email address, accept the TOS to create a certbot account. The rest happens automatically. No need to add a redirect because it is already configured above.



  1. Apply as storage provider and distributor, save files to ~/keys/
  2. Have the leads fill the openings
  3. Get invited to a bucket
  4. Verify group memberships

    $ ~/joystream/cli/bin/run working-groups:overview
    Current Group: storageProviders
    ___________________ Group lead ___________________
    Member id:                    2010                                             
    Member handle:                storage_lead_giza                                
    Role account:                 5GHPwGqcVjt3KKrEUhkgLJaizRymegx5astt4fekGVmL7F4q 
    ____________________ Members _____________________
    Worker id     Member id     Member handle         Stake            Earned     Role account                  
    3             515           l1dev                 10.0000 JOY      0          5DNe6u...ATpk38               
    2             2012          storage_2             100.0000 JOY     0          5DGQLX...Fai2MW               
    1             2012          storage_2             100.0000 JOY     0          5H8CPz...hoWPtP               
    0             2010          storage_lead_giza     100.0000 JOY     0          5GHPwG...mL7F4q
    $ ~/joystream/cli/bin/run working-groups:overview -g distributors
    Current Group: distributors
    ___________________ Group lead ___________________
    Member id:                    2015                                             
    Member handle:                dist_lead                                        
    Role account:                 5GJWFApQiMqFjhiLWhxtVAjva7fVy7kYAf8mBgME4rGXX4Vy 
    ____________________ Members _____________________
    Worker id     Member id     Member handle     Stake            Earned     Role account                  
    2             515           l1dev             100.0000 JOY     0          5DCCUr...qjEvK9               
    1             2016          dist_1            100.0000 JOY     0          5GQZGW...m9z7VA               
    0             2015          dist_lead         100.0000 JOY     0          5GJWFA...GXX4Vy

Storage Provider

  • Accept invitation

    $ ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run operator:accept-invitation -i 2 -w 3 -k ~/keys/giza-storage-l1dev.json -t 5DNe6ubsQhmcSZRZdBLJroe9qKThW9CsSGRKHiZx8pATpk38
    2022-01-04 15:43:26:4326 info: Initialized runtime connection: ws://localhost:9944
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 info: Waiting for chain to be synced before proceeding.
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 info: Accepting pending storage bucket invitation...
    2022-01-04 15:43:30:4330 debug: Sending storage.acceptStorageBucketInvitation extrinsic...
    2022-01-04 15:43:36:4336 debug: Extrinsic successful!
  • set metadata: storage-node operator:set-metadata (example json - fields)

    $ ~/joystream/storage-node-v2/bin/run operator:set-metadata -i 2 -w 3 -j ~/bucket-2-metadata.json -k ~/keys/giza-storage-l1dev.json
    2022-01-04 15:46:21:4621 info: Initialized runtime connection: ws://localhost:9944
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 info: Waiting for chain to be synced before proceeding.
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 info: Setting the storage operator metadata...
    2022-01-04 15:46:24:4624 debug: Sending storage.setStorageOperatorMetadata extrinsic...
    2022-01-04 15:46:30:4630 debug: Extrinsic successful!


See docs/node

  • Accept invitaiton

    ~/joystream/distributor-node/bin/run operator:accept-invitation -B 2:0 -w 2 -c ~/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml
    2022-01-04 16:08:16:816 CLI info: Accepting distribution bucket operator invitation...
    "bucketId": {
        "distribution_bucket_family_id": "2",
        "distribution_bucket_index": "0"
    "workerId": 2
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
    2022-01-04 16:08:22:822 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.acceptDistributionBucketInvitation extrinsic from 5DCCUrwUZuqBHMMcaswK5rk1DpFNGvuZvoZHWiHYNyqjEvK9
    2022-01-04 16:08:24:824 CLI info: Invitation succesfully accepted!
  • set metadata (or use the API)

