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These are the results for the ** General Survey**. The survey ran from May 3, 2021 to May 8, 2021. The survey had 64 responses.

When did you first learn of the council?

Answer Share
May 2021 3.2%
April 2021 32.8%
March 2021 21.9%
February 2021 34.4%
Earlier 7.8%

Why did you not run for council?

Answer Share
Too little rewards 3.1%
Being a CM is very difficult 4.7%
I'm too busy 9.4%
Not capable Enough 34.4%
I don't know enough 18.8%
I am not interested 3.1%
I did not have a chance 6.3
I had too few tokens to stake 18.6%
Did not know about the possibility 1.6%

Have you run for council before

Answer Share
Yes 7.8%
No 92.2%

What do you think needs to be done for you to consider running for council?

Answer Share
Be active in the community 37.5
Have more tokens 18.7
Clearer definition of roles 21.9
Higher Bonuses 12.5
I don't know 9.4

Do you think you would consider running for council in the near future?

Answer Share
Yes 39.1%
No 57.8%
Maybe 4.3%

What do you think is the role of the council?

Answer Share
Vote for proposals and implement KPIs 28.1
Govern community 25
Promote and grow Joystream 37.5
I don't know 9.4

What tasks do you think are performed by the council?