@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+//! Council Elections Manager
+//! # Election Parameters:
+//! We don't currently handle zero periods, zero council term, zero council size and candidacy
+//! limit in any special way. The behaviour in such cases:
+//! - Setting any period to 0 will mean the election getting stuck in that stage, until force changing
+//! the state.
+//! - Council Size of 0 - no limit to size of council, all applicants that move beyond
+//! announcing stage would become council members, so effectively the candidacy limit will
+//! be the size of the council, voting and revealing have no impact on final results.
+//! - If candidacy limit is zero and council size > 0, council_size number of applicants will reach the voting stage.
+//! and become council members, voting will have no impact on final results.
+//! - If both candidacy limit and council size are zero then all applicant become council members
+//! since no filtering occurs at end of announcing stage.
+//! We only guard against these edge cases in the [`set_election_parameters`] call.
+//! [`set_election_parameters`]: struct.Module.html#method.set_election_parameters
use rstd::prelude::*;
use srml_support::traits::{Currency, ReservableCurrency};
use srml_support::{decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch::Result, ensure};
@@ -113,19 +136,6 @@ decl_storage! {
// Should we replace all the individual values with a single ElectionParameters type?
// Having them individually makes it more flexible to add and remove new parameters in future
// without dealing with migration issues.
- // We don't currently handle zero periods, zero council term, zero council size and candidacy
- // limit in any special way. The behaviour in such cases:
- // Setting any period to 0 will mean the election getting stuck in that stage, until force changing
- // the state.
- // Council Size of 0 - no limit to size of council, all applicants that move beyond
- // announcing stage would become council members, so effectively the candidacy limit will
- // be the size of the council, voting and revealing have no impact on final results.
- // If candidacy limit is zero and council size > 0, council_size number of applicants will reach the voting stage.
- // and become council members, voting will have no impact on final results.
- // If both candidacy limit and council size are zero then all applicant become council members
- // since no filtering occurs at end of announcing stage.
- // We only guard against these edge cases in the set_election_parameters() call.
AnnouncingPeriod get(announcing_period): T::BlockNumber;
VotingPeriod get(voting_period): T::BlockNumber;
RevealingPeriod get(revealing_period): T::BlockNumber;
@@ -839,7 +849,12 @@ decl_module! {
- fn set_election_parameters(origin, params: ElectionParameters<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>) {
+ /// Sets new election parameters. Some combination of parameters that are not desirable, so
+ /// the parameters are checked for validity.
+ /// The call will fail if an election is in progress. If a council is not being elected for some
+ /// reaon after multiple rounds, force_stop_election() can be called to stop elections and followed by
+ /// set_election_parameters().
+ pub fn set_election_parameters(origin, params: ElectionParameters<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>) {
ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), MSG_CANNOT_CHANGE_PARAMS_DURING_ELECTION);