    ~/joystream/distributor-node/bin/run operator:set-metadata -B 2:0 -w 2 -c ~/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml -i ~/distributor-metadata.json
    2022-01-04 16:25:29:2529 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata...
    "bucketId": {
        "distribution_bucket_family_id": "2",
        "distribution_bucket_index": "0"
    "workerId": 2,
    "metadata": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "location": {
            "countryCode": "US-NJ",
            "city": "Newark",
            "coordinates": {
                "latitude": 40,
                "longitude": 74
        "extra": "Welcome to Joystream GIZA - America branch! -- operated by l1dev ("
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y
    ? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? (y/N) y? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
    2022-01-04 16:25:39:2539 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.setDistributionOperatorMetadata extrinsic from 5DCCUrwUZuqBHMMcaswK5rk1DpFNGvuZvoZHWiHYNyqjEvK9
    2022-01-04 16:25:42:2542 CLI info: Bucket operator metadata succesfully set/updated!


Staking and Rewards (WGs)

For each group (incl. Leads), check that:

  • staking and unstaking works as expected
  • rewards are paid out as they should

Validator Rewards

The runtime upgrade included a change in these params. For each era, get:

  • total issuance
  • total stake
  • total reward
  • ~blockheight
Block Era Issuance Stake % Staked Era Reward Action
0 0 574460220 15000 0.0 3275
6000 10 574460120 15000 0.0 3275
6600 11 574455020 15000 0.0 5698
7200 12 1000000000 200000000 20.0 58841
13200 22 1000000000 200000000 20.0 58841
13800 23 999999800 200000000 20.0 14805
14400 24 999999700 200000000 20.0 14780
15000 25 999999700 100007500 10.0 10250
15600 26 999999600 100007500 10.0 10250
16200 27 999999600 100007500 10.0 10250
16800 28 999999600 200000000 20.0 14805
151800 253 999999500 200000000 20.0 14805
152400 254 999999500 200000000 20.0 14780
153000 255 999999500 200000000 20.0 14805
161400 269 999999400 200000000 20.0 14805
162000 270 999999400 200500000 20.1 14828
187800 313 999999400 200500000 20.1 14828
188400 314 999999400 200500000 20.1 15397
192000 320 1099991546 200500000 18.2 15397


  1. What happens when a storage node runs out of (local) storage?
    • eg. the bucket is configured to accept 100GB, whereas the node runs out at 80GB
  2. What happens when a bucket is full (ref. bucket config on-chain) and you upload more from a channel where it's assigned to accept from?
  3. What happens when a bucket is full (ref. bucket config on-chain) and you assign a new bag to it?
  4. What happens when a SP node, that is the only source of some data goes down?
    • Cases:
    • No distributor has it (or is assigned): Try to assign the channel bag to another SP, and use the re-upload command (cli and/or atlas)
    • One or more distributors has it (and is assigned): Try to assign the channel bag to another SP, and use the re-upload command (cli and/or atlas)
    • One or more distributors has it (and is assigned): Try to assign the channel bag to another SP, and try to fetch 5it from the distributor
  5. How does the blacklist work?
    • Cases:
    • One distributor has (and is assigned) the file. asset it get censored in atlas?
      • What happens if you upload the asset again?
    • No distributor has the file (or is assigned). When one gets assigned it, does it get it?
      • What happens if you upload the asset again?


  • Check that doing --help for all commands
    • provides a useful description
    • everything is correct
    • syntax is consistent

See Commands


  1. What happens when a distributor node runs out of storage?
    • eg. the bucket is configured to accept 100GB, whereas the node runs out at 80GB


  • Check that doing --help for all commands
    • provides a useful description
    • everything is correct
    • syntax is consistent
    • all the examples are correct

See Commands

No help:

  • start
  • dev:batchUpload
  • node:*
  • leader:cancel-invitation
  • leader:create-bucket-family
  • leader:delete-bucket-family
  • leader:invite-bucket-operator
  • leader:remove-bucket-operator
  • leader:set-bucket-family-metadata
  • leader:set-buckets-per-bag-limit
  • leader:update-bucket-mode


Date Hours Task
Jan 2 13-17 4 start node, storage provider, distributor
Jan 4 15-18 3 storage provider and distributor configuration
Jan 4 19-22 3 check commands, validator eras