This is the 7th report for the Storage Provider Working Group. This week went well no big reported issues, sizes are increasing drastically need more space pretty soon for SPs with 400GB. @maxlevush SP went down due to his storage was full, there was some mistake and not provided orginally agreed storage size, he will be fixing it shortly. @plycho's storage size report was not updated as he was away for holiday. @kalpakci didnt response to the request to provide storage space balance. Adjusted tokens due to rate difference. Previous reward: 25.500 kJOY / 3600 block(s) New reward: 26.500 kJOY / 3600 block(s).
Found 11 staked providers
Resolving live provider API Endpoints...
Checking API Endpoints are online
6 - OK
15 - Request failed with status code 502
16 - OK
5 - OK
10 - OK
3 - OK
8 - OK
14 - OK
17 - OK
9 - OK
4 - OK
Data Directory has 6394 assets: { Pending: 337, Accepted: 6057 }
Checking available assets on providers (this can take some time)...
2021-07-11 17:54:47 RPC-CORE: health(): Health:: disconnected from ws://localhost:9944: 1000:: Normal connection closure
provider 10: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 15: has 0 out of 6394
provider 4: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 14: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 16: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 5: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 6: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 17: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 3: has 6052 out of 6394
provider 8: has 6059 out of 6394
provider 9: has 6059 out of 6394