import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api"; import moment from "moment"; // types import { AccountBalance, ElectionInfo, Round, ProposalDetail } from "./types"; import { Option, u32, u64, Vec, StorageKey } from "@polkadot/types"; import type { Codec, Observable } from "@polkadot/types/types"; import { AccountId, AccountInfo, AccountData, Balance, BlockNumber, EraIndex, EventRecord, Hash, Moment, } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces"; import { SignedBlock } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces/runtime"; import { types } from "@joystream/types"; import { PostId, ThreadId } from "@joystream/types/common"; import { CategoryId, Category, Thread, Post } from "@joystream/types/forum"; import { ElectionStage, ElectionStake, SealedVote, Seats, } from "@joystream/types/council"; import { MemberId, Membership, PaidMembershipTerms, PaidTermId, } from "@joystream/types/members"; import { Mint, MintId } from "@joystream/types/mint"; import { Proposal, ProposalId, DiscussionPost, SpendingParams, VoteKind, } from "@joystream/types/proposals"; import { Stake, StakeId } from "@joystream/types/stake"; import { RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId, } from "@joystream/types/recurring-rewards"; import { WorkerId, Worker } from "@joystream/types/working-group"; import { ProposalOf, ProposalDetailsOf } from "@joystream/types/augment/types"; import { WorkerOf } from "@joystream/types/augment-codec/all"; export const connectApi = async (url: string): Promise => { const provider = new WsProvider(url); return await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types }); }; // blocks export const getBlock = (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise => api.rpc.chain.getBlock(hash); export const getBlockHash = ( api: ApiPromise, block: BlockNumber | number ): Promise => { try { return api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block); } catch (e) { return getBestHash(api); } }; export const getHead = (api: ApiPromise) => api.derive.chain.bestNumber(); export const getBestHash = (api: ApiPromise) => api.rpc.chain.getFinalizedHead(); export const getTimestamp = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => moment.utc((await; export const getIssuance = (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise =>; export const getEvents = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise> =>; export const getEra = async (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise => Number(await; export const getEraStake = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, era: EraIndex | number ): Promise => (await, era)).toNumber(); // council export const getCouncil = async (api: ApiPromise): Promise => (await api.query.council.activeCouncil()) as Seats; export const getCouncilAt = (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise =>; export const getCouncils = async ( api: ApiPromise, head: number ): Promise => { // durations: [ announcing, voting, revealing, term, sum ] // each chain starts with an election (duration: d[0]+d[1]+d[2]) // elections are repeated if not enough apply (round increments though) // first term starts at begin of d[3] or some electionDuration later // term lasts till the end of the next successful election // `council.termEndsAt` returns the end of the current round // to determine term starts check every electionDuration blocks const d: number[] = await getCouncilElectionDurations( api, await getBlockHash(api, 1) ); const electionDuration = d[0] + d[1] + d[2]; const starts: number[] = []; let lastEnd = 1; for (let block = lastEnd; block < head; block += electionDuration) { const hash = await getBlockHash(api, block); const end = Number(await; if (end === lastEnd) continue; lastEnd = end; starts.push(end - d[3]); } // index by round: each start is the end of the previous term const rounds: { [key: number]: Round } = {}; await Promise.all( (start: number, index: number) => { const hash = await getBlockHash(api, start); const round = await getCouncilRound(api, hash); const isLast = index === starts.length - 1; const end = isLast ? start + d[4] - 1 : starts[index + 1] - 1; rounds[round] = { start, round, end }; }) ); return Object.values(rounds); }; export const getCouncilRound = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash?: Hash ): Promise => hash ? ((await as u32).toNumber() : ((await api.query.councilElection.round()) as u32).toNumber(); export const getCouncilElectionStage = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => (await as ElectionStage; export const getCouncilTermEnd = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as BlockNumber).toNumber(); export const getCouncilElectionStatus = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => { const durations = await getCouncilElectionDurations(api, hash); const round = await getCouncilRound(api, hash); const stage: ElectionStage = await getCouncilElectionStage(api, hash); const stageEndsAt: number = Number(stage.value as BlockNumber); const termEndsAt: number = await getCouncilTermEnd(api, hash); return { round, stageEndsAt, termEndsAt, stage, durations }; }; export const getCouncilSize = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as u32).toNumber(); export const getCouncilApplicants = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise> =>; export const getCouncilApplicantStakes = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, applicant: AccountId ): Promise =>, applicant); export const getCouncilCommitments = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise> =>; export const getCouncilPayoutInterval = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise> =>; export const getCouncilPayout = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise =>; const getCouncilElectionPeriod = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, period: string ): Promise => api.query.councilElection[period].at(hash); export const getCouncilElectionDurations = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => { const periods = [ "announcingPeriod", "votingPeriod", "revealingPeriod", "newTermDuration", ]; let durations = await Promise.all( string) => getCouncilElectionPeriod(api, hash, period)) ).then((d) => BlockNumber) => block.toNumber())); durations.push(durations[0] + durations[1] + durations[2] + durations[3]); return durations; }; export const getCommitments = (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise =>; export const getCommitment = ( api: ApiPromise, blockHash: Hash, voteHash: Hash ): Promise =>, voteHash); // working groups export const getNextWorker = async ( api: ApiPromise, group: string, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await api.query[group] as WorkerId).toNumber(); export const getWorker = ( api: ApiPromise, group: string, hash: Hash, id: number ): Promise => api.query[group], id); export const getWorkers = async ( api: ApiPromise, group: string, hash: Hash ): Promise => Number(await api.query[group]; export const getStake = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: StakeId | number, hash?: Hash ): Promise => (await (hash ?, id) : api.query.stake.stakes(id))) as Stake; export const getWorkerReward = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, id: RewardRelationshipId | number ): Promise =>, id); // mints export const getCouncilMint = (api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash): Promise =>; export const getGroupMint = async ( api: ApiPromise, group: string ): Promise => (await api.query[group].mint()) as MintId; export const getMintsCreated = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => parseInt(await; export const getMint = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, id: MintId | number ): Promise =>, id); // members export const getAccounts = async ( api: ApiPromise ): Promise => { let accounts: AccountBalance[] = []; const entries = await api.query.system.account.entries(); for (const account of entries) { const accountId = String(account[0].toHuman()); const balance = account[1].data.toJSON() as unknown as AccountData; accounts.push({ accountId, balance }); } return accounts; }; export const getAccount = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, account: AccountId | string ): Promise =>, account); export const getNextMember = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as MemberId).toNumber(); export const getMember = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: MemberId | number, hash?: Hash ): Promise => (await (hash ?, id) : api.query.members.membershipById(id))) as Membership; export const getMemberIdByAccount = async ( api: ApiPromise, accountId: AccountId ): Promise => { const ids = (await api.query.members.memberIdsByRootAccountId( accountId )) as Vec; return ids[0]; }; export const getMemberHandle = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: MemberId ): Promise => getMember(api, id).then((member: Membership) => String(member.handle)); export const getMemberHandleByAccount = async ( api: ApiPromise, account: AccountId ): Promise => getMemberHandle(api, await getMemberIdByAccount(api, account)); // forum export const getNextPost = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as PostId).toNumber(); export const getNextThread = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as ThreadId).toNumber(); export const getNextCategory = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as CategoryId).toNumber(); export const getCategory = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: number ): Promise => (await as Category; export const getThread = async (api: ApiPromise, id: number): Promise => (await as Thread; export const getPost = async (api: ApiPromise, id: number): Promise => (await as Post; // proposals export const getActiveProposals = async ( api: ApiPromise ): Promise => api.query.proposalsEngine.activeProposalIds .keys() .then((ids) =>[key]) => key as unknown as ProposalId)); export const getProposalCount = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash?: Hash ): Promise => ( (await (hash ? : api.query.proposalsEngine.proposalCount())) as u32 ).toNumber(); export const getProposalInfo = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: ProposalId ): Promise => (await api.query.proposalsEngine.proposals(id)) as ProposalOf; export const getProposalDetails = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: ProposalId ): Promise => (await api.query.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId( id )) as ProposalDetailsOf; export const getProposalType = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: ProposalId ): Promise => { const details = (await getProposalDetails(api, id)) as ProposalDetailsOf; const [type]: string[] = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(details.toJSON()); return type; }; export const getProposal = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: ProposalId ): Promise => { const proposal: ProposalOf = await getProposalInfo(api, id); const status: { [key: string]: any } = proposal.status; const stage: string = status.isActive ? "Active" : "Finalized"; const { finalizedAt, proposalStatus } = status[`as${stage}`]; const result: string = proposalStatus ? (proposalStatus.isApproved && "Approved") || (proposalStatus.isCanceled && "Canceled") || (proposalStatus.isExpired && "Expired") || (proposalStatus.isRejected && "Rejected") || (proposalStatus.isSlashed && "Slashed") || (proposalStatus.isVetoed && "Vetoed") : "Pending"; const exec = proposalStatus ? proposalStatus["Approved"] : null; const { description, parameters, proposerId, votingResults } = proposal; const member: Membership = await getMember(api, proposerId); const author = String(member ? member.handle : proposerId); const title = String(proposal.title.toHuman()); const type: string = await getProposalType(api, id); const args: string[] = [String(id), title, type, stage, result, author]; const message = formatProposalMessage(args); const created: number = Number(proposal.createdAt); return { id: Number(id), title, created, finalizedAt, parameters: JSON.stringify(parameters), message, stage, result, exec, description: description.toHuman(), votes: votingResults, type, author, authorId: Number(proposerId), }; }; const formatProposalMessage = ( data: string[], domain = "" ): { tg: string; discord: string } => { const [id, title, type, stage, result, handle] = data; const tg = `Type: ${type}\r\nProposer: ${handle}\r\nTitle: ${title}\r\nStage: ${stage}\r\nResult: ${result}`; const discord = `**Type**: ${type}\n**Proposer**: ${handle}\n**Title**: ${title}\n**Stage**: ${stage}\n**Result**: ${result}`; return { tg, discord }; }; export const getProposalVotes = async ( api: ApiPromise, id: ProposalId | number ): Promise<{ memberId: MemberId; vote: string }[]> => { let votes: { memberId: MemberId; vote: string }[] = []; const entries = await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.entries(id); entries.forEach((entry: any) => { const memberId = entry[0].args[1] as MemberId; const vote = entry[1].toString(); votes.push({ memberId, vote }); }); return votes; }; export const getProposalPost = async ( api: ApiPromise, threadId: ThreadId | number, postId: PostId | number ): Promise => (await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId( threadId, postId )) as DiscussionPost; export const getProposalPosts = ( api: ApiPromise ): Promise<[StorageKey, DiscussionPost][]> => api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId.entries(); export const getProposalPostCount = async (api: ApiPromise): Promise => Number((await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount()) as u64); export const getProposalThreadCount = async ( api: ApiPromise ): Promise => Number((await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.threadCount()) as u64); // validators export const getValidatorCount = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => ((await as u32).toNumber(); export const getValidators = async ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash ): Promise => { const snapshot = (await hash )) as Option>; return snapshot.isSome ? snapshot.unwrap() : []; }; export const getPaidMembershipTermsById = ( api: ApiPromise, hash: Hash, id: PaidTermId | number ): Promise =>, id); export { getChannel, getChannelCategory, getCuratorGroup, getPerson, getPlaylist, getSeries, getVideo, getVideoCategory, getNextChannel, getNextChannelCategory, getNextChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId, getNextCuratorGroup, getNextPerson, getNextPlaylist, getNextSeries, getNextVideo, getNextVideoCategory, } from "./content"; export { feePerMegabyte, maxStorageBucketsPerBag, maxDistributionBucketsPerBag, maxStorageBucketObjects, maxStorageBucketSize, uploadingBlocked, getBlacklist, getBlacklistSize, getDynamicBagPolicy, getNextDataObject, getNextStorageBucket, getNextDistributionFamily, getBag, getBags, getObject, getBagObjects, getStorageBucket, getStorageBuckets, getDistributionFamily, getDistributionFamilies, getDistributionFamilyNumber, getDistributionFamilyBucket, getDistributionFamilyBuckets, } from "./storage";