@@ -1,87 +1,228 @@
import WorkingGroupsCommandBase from '../../base/WorkingGroupsCommandBase'
-import { ApiMethodArg, ApiMethodNamedArgs } from '../../Types'
+import { GroupMember } from '../../Types'
import chalk from 'chalk'
-import { flags } from '@oclif/command'
import { apiModuleByGroup } from '../../Api'
-import WorkerOpeningOptions from '../../promptOptions/addWorkerOpening'
-import { setDefaults } from '../../helpers/promptOptions'
+import HRTSchema from '@joystream/types/hiring/schemas/role.schema.json'
+import { GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema as HRTJson } from '@joystream/types/hiring/schemas/role.schema.typings'
+import { JsonSchemaPrompter } from '../../helpers/JsonSchemaPrompt'
+import { JSONSchema } from '@apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser'
+import WGOpeningSchema from '../../json-schemas/WorkingGroupOpening.schema.json'
+import { WorkingGroupOpening as WGOpeningJson } from '../../json-schemas/typings/WorkingGroupOpening.schema'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import { IOFlags, getInputJson, ensureOutputFileIsWriteable, saveOutputJsonToFile } from '../../helpers/InputOutput'
+import Ajv from 'ajv'
+import ExitCodes from '../../ExitCodes'
+import { flags } from '@oclif/command'
+import { createType } from '@joystream/types'
export default class WorkingGroupsCreateOpening extends WorkingGroupsCommandBase {
static description = 'Create working group opening (requires lead access)'
static flags = {
- useDraft: flags.boolean({
- char: 'd',
- description:
- 'Whether to create the opening from existing draft.\n' +
- 'If provided without --draftName - the list of choices will be displayed.',
- }),
- draftName: flags.string({
- char: 'n',
- description: 'Name of the draft to create the opening from.',
- dependsOn: ['useDraft'],
+ input: IOFlags.input,
+ output: flags.string({
+ char: 'o',
+ required: false,
+ description: 'Path to the file where the output JSON should be saved (this output can be then reused as input)',
- createDraftOnly: flags.boolean({
- char: 'c',
+ edit: flags.boolean({
+ char: 'e',
+ required: false,
- 'If provided - the extrinsic will not be executed. Use this flag if you only want to create a draft.',
+ 'If provided along with --input - launches in edit mode allowing to modify the input before sending the exstinsic',
+ dependsOn: ['input'],
- skipPrompts: flags.boolean({
- char: 's',
- description: 'Whether to skip all prompts when adding from draft (will use all default values)',
- dependsOn: ['useDraft'],
- exclusive: ['createDraftOnly'],
+ dryRun: flags.boolean({
+ required: false,
+ description:
+ 'If provided along with --output - skips sending the actual extrinsic' +
+ '(can be used to generate a "draft" which can be provided as input later)',
+ dependsOn: ['output'],
+ getHRTDefaults(memberHandle: string): HRTJson {
+ const groupName = _.startCase(this.group)
+ return {
+ version: 1,
+ headline: `Looking for ${groupName}!`,
+ job: {
+ title: groupName,
+ description: `Become part of the ${groupName} Group! This is a great opportunity to support Joystream!`,
+ },
+ application: {
+ sections: [
+ {
+ title: 'About you',
+ questions: [
+ {
+ title: 'Your name',
+ type: 'text',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'What makes you a good fit for the job?',
+ type: 'text area',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ reward: '10k JOY per 3600 blocks',
+ creator: {
+ membership: {
+ handle: memberHandle,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ createTxParams(wgOpeningJson: WGOpeningJson, hrtJson: HRTJson) {
+ return [
+ wgOpeningJson.activateAt,
+ createType('WorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment', {
+ max_review_period_length: wgOpeningJson.maxReviewPeriodLength,
+ application_rationing_policy: wgOpeningJson.maxActiveApplicants
+ ? { max_active_applicants: wgOpeningJson.maxActiveApplicants }
+ : null,
+ application_staking_policy: wgOpeningJson.applicationStake
+ ? {
+ amount: wgOpeningJson.applicationStake.value,
+ amount_mode: wgOpeningJson.applicationStake.mode,
+ }
+ : null,
+ role_staking_policy: wgOpeningJson.roleStake
+ ? {
+ amount: wgOpeningJson.roleStake.value,
+ amount_mode: wgOpeningJson.roleStake.mode,
+ }
+ : null,
+ terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: wgOpeningJson.terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod,
+ exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: wgOpeningJson.leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod,
+ }),
+ JSON.stringify(hrtJson),
+ createType('OpeningType', 'Worker'),
+ ]
+ }
+ async promptForData(
+ lead: GroupMember,
+ rememberedInput?: [WGOpeningJson, HRTJson]
+ ): Promise<[WGOpeningJson, HRTJson]> {
+ const openingDefaults = rememberedInput?.[0]
+ const openingPrompt = new JsonSchemaPrompter<WGOpeningJson>(
+ (WGOpeningSchema as unknown) as JSONSchema,
+ openingDefaults
+ )
+ const wgOpeningJson = await openingPrompt.promptAll()
+ const hrtDefaults = rememberedInput?.[1] || this.getHRTDefaults(lead.profile.handle.toString())
+ this.log(`Values for ${chalk.greenBright('human_readable_text')} json:`)
+ const hrtPropmpt = new JsonSchemaPrompter<HRTJson>((HRTSchema as unknown) as JSONSchema, hrtDefaults)
+ // Prompt only for 'headline', 'job', 'application', 'reward' and 'process', leave the rest default
+ const headline = await hrtPropmpt.promptSingleProp('headline')
+ this.log('General information about the job:')
+ const job = await hrtPropmpt.promptSingleProp('job')
+ this.log('Application form sections and questions:')
+ const application = await hrtPropmpt.promptSingleProp('application')
+ this.log('Reward displayed in the opening box:')
+ const reward = await hrtPropmpt.promptSingleProp('reward')
+ this.log('Hiring process details (additional information)')
+ const process = await hrtPropmpt.promptSingleProp('process')
+ const hrtJson = { ...hrtDefaults, job, headline, application, reward, process }
+ return [wgOpeningJson, hrtJson]
+ }
+ async getInputFromFile(filePath: string): Promise<[WGOpeningJson, HRTJson]> {
+ const ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true })
+ const inputParams = await getInputJson<[WGOpeningJson, HRTJson]>(filePath)
+ if (!Array.isArray(inputParams) || inputParams.length !== 2) {
+ this.error('Invalid input file', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput })
+ }
+ const [openingJson, hrtJson] = inputParams
+ if (!ajv.validate(WGOpeningSchema, openingJson)) {
+ this.error(`Invalid input file:\n${ajv.errorsText(undefined, { dataVar: 'openingJson', separator: '\n' })}`, {
+ exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput,
+ })
+ }
+ if (!ajv.validate(HRTSchema, hrtJson)) {
+ this.error(`Invalid input file:\n${ajv.errorsText(undefined, { dataVar: 'hrtJson', separator: '\n' })}`, {
+ exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput,
+ })
+ }
+ return [openingJson, hrtJson]
+ }
async run() {
const account = await this.getRequiredSelectedAccount()
// lead-only gate
- await this.getRequiredLead()
+ const lead = await this.getRequiredLead()
+ await this.requestAccountDecoding(account) // Prompt for password
- const { flags } = this.parse(WorkingGroupsCreateOpening)
+ const {
+ flags: { input, output, edit, dryRun },
+ } = this.parse(WorkingGroupsCreateOpening)
- const promptOptions = new WorkerOpeningOptions()
- let defaultValues: ApiMethodNamedArgs | undefined
- if (flags.useDraft) {
- const draftName = flags.draftName || (await this.promptForOpeningDraft())
- defaultValues = await this.loadOpeningDraftParams(draftName)
- setDefaults(promptOptions, defaultValues)
- }
+ ensureOutputFileIsWriteable(output)
- if (!flags.skipPrompts) {
- const module = apiModuleByGroup[this.group]
- const method = 'addOpening'
+ let tryAgain = false
+ let rememberedInput: [WGOpeningJson, HRTJson] | undefined
+ do {
+ if (edit) {
+ rememberedInput = await this.getInputFromFile(input as string)
+ }
+ // Either prompt for the data or get it from input file
+ const [openingJson, hrtJson] =
+ !input || edit || tryAgain
+ ? await this.promptForData(lead, rememberedInput)
+ : await this.getInputFromFile(input)
- let saveDraft = false
- let params: ApiMethodArg[]
- if (flags.createDraftOnly) {
- params = await this.promptForExtrinsicParams(module, method, promptOptions)
- saveDraft = true
- } else {
- await this.requestAccountDecoding(account) // Prompt for password
- params = await this.buildAndSendExtrinsic(account, module, method, promptOptions, true)
+ // Remember the provided/fetched data in a variable
+ rememberedInput = [openingJson, hrtJson]
- saveDraft = await this.simplePrompt({
- message: 'Do you wish to save this opening as draft?',
- type: 'confirm',
- })
+ // Generate and ask to confirm tx params
+ const txParams = this.createTxParams(openingJson, hrtJson)
+ this.jsonPrettyPrint(JSON.stringify(txParams))
+ const confirmed = await this.simplePrompt({
+ type: 'confirm',
+ message: 'Do you confirm these extrinsic parameters?',
+ })
+ if (!confirmed) {
+ tryAgain = await this.simplePrompt({ type: 'confirm', message: 'Try again with remembered input?' })
+ continue
- if (saveDraft) {
- const draftName = await this.promptForNewOpeningDraftName()
- this.saveOpeningDraft(draftName, params)
+ // Save output to file
+ if (output) {
+ try {
+ saveOutputJsonToFile(output, rememberedInput)
+ this.log(chalk.green(`Output succesfully saved in: ${chalk.white(output)}!`))
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.warn(`Could not save output to ${output}!`)
+ }
+ }
- this.log(chalk.green(`Opening draft ${chalk.white(draftName)} succesfully saved!`))
+ if (dryRun) {
+ this.exit(ExitCodes.OK)
- } else {
- await this.requestAccountDecoding(account) // Prompt for password
+ // Send the tx
this.log(chalk.white('Sending the extrinsic...'))
- await this.sendExtrinsic(
+ const txSuccess = await this.sendAndFollowTx(
- this.getOriginalApi().tx[apiModuleByGroup[this.group]].addOpening(...defaultValues!.map((v) => v.value))
+ this.getOriginalApi().tx[apiModuleByGroup[this.group]].addOpening(...txParams),
+ true // warnOnly
- this.log(chalk.green('Opening succesfully created!'))
- }
+ // Display a success message on success or ask to try again on error
+ if (txSuccess) {
+ this.log(chalk.green('Opening succesfully created!'))
+ tryAgain = false
+ } else {
+ tryAgain = await this.simplePrompt({ type: 'confirm', message: 'Try again with remembered input?' })
+ }
+ } while (tryAgain)