5.2 KB

Tokenomics + Network Report

This is a report which explains the current state of the Joystream network in numbers. It pulls figures from the chain and tries to provide a basic level of information about the network, tokens and more.

1.0 Basic Information

  • Block range: 378000 - 478799
  • Date Range: 5/3/2021 - 5/11/2021
  • Council session #: 3

2.0 Tokenomics

2.1 Token generation breakdown

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Total Tokens Minted 552036214 609268044 10.37
USD Pool 20208.37 21395.66 5.88
Property Value
Total Tokens Burned 40491775
Spending Proposals (Executed) 36816486
Bounties paid 36816486
Validator Role 3313300
Storage Role 2785244
Curator Role 3418808.00
Operations Role 0

2.2 Fiat Pool

Property Start Block, USD End Block, USD % Change
USD Pool 20208.37 21395.66 5.88
Refill, USD Reason Block #
465 bounty4 388598
1763 kpi2 antioch 457324
14 kpi 2.4 475657

2.3 Mints

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Council Mint Total Minted 59704696 100409182 68.18
Curator Mint Total Minted 3317000 6735808 103.07
Storage Mint Total Minted 667000 3452244 417.58
Operations Mint Total Minted 0 0 0

2.4 tJOY Inflation

  • Start Block Exchange Rate, USD/1M tJOY: 37.35
  • End Block Exchange Rate, USD/1M tJOY: 35.14
  • Inflation, %: 6.26

Negative value indicates deflation

3.0 Council

  • Council session #: 3
  • Number of council members: 16
  • Total number of proposals: 21
  • Total number of Approved proposals: 16

3.1 Elections

Property Start Block
Total Applicants 23
Total Applicant Stake 23225311
Total Votes 42

4 Roles

4.1 Validator Information

  • Block generation time (average): 6.01
Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Validators 100 / 100 100 / 100 0
Validator Total Stake 106764951 130687725 22.41

4.2 Storage Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Storage Workers 2 7 250
Total Storage Stake (workers + lead) 50000 50000 0

| # | Member | Status | tJOY / Block | M tJOY Term | M tJOY total | |--|--|--|--|--|--| | 2 | @maks_malensek | active | 8 | 0.8 | 1.5 | | 3 | @joystreamstats | active | 5 | 0.4 | 0.4 | | 4 | @julysake | active | 5 | 0.4 | 0.4 | | 5 | @0x2bc | active | 5 | 0.4 | 0.4 | | 6 | @kalpakci | active | 5 | 0.4 | 0.4 | | 7 | @animeshpendre | active | 5 | 0.4 | 0.4 |

4.3 Curator Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Curators 4 4 0

| # | Member | Status | tJOY / Block | M tJOY Term | M tJOY total | |--|--|--|--|--|--| | 1 | @igrex | active | 14 | 1.3 | 2.8 | | 2 | @leet_joy | active | 7 | 0.7 | 1.2 | | 3 | @meskalin | active | 7 | 0.7 | 1.2 | | 5 | @oiclid | active | 7 | 0.7 | 1.2 |

4.4 Operations Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Operations Workers 0 0 0
Total Operations Stake (workers + lead) 0 0 0

5.0 User Generated Content

5.1 Membership Information

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of members 2136 2163 1.26

5.2 Media & Uploads

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of uploads 421 486 15.44
Size of content (MB) 79852.53 97016.89 21.5
Number of channels 55 58 5.45

5.3 Forum Activity

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of categories 50 50 0
Number of threads 383 393 2.61
Number of posts 2545 2671 4.95