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KPI Manager


Managing KPIs is an important task, so we need a person who will be responsible for it.

Since it is important that KPI Manager takes the role as quickly as possible, those who want to apply do not need to make a proposal. The Consul who will write first on the forum (KPI discussions thread) and is eligible according to the rules will take this role.

The rules are:

  • this Council Term should be no less than 3rd for this Consul;
  • the Consul should leave his Discord/Telegram contacts (preferably both) on the forum (KPI discussion thread);
  • the Consul should be highly available during the Term (checking in at least once per day is a minimum).

Scope of work

KPI Manager will be responsible for: 1) Making a list of who takes what, splitting work if several Consuls want to do it to avoid duplication and to allow more people to participate. The good way for difficult/long tasks is to select several Consuls, and they will cooperate. It improves communication. A good approach can be to choose an experienced member + a new or not so experienced Consul, so the new Consul can learn from his colleague, while helping him. 2) Communication with KPIs assignees, checking their progress, helping them if they need help, re-assigning task to someone else if the consul decided not to do it or does not answer about his progress. Everyone who wants to take a KPI, should tell KPI Manager about it and always be in touch. If a Consul does not answer a question about his progress in 24 hours, KPI Manager can assign another person to do the task. 3) If no one takes KPIs, KPI Manager should reach out the community and try to find someone who wants to take it (the task will be technically assigned to KPI Manager, and they will give rewards to a community member). 4) Making sure that all the KPIs are valid, asking JSGenesis clarifications if KPI is not clear.

Reward distribution

  1. 50$
  2. 50$
  3. 20$ for reaching out the community (Discord+Telegram) + 20% of rewards a community member will get for the KPI
  4. up to 30$