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Curator Working Group Report

This is the report of the group of curators for reporting period #6. (26.04.2021 - 09.05.2021)

1 - Report Lead Curator Group

  • Number block for report: 458,062
  • Total tokens for working group at report block: 6,071,064

  • Total workers: 4

  • Total active workers: 4

  • Total Accepted channels: 9

  • Total Censored channels: 1

  • Total channels without act: 1

  • Total Accepted videos: 186

  • Total Censored videos: 11

  • Total videos without act: 5

Content Curator Lead: IgreX

  • Channel\1 Censored: 1
  • Channel\1 Warn: 1
  • Video\10 Accepted: 117
  • Video\10 Censored: 4
  • Video\10 Warn: 5
  • Total entities: 128

Content Curator: leet_joy

  • Video\10 Accepted: 49
  • Video\10 Censored: 4
  • Total entities: 53

Content Curator: Meskalin

  • Video\10 Accepted: 12
  • Total entities: 12

Content Curator: oiclid

  • Channel\1 Accepted: 9
  • Video\10 Accepted: 7
  • Video\10 Accepted: 1
  • Video\10 Censored: 3
  • Total entities: 20

2 - Issue

During the review, errors were found when hiding broken videos. The bug report is located here:

3 - Process

After hiring, I could not find a curator 'svasilenko'. I created a thread on the forum with a proposal to dismiss: After 3 days - fired him.