@@ -338,16 +338,22 @@ export default abstract class UploadCommandBase extends ContentDirectoryCommandB
async prepareAssetsForExtrinsic(resolvedAssets: ResolvedAsset[]): Promise<StorageAssets | undefined> {
const feePerMB = await this.getOriginalApi().query.storage.dataObjectPerMegabyteFee()
+ const { dataObjectDeletionPrize } = this.getOriginalApi().consts.storage
if (resolvedAssets.length) {
const totalBytes = resolvedAssets
.reduce((a, b) => {
return a.add(b.parameters.getField('size'))
}, new BN(0))
- const totalFee = feePerMB.muln(Math.ceil(totalBytes / 1024 / 1024))
+ const totalStorageFee = feePerMB.muln(Math.ceil(totalBytes / 1024 / 1024))
+ const totalDeletionPrize = dataObjectDeletionPrize.muln(resolvedAssets.length)
await this.requireConfirmation(
- `Total fee of ${chalk.cyan(formatBalance(totalFee))} ` +
- `will have to be paid in order to store the provided assets. Are you sure you want to continue?`
+ `Some additional costs will be associated with this operation:\n` +
+ `Total data storage fee: ${chalk.cyan(formatBalance(totalStorageFee))}\n` +
+ `Total deletion prize: ${chalk.cyan(
+ formatBalance(totalDeletionPrize)
+ )} (recoverable on data object(s) removal)\n` +
+ `Are you sure you want to continue?`
return createTypeFromConstructor(StorageAssets, {
expected_data_size_fee: feePerMB